You described what I fear for my daughter. She is far from mature enough to understand how all of this effects her future.

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Monastery won't want you either, sweetie.

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That's a bit cruel. These young women embrace these extreme medicalized lifestyles because they feel worthless and subhuman. They think the only way they could ever be seen as human is to 'become' male, since it was hammered into them that they were failed women, too butch, too ugly, etc. They need compassion, not mockery regarding their loneliness. You can't laugh them back into accepting themselves.

Also, can you provide evidence that every cloistered religious order would reject her? My sense was that she was, in a jocular manner to deflect sadness, using Monastery as a metonym for all cloistered spiritual communities.

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I don't think anyone should be on tge internet if they "need compassion" from all the strangers in the world. Mocking them may more likely have a positive effect on the young, they might go, oh yeah, that is dumb. Coddling is what got us here

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Everyone needs compassion. You're misinterpreting what I said. Please point out where I said all the strangers in the world most must be solicitous toward this particular woman.

Coddling actually is NOT what got us here haven't you seen the videos Ex has posted of the young women who have gone through spiritual and sexual abuse growing up religious cults and choose to embrace trans so they can wear pants and work out and give testimony. Ex has literally analyzed the videos of a young FTM with that exact story. Who coddled her, the abusive father who disowned her for being a butch woman? Provide evidence to support your claim.

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Cruel, but likely true. This was the fate of the first medical trans man - transitioned out of intimate relationships and ended up at a Buddhist monastery where her self-mutilation was questioned and criticized.

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We’ve gotten to the point where we have to be so honest that it hurts peoples feelings. One of the main reasons people lie is to avoid hurting feelings or being harsh. That’s what got us into this mess. We have to be harsh and tell the truth or these people won’t get the help they need.

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This is so sad. This poor girl. Ive also transitioned out of dating. Any men my age still single got mad problems. All the good ones (and the not so good ones) are already taken. At least I have decades of regretful dating choices behind me. I know exactly what I'm missing, and I'm not missing it.

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LOL!! I really get what you're saying, since it applies to me too. I also have the post-menopausal lack of hormones keeping me sane and happy these days (at least saner than I was when they were coursing through my veins and making me act nuts!) But this young woman's situation is so sad, as you say. Wouldn't wish that on anyone. Somehow though I think she could be chatting up the wrong people. Altered by T or not, she could have a lot to offer another person -- but start as friends, and work up to something more, if it's meant to be. If not, at least you may make a good friend out of the deal. I had sufficient dates and lovers (male, in my case) in my youth and learned it's not all it's cracked up to be, though I'm glad (for the most part) that I had the opportunity to find that out. IDK, we're living wrong, or that's been my conclusion after half my lifetime thinking about it. Wouldn't want to be young these days.

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May I ask, when you were dating were you doing so with an eye to marriage, and letting the men know that was your goal?

I was very goal driven in my dating. That weeded out a lot of men quickly.

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Hi! Not sure who you're asking, me or Theceiling... Also not sure I want to answer too specifically, though thanks for asking anyway. JSYK, I'm not necessarily against marriage, but as you hinted, it needs to be with the best person possible, and unfortunately that isn't often possible (or it wasn't for me at least). I also would like marriage to occur in the best society possible for women and children -- do you know of one?

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This is a late response.. I think I was asking The ceiling if when she dated she did so with an eye to marriage.

I wouldn't even talk to a guy (socially) who was wearing a wedding ring when I was looking to get married.

Letting my dates know early on that I wanted marriage in the future weeded out nonserious guys quickly. Not having sex for several months as we got to know each other also weeded guys out.

I was curious how she'd gone about dating. That's why I asked.

You asked if I know of a good society for women and children.

I do. It's western civilization, hands down, best place for us.

I've lived and worked in many places.

Mexico & central America are men first places. Machismo culture.

The Marianas islands are male first societies, lots of suicides in women and children. And the men get drunk and chase each other around with machetes.

I worked in trauma. The injuries were wild.

When we trained on the medical software 50% of the patient examples were attempted suicide!!!

I had the opportunity to work in Dubai, but Hell no. Women who report a rape are arrested for adultery and thrown in jail.

It happened to a European hotel employee when I was considering Dubai. It took her embassy and her family MONTHS to get her out of jail and back home.

Western countries are the best and safest place for women and children.

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it's like they aren't aware of natural biological evolution or something. we're not evolving into trans ., that's a "man made" hurdle being thrown out at Dating Pool.

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Is she bisexual? If she’s genuinely attracted to men, doesn’t it follow that she would be able to have a normal heterosexual relationship if she dropped her religious ideology? Same thing if she’s a lesbian. Her refusal to drop her fantasy persona is the problem even though by her own account, 100% of the people she encounters aren’t buying her Dollar Store cosplay costume.

While needlessly medicalizing one’s body does tend to have the effect of diminishing one’s dating pool, it seems like her video is more about leaning into her persecution complex than failing to find someone who is attracted to her. I find it hard to believe that ALL the other trans-identified women are “into pup play”, or that she was equally up for pursuing heterosexual women, gay men, pan/bi men, and couldn’t find a single person who’d have her despite casting such a wide net.

My suspicion is that she either had her sexuality stunted by puberty blockers and has no actual desire to be in a sexual relationship (like Jazz), or more likely she has unresolved trauma and turned to gender ideology as a maladaptive way to avoid intimacy while blaming the problem on an external locus of control, ie can’t find a date even in her own cult because she’s so special that even the trans are transphobic towards her. She has Daffyd “I’m the only gay in the village!” Little Britain vibes.

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best possible response.

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These videos are spot on.

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ABFAB !! i clicked & realized i had already "liked" ha!

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ur saying she's already put a wall up for dating ?? sorry but i'm a stoned senior.

the skit is humorous. but exaggerated of course.

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I believe the young woman in the video is disingenuous, that her motivation is not to bemoan her inability to find a partner, but rather that she is at a stage of (im)maturity where she’s still preoccupied with seeking attention and validation for her belief that no one can understand her, she’s special and uniquely afflicted with unsolvable problems.

She actually reminds me of another video Ex did about Cal Dobbs, when CD arranged to meet up with a lesbian she’d found online, and CD drove like 10+ hours to basically show up for a date just to have the smug pleasure of publicly rejecting the lesbian for being a TERF bigot, then driving 10+ hours home so she could make a TikTok video bragging about the incident. Was CD genuinely crushed because she had really hoped to make a love connection? No. She was not acting in good faith, she was being disingenuous and manipulative so she could have the satisfaction of persecuting a heretic for not accepting her narcissistic worship of her gender idiety. It was an elaborate con that she orchestrated because she wanted to make a video about it for clout.

That’s the impression I get from this other young woman, Parker, whose emotional affect doesn’t match the disappointment and loneliness she is telegraphing. This is all for clicks.

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Buck Angel replied


And then Parker replied


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Once again, Buck sounds pretty clear-headed to me and this little narcissist, in reply, tries to play the "you're dumb because you're old card."

Nope. Straight off the cliff. I don't give a shit what happens to HER. SHE is unlikely to find anyone that wants to date HER because SHE has such a relentlessly self-satisfied, smug attitude toward the world. Good luck with that.

And as far as the women saying they can't find anyone to date them goes - well, they need to listen to Buck too. Finding your partner in life has shit all to do with anything you decide. If you're lucky, you meet someone, you discover you want to see their face as soon as you open your eyes every day and miracle of miracles they feel the same way. It happened to me well into middle age. I didn't seek it out. Seeking it out is a recipe for failure. I was busy being me and one day, there he was. Period.

I do not understand this bullshit about "asking people out" as though it's 1953 and we all need to be paired up to go to the prom. Just live your life. If you're lovable, eventually someone will love you. Look around you at the people who are happily married, do you really think you are any less lovable than they are? Well, you're not. Get over yourself and live your life.

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I've always felt that way about dating, too! At age 30, I met my best friend at work, we fell in love (and lust), got married, and are still together after 28 years!

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If Buck was "clear-headed" she would know that she cannot "live as" a male. She isn't male.

Her only argument should be that no female should be given testosterone due to mental illness, which is what happened to her. Her life should be nothing but a cautionary tale, not an example of a "real" tranny who is "transexual" not "transgender" like those other crazies!

If she isn't warning everyone to NOT do what she did, then she is wasting her life and her time.

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That's a good point but I will take my allies where I can find them.

If I were to cut off everyone who did something destructive and dangerous to the causes important to me, like Kelly Jay Keen accepting funded invitations from the Heritage Foundation, for starters, I would be trying to win this battle alone.

It is fair to say not one of you has met my standards and very few of you seem to have any real understanding about what's at stake for women in America.

So yeah, I'm letting Buck Angel past my purity standards gate. You can do whatever you want but having a woman who lives like Buck Angel and having Genspect on board makes it more likely that my side will win this battle in the United States and ultimately, that's my goal.

When you live up to your standards of moral purity AND you can prove to me that you're still effective in initiating change in American law, I will take your opinion seriously. Until then, I'm dismissing your comment at petty and unrealistic.

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*AS* petty and unrealistic. (which it certainly is, in my opinion.) I am not letting the perfect be the enemy of the attainable.

You do whatever you want. You'e no friend to me.

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Okay, failure is what you will attain. Imagine saying this about schizophrenia or anorexia.

Buck Angel is a mentally ill woman who is nothing but a cautionary tale.

Until you see that, you will achieve nothing but more males in women's prisons and more men beating women in Olympics boxing.

Once you open the door to this mental illness, nothing can stop it. There is no "true trans" because "trans" does not exist.

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I feel this way about anyone who wants to make exceptions for male "women" who look like women for reasons of sex developmental disorders. As soon as you say some males can be women, you've opened the door to men in women's spaces. There is NO WAY a female person has a right to female-only single-sex spaces and opportunities, AND, a male person has a right to be with females on the basis of resembling females or feeling like he'd prefer to be a true female.

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Unfortunately, they will fail. Buck Angel will fail and Genspect will fail.

I understand what's at stake here, and I know that the only thing that will work is a total and complete rejection of this entire fraud. A mentally ill woman on testosterone is not that. She takes the "there's a tiny percentage of REAL troons, and you need to wait until 18!" approach--that is an automatic failure.

Genspect will fail, and anybody "allied" with them will fail. I've literally asked them to simply define "gender," here on substack. They couldn't. How are they doing so far?

So, if you think you will effect change with this approach, you're not going to succeed. Nothing else but a total rejection will work, and until everyone sees that, platforming mentally ill women like Buck Angel as the "real transexuals" will lead to nothing.

Imagine trying to stop lobotomies by saying only a tiny percentage of people really need lobotomies, and we should support that. Imagine trying to treat eating disorders by saying a tiny percentage of real anorexics should be given liposuction and diet pills, because they're really delusional.

It's laughable.

So, I think you'll come around to see what I'm saying is true. You just need time. There are no "good ones." There is no such thing as "trans." Buck Angel is a mentally ill woman. You would never try to help people with eating disorders by platforming someone who weighed 70 pounds and was still starving herself, but don't worry, she KNOWS she's not fat, unlike the other anorexics.

There are no allies here. This isn't about moral purity. This is delusional and mental illness. Until you accept that, you will get nowhere.

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Get off me. You make no sense and your energy is trumpian.

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It's pretty obvious you have zero experience with lobbying or making legislative change so go back to overstuffing your Yorkshire terriers or whatever it is you do to make yourself feel better about the fact that you're absolutely ineffectual in every meaningful way.

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LOL you have no clue what I do. How on earth can you even claim to know what I've done or what I'm doing?

The only thing that will work is a total rejection of this lie.

Good luck.

Yeah, bringing up Trump is going work here. High IQ takes. You're not going to accomplish anything anywhere.

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Genspect isn't doing itself any favors by dallying with dodgy American "heterodox" figures such as the Orbán apologist Peter Boghossian and Twitter terror James Lindsay, who sees commies and "groomers" under every bed. In the US, nobody credible views Lindsay as an authority on gender identity ideology. What is going on in Genspect that they keep going back to the same poisoned well?

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It is unconscionable and unethical to allow a child to make the kind of decision that drops them off a reproductive and romantic cliff. I agree.

That said, I have zero compassion for any of it. Let them pair up and whine each other to sleep every night. Sometimes consequences are the best teachers.

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She's a great actor in how she escalates her desperation. The ending about the monastery: I see communes of women like this, living together with sister religious adherents. Eventually, they will find each other, and heal the damage they have done to themselves the best they can.

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This should be shown to all teens and adolescent kids so that they know, they dont pass and no one wants to date them except other delusional people who maybe won't be good for them. Harsh but true

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Ex good grief you can’t catch a break😟 I hope you get better real soon♥️XOXO 🤗🤗

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Occupational hazard! I work with kids. I also think I'm still having lingering immune deficit from having covid in September.

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Yikes! Get well soon❣️

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Oh no there’s consequences to my actions yet I still blame the world and not myself! Until these people take self accountability and responsibility for their behaviour and stop blaming the world for their perceived problems, then they’ll never find genuine happiness.

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Yes, it’s horrible. And transitioning youth are, on average, less capable of giving true informed consent than typical youth of the same age, whether under or over the age of 18. They will need lots of therapy to undo the harm the affirming therapists have done to them.

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Wish you better Exulansic ... yes this 'trans' biz - great big con cult of 'queer' ... sad/ tragic. Hope she can find her way back as much as pos and be honest with herself ... takes a long time to grow up for many of us and these trans ghouls n grifters n many other cults ready to take advantage ....

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Or she could just be a girl.

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I know of two guys into transexuals but they never get serious with them, year after year goes by and they are still single, they are probably even more delusional than the people they are sexually involved with, they always have an excuse for why they end it quickly they claim to like biological women but again very performative, those relationships don't last either. These two guys are in their 50s and completely immature and the transexuals they get involved with continually get used by men like these two. Middle aged creeps up on you fast, while the rest of us are involved in marriages or long term relationships they are not, no kids or anything, they also don't have much in the way of career or profession either. A lot of things start to arrive in your life at this time and everyone I am observing in these situations realize they are getting used for a fetish/fantasy and will probably end up alone with nothing but medical problems. The transexuals think one day they will find someone who won't hide them but it often never happens, you rarely see guys who are involved with proudly announce it to the people in their life. No one is telling these people that their lives will be very lonely on so many levels when they age. We really don't have much in common with these two guys so we don't hang out with them anymore and they creep us out. Looks like this woman is fighting this reality but it will still show up in her life even if she tries to ignore it.

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The two guys you are talking about are males who are having sex with other males--that's homosexuality. If the men they're having sex with are wearing wigs and makeup, they're still men. There's no such thing as "transexuals." Sex is binary and immutable.

You're talking about two gay guys who sound like general trash. They should be alone.

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Yeah both of these two are in mega denial about their gay/bi sexuality, my gay friends can't stand them either, the thing that started to creep me out was how many of the transsexuals they were involved with ended up killing themselves and yet they still kept exploiting them and it didn't bother them at all, they kept right at it. One of the two was an adult content creator and that was how he got around it by calling it "work" then hiring a biological woman to pretend to be his girlfriend for public appearances. The other is a self proclaimed Republican and would stop "dating" someone because their politics were left, which is pretty normal for most transsexuals. Total excuse to use them for hooking up and then dumping them. There is very little information out there about men like this who are just one corner of the closet and what is out there is very sympathetic to them "not being gay" even though they are having sex with other men, and despite them using wives/girlfriends and families and exploiting mentally ill men in the closet as well. I wish we would stop blaming society for men like this they are very destructive, we are more tolerant that we ever have been with sexual minorities.

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There does seem to be a correlation between being a tranny chaser and having internalised homophobia. My friend was telling me about her male friend who is engaged to a woman but has attraction to men..yet the only men he gets aroused by are trannies and he uses hook-up sites to find them.

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I hope that woman he is involved with is going into this situation with her eyes open and gets checked regularly. Internalized homophobia is a very profitable thing and probably why no one will address it, porn and hook-up sites have too much to lose.

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They're fetishists who don't see themselves as gay because they don't want relationships with men. But yes, of course the sex they're having is homosexual. There's obviously something going on with internalised homophobia but also, I suspect, porn addiction.

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Gina you sadly lack compassion.

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It doesn't matter what I lack or don't lack, just stating an observation, one that more than a few have noticed as well, looks like my noticing prompted your response.

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It’s an observation by someone who lacks compassion. That’s your filter. Outcasting people because they weren’t blessed to find their soulmate is despicable.

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I don't have the power to outcast anyone but I have noticed that these individuals outcast themselves pretty well all on their own. No one is blessed to do anything and there is no such thing as a soul mate. People find a mate the get along sometimes they don't. If you think my noticing this is without compassion, okay but plenty of compassionless folks out there on this issue besides me, the medical establishment who experiment endlessly on these people while profiting are definitely in there, so are the activists who also do pretty well financially as well as the guys who hide out to use these people like sex toys and then drop them to avoid being real with themselves. And these individuals themselves don't have much compassion for who they are, so full of self loathing they butcher and poison themselves, rarely stopping to realize they are okay the way they are and worthy without changing themselves for people who don't care about them and use them.

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Self-delusion on... steroids.

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