I'm sick yet again (a cold, not COVID. Laryngitis is a symptom so I cannot film new content until it resolves. I was very disappointed to have to skip We the Women campout, and gave a severe case of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) currently. Here is a video I posted to Twitter that went viral, along with some commentary.
This woman took testosterone and realized straight and bisexual women as well as non-fetishist men are not interested. She presumably didn't dial 9 for Lesbian for gender affirmation reasons. When you medically alter your body in this way, it often does have the effect of limiting your dating pool to basically people who are into that or other people who have been friendzoned in advance by the vast majority of people.
This may be just deserts for adults, some may argue, but children always lack experience with adult relationships to know what effect such a restriction would have on them as an adult. It is unconscionable and unethical to allow a minor to enter into this kind of contract. The consequences are unimaginable to them.
Monastery won't want you either, sweetie.
Is she bisexual? If she’s genuinely attracted to men, doesn’t it follow that she would be able to have a normal heterosexual relationship if she dropped her religious ideology? Same thing if she’s a lesbian. Her refusal to drop her fantasy persona is the problem even though by her own account, 100% of the people she encounters aren’t buying her Dollar Store cosplay costume.
While needlessly medicalizing one’s body does tend to have the effect of diminishing one’s dating pool, it seems like her video is more about leaning into her persecution complex than failing to find someone who is attracted to her. I find it hard to believe that ALL the other trans-identified women are “into pup play”, or that she was equally up for pursuing heterosexual women, gay men, pan/bi men, and couldn’t find a single person who’d have her despite casting such a wide net.
My suspicion is that she either had her sexuality stunted by puberty blockers and has no actual desire to be in a sexual relationship (like Jazz), or more likely she has unresolved trauma and turned to gender ideology as a maladaptive way to avoid intimacy while blaming the problem on an external locus of control, ie can’t find a date even in her own cult because she’s so special that even the trans are transphobic towards her. She has Daffyd “I’m the only gay in the village!” Little Britain vibes.