I'm so glad you endorse vaccines. I am 4x vaxxed. I grew up in era when ppl were incredibly grateful that vaccines had eliminated smallpox, chicken pox, influenza, measles, mumps and polio. Few ppl queried the efficacy of the medicine as most had lived through the horrible vicissitudes visited on their communities when these diseases were rampant and uncontrolled. While I'm not naive about the greed of big pharma I've taken a calculated risk that its probably better to vax than not. Neither myself or my 75 yr old husband have had covid. And my hubby is a high school teacher and had massive exposure over the last 3 years. He has been frequently covering for younger teachers taking time off with covid.
I completely disagree. They were never properly tested. Young people are dropping dead from these jabs. The government had to change the definition of vaccine in order for them to get emergency use authorization. Early treatment works. Check out Steve Kirsch and the Vigilant Fox on substack.
Emotions run high and this is a life or death discourse with a lot of moving parts and a lot of propaganda. Please frame disagreement respectfully. Thank you.
Thank you for this. It's always possible I've missed a racket dressed up as science but I know a vaccine didn't hurt me. It didn't exist when I got covid the first time
Didn't hurt me as much as covid did. The vaccines as I said definitely hurt me. I had a severe reaction, though it didn't put me in the hospital like covid did.
You are giving credit to the vaccine when it was probably infection that kept you safer for longer. Potentially even damaged by the vaccine as other country data shows. Even the CDC was saying infection confers immunity but then followed up with the nonsensical advice to get vaccinated because it was still just on the tails of the vaccine failure window.
The CDC admitted that natural immunity works but then still recommends. Other places have found "just as good as" or better. Single example:
And Pfizer was forced to admit to the EU that they had no proof it prevented transmission (one of the moving goal posts that would really count as propaganda), the omicron booster was tested on 8 mice. Nothing about that is science. You are also taking post hoc as proof the vaccine works rather than any natural immunity you may have acquired and also in spite of the fact circulating variants of covid right now are basically mild colds. If you got the first wave or delta that was the one that knocked people on their asses. But by your symptom description you got a FULL case of omicron variant covid, which is a cold (medically a virally caused mild URI). I really respect your intelligence but I also believe you're ignoring some huge red flags here and ignoring that if data says two conflicting things then the data is inadequate at best to evaluate those two things.
Thank you for saying this, as I was delaying my response, not sure how to respond respectfully. It really isn't respectful, scientific or objective to say to intelligent, reasonable people that they "shouldn't listen to anti-vax propaganda" when they themselves are clearly steeped in Big Pharma propaganda. I have an unusually strong immune system, perhaps due at least in part to a properly administered vaccination program in the Seventies and Eighties, but now don't even require so much as a flu shot, let alone unproven technology administered en masse by the manufacturing of consent. Even less do I approve of mandates. This coronavirus in no way resembles the deadly threat smallpox was, and this "vaccination" program isn't scientific, but technological. The application of technology isn't science, and leads to scandals such as the current sexual lobotomies. I don't appreciate the accusation that I'm "anti-vax" or listen to "anti-vax propaganda" as neither statement is remotely true. My father was a compounding pharmacist who grew alarmed with the machinations of this industry back in the Sixties before I was even born, and circulated a newsletter to his fellow professionals (they were actually such back in those days) called "Gabriel's Horn" (double meaning there). Just because people are autodidacts, it doesn't mean that they are some kind of extremists because they refuse medical products or technologies. ☮️❤️🐾
I don’t listen to “propaganda” about vaccines. This mRNA treatment isn’t a vaccine. Americans have not been *allowed* to choose the medical product of their choice. Many, if not most, people have a codependent relationship with their medical technologists, so I’m going to chalk it up to that. I do not approve of coercion or mandates when it comes to medical technology. It would have to be as big of a threat as pneumonic plague for me to risk, and COVID-19 isn’t.
I agree vaccines cause injury and in rare cases death and also point out these people also were in a pandemic and may have had long covid or some other illness. I also agree early treatment is better than delayed treatment. Vaccines are NOT safe, but they ARE safer than covid. You're free to disagree. Thank you for sharing your perspective. The original smallpox vaccine was not safe either.
And the fact where at least Pfizer was forced to admit in the EU they had no proof it did anything it was marketed to do. Just because the US has horrible corporate oversight does not mean everyone does. Plenty of friendly country data at this point showing that the vaccines are at best temporary, possibly detrimental if you've already had covid or are young.
Unfortunately, Pfizer have admitted that they never put the vaccine through the tests that they were supposed to have done.
My health has been compromised by reactions from the vaccine, and I'm lucky to be alive - so I have to say that I disagree with this essay; it's very surprising to find it coming from Sierra.
That's true of many of us. The whole pro-vax/anti-vax framing is a psy-op to keep people stuck in ideological battle formation, which shuts down debate about these specific medications.
Yes. I want to have a dialog and i know that I know more about the specific harms both viruses and vaccines can cause than many but I'm not assuming I know more than vaccine injured patients who feel I'm missing another gender racket. There needs to be dialog between pro and anti vax to save lives and health.
A ton of us AREN'T anti-vax, that's what we're saying. We're not broadly anti-vaccination AT ALL. You're still phrasing it as if being against one thing is against all of the thing. If I hate chihuahuas but love huskies then I'm not anti-dog I'm anti-chihuahua.
I'm so sorry a vaccine injured you. The second jab gave me a life threatening medical event as well and I'm lucky to have survived it and needed to take a lot of time off work.
I really thought this was satire at first. If it's not, and that could just be me misunderstanding things, it's the most sickening thing I've read on this platform. Big Pharma profits from the gender industry and the injection one. Both are doing a sterling job of depopulation. Whether through child sterilisation or plain old killing. It just shows how differently people see the world and what's going on. I see another Holocaust unfolding right before our eyes. Others see a real gravy train and a chance to get rid of pesky "useless feeders." Hey ho. It takes all sorts.
I watched my dad be permanently neurologically disabled by a virus that had no vaccine and people in my lineage were decimated by an illness that existed recently enough for my mom to need a vaccine that i didn't need because the disease is now gone. That's my context and I respect my audience. Maybe I've missed something big.
The difference between these treatments and traditional vaccines is that these things were rushed to market in a matter of weeks. Compared to years of pre-clinical trials for the classic vaccines, on top of multiple decades of clinical use data. And then you look at the safety record for these things in the 18 months we've had them, and frankly it looks more horrible by the day.
Of course COVID is real, but the fact of the matter is that most relatively healthy, relatively young people recover well from it. I know one person who was killed by COVID, who was already extremely sick and frail; meanwhile, I know one person who suffered a stroke within an hour of her first jab, then an even bigger stroke after her booster which finished her off - and four friends, all under 30, previously healthy, who have been complaining of heart problems since their jabs. One has actually been diagnosed with a chronic heart condition. He is a new father. Another has been laid off work indefinitely, she is 20 years old.
One needs to look at it critically - admittedly, hard to do with the dogma thick on all sides - and weigh up the likely benefits relative to risk. Looking at the statistical data on myocarditis in young males, it's clear that the risk from the jabs is higher than the disease it's purported to treat.
I'm surprised you have such a clear comprehension of the predatory nature of pharmaceutical companies in the case of the trans thing, yet seem to believe that a leopard has changed its spots in selflessly bestowing the gift of the COVID jabs upon us - which we must gratefully receive, on pain of banishment.
And I'm disappointed to hear you pushing the tired old narrative of blaming the unvaccinated, in implying they are endangering the population by incubating mutant strains. Besides it being a non-sequitur if the jabs are effective in protecting those who get them. I hoped you would stand for medical freedom.
I'm upset that it's unclear if the Covid vaccines offered substantial protection against the transmission of the alpha and especially the delta variant. (Before Omicron came along.) As I'm chronically ill my son who was 15 at the time got vaccinated to further protect my husband and myself. (We of course also got vaccinated.) We're both in our fifties. My son has had zero issues after getting vaccinated. But if someone had told me that the jab doesn't protect against transmission I would have probably decided otherwise. I do feel we weren't told the truth.
Moving goal posts, it was temporary protection at best and they don't prevent transmission. Data showed vaccinated and not had similar viral loads so both similarly capable of transmission. That was really early on in the vaccine roll out too, I believe over a year ago at this point.
It seems so strange to me that the young were asked/expected to take an experimental Injections to protect the old.
Do you know there is a global group of unvxxd parents and children who are aware of the genetic damage and fertility damage that has been done? "Purebloods" - they are already talking about arranged marriages-and their children agree-because their fertility is intact. And they believe their intuition is sharper because they knew to avoid this.
I am concerned for your son's options for the future because you asked him to protect you.
Children were at no risk of illness.
I am concerned with how you are going to cope with this, also.
Have you had his heart tested? Do you know if he has myocarditis already?
If I'm understanding you correctly, your stance is this:
"Vaccines aren't safe; some people will be killed, disabled, made infertile, have miscarriages and lose their sexual function and that is an acceptable risk for an experimental injection for which no long term studies have been done. It is okay/necessary to expect a healthy child to risk death, disability and future infertility and sexual dysfunction by taking an experimental Injection, even though early treatments that do not carry these risks exist and are available."
The "excess deaths", miscarriages and infertility are extremely high in countries where the mRNA injections were coerced and taken willingly. More links to follow, below.
The alarming drop in birthrate among mRNA injected women would be more widely known if not for censorship of the topic.
A Canadian doctor spoke publicly about the high rate of miscarriage and stillbirth among mRNA injected women at the hospital he worked in. This doctor was taken from his home, committed to a psychiatric hospital and forcefully medicated after his press conference. This is terrifying and speaks to the power of the High Priests of Scientism- "There shall be no factual reporting, questions, and no dissent in Scientism"
TRUST THE SCIENCE is the 1st Commandment.
This doctor was punished to keep other doctors from improperly reciting the Scientism catechism. There shall be no blasphemy.
Thou wilt TRUST THE SCIENCE, or else.
I will try to find current info on this doctor's status and post my findings below.
This doctor is still on the run from The State High Priests of Scientism.
He spoke publicly on there being 13 stillbirth in one 24 hour period at one Vancouver hospital.
I was watching one of your videos on YouTube when they pulled the plug on your voice and canceled your account. How long will it be before you are forcefully committed to a psychiatric institution for questioning THE SCIENCE of turning boys into girls, and turning girls into boys?
The Church of Trans and the mRNA Church of Scientism have the same Sorcerers (Pharmakeia), the same Pope, and the same Inquisition.
A doctor taken from his home, committed to a psychiatric hospital and medicated against his will because he stated a medical truth is also what happens with covid?
I don't think you are ready or able to consider any information that conflicts with your belief that the experimental mRNA injections are good, and life-saving, and carry risks preferable to getting an illness with a 99% survival rate.
I think if I posted links to nurses who know about the Midazolam murders of the elderly in care homes to skew the c19 death data upwards 2020, you would call those covid deaths, also.
I think you are going to view all the deaths, disabilities, infertility and stillbirths as events that are happening due to covid, and not the medical experiment millions have been coerced into taking upon threat of unemployment and poverty.
This is the divide.
I believe that there are many people who truly cannot see what's happening. 😪😭💔 We are in the midst of a global genocide. The church of trans is only one tentacle of the monster.
And how they must laugh at us... They didn't need to use gas chambers this time. They've convinced people that it was glorious and virtuous to do deadly things to themselves (the others they threatened and locked up) and to post selfies as they're doing it.
This article is living proof that even the brightest and discerning minds and most compassionate of souls can be taken in by government and pharmaceutical corporation propaganda. I hope and pray for you that you continue not to experience adverse effects.
Sadly, we cannot so easily sweep away the over 1 million injured vaccine recipients, the over 30,000 deaths and the 40% increase in working age adults who have died of all cause mortality above the rate prior to the vaccine rollout. https://openvaers.com/covid-data
We're now hearing, directly from government health officials, that the vaccine does not prevent either infection or transmission. The vaccine research was deeply flawed. The scientists and lab companies were, and are, extremely compromised with conflicts of interests.
Is it possible that you need to review your sources of information? Some of the top scientists in the fields of virology, immunology, biology, cardiology, oncology have been speaking out and have been brutally censored. So, you won't see them on mainstream media. There is MUCH more to this covid story than the public has been allowed to hear.
And, yes, as noted by another commenter here, there is a connection between the transgender ideology and the vaccine campaign. Pharmaceutical companies are driven not only by profit but by control of the population. One way or the other we will all lose our health, bodily autonomy and our freedom.
My own doctor advised me against taking these vaccines.
Please do take care Exulansic. Your voice is far too important to be lost in this space. You are much loved.
That last line hits home for me. My mom knows two people that had vaccine related strokes and at their age that could put the life expectancy in the toilet. Her doctor, a rheumatologist, is no longer recommending them for patients because of the known harms. I'm incredibly worried that my friends and family have done this to themselves and their children with no possible understanding of future consequences out of compassion because we just don't know.
1st Jab - (AZ): Pneumonia. On steroids for 6 weeks, nothing would clear it. Got very bad.
2nd Jab (also AZ): woke up in severe pain, profuse bleeding in my eyes. I have been unable to go to the gym since (attended 4 times a week for a decade).
I can't say for sure that these incidents were "life threatening", but they sure felt like it at the time.
I think we've all been used as Guinea pigs, not for the greater good - but for the same of massive financial profit. My life feels over, compared to what I had before.
Holy shit. yea, i made a video that the first jab made me feel like my pulse hurt. I have never felt anything like that but I know covid is a vascular disease so it made sense to me why the vaccine could inflame my arteries too. The eye bleeding also holy shit. I would panic and think I had ebola. I fully believe these events were life threatening. I had a seizure after my second vaccine. I have an underlying seizure disorder, but this was a completely different seizure type - I typically have focal impaired awareness and myoclonic, and this was a multi-minute absence seizure that was witnessed that I have no memory of - that I have not had before. No, I don't drive, thanks for asking! For me, it seems whether someone is profiting off vaccines is a separate question from whether it's a good idea to teach your immune system what the bad guy looks like. That's true even if the bad guy was built in a lab specifically to infect the world so they can sell us vaccines.
I grew up in an era where children were deliberately infected with chicken pox so that our immune systems would become stronger. My aunt had my mother's blessing to take a sewing needle and scrape the pus from my cousin's pox, pierce and infect my skin, and the skin of my siblings with it. I remember all of us taking baking soda baths together to soothe the itching. We laughed and counted each other's red spots. It was no big deal.
My aunt and mother were UC Berkeley and Stanford University educated women.
It used to be OK to experience a childhood illness and grow stronger from it. That changed over the years.
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, slightly older than me, recalls it being "normal to have the typical childhood illnesses mumps, measles, chicken pox and scarlet fever." She says that Vitamin A, chicken soup and rest were the therapies.
Healthy children were at no risk of serious illness or death from covid. They should have been allowed to get the illness and grow stronger from it. As it turns out, because the vaccines don't seem to work, they are going to get covid anyway, and they are also going to be at serious risk of myocarditis, stroke, MS, thrombocytopenia, infertility, sexual dysfunctional,
and "sudden death" from getting these experimental shots. And this is just the short list. There are 9 pages -single spaced- of "adverse events" ( aka, Life changing painful disabilities and death) known from these injections. All of this in in Pfizer's own data, the data they wanted to hide from us for 75 years.
This is a crime against children; it is a human rights violation to have subjected them to this.
140,000 people died of measles in 2019. Most were children under 5. Over 200,000 children died of measles world-wide in 2019. Measles also causes blindness. It is not a harmless ailment. Whooping cough and diphtheria are not harmless diseases. They are kept in check by vaccination. Whatever you think of the Covid vaccines, please do not underestimate the good that other vaccines have done.
LiamHennessy, Are you receiving non-pharma support? This is one place to start in a world of healthcare that's exploding outside the conventional systems.
Thank you for publishing your take on this. I’m a stage 4 kidney patient with 2 transplanted family members. It’s as difficult to discuss my view on vaccines as it is my gender critical views! xx
Thanks for doing so. We all have to make the very best decisions for ourselves based on as much info we can find. I was born the year that the first polio vaccine became available and survived every other childhood disease for which we now have vaccines. Just because Big Pharma is evil, it does not mean that every product it produces is evil as well. More than one thing can simultaneously be true. At my age, I’d rather reduce risk, which the vaccine clearly does, but have advised the healthy younger peeps in my life to avoid it. Everyone has a different risk tolerance and risk/benefit analysis to make.
Offering in spirit of discussion (not attack): I would invite you to look at the piles of evidence-based books published over the past 30 years on pharma- and MD harm. Even pre-covid, the third-leading cause of death in US was pharma/medicine/MD/surgeon. Today, with astonishing "vax" injuries and "sudden deaths", the stat has risen. How much higher can that stat go before people accept that pharma was never meant to help, treat, or heal?
You said, "...Big Pharma is evil..." I agree. Big Pharma began from evil (a deal by Rockefeller and Nazi pharma to use petrol leftovers), and has remained evil. I understand how people don't want to think that this behemoth that advertises wellness could lie to such a degree; but isn't that the evil you refer to?
True, as you say, two apparently opposite things can be true simultaneously. To wit, many good people entered the healthcare professions intending to help and heal. These good people were duped, as good people always are.
Addendum: Emergency medicine stands out as the single arm of medicine/pharma that has helped. (The rest of medicine/pharma is not worth keeping.)
Well-aware of all to which you implicitly and explicitly refer from 45 years of personal and professional experience with and in health care in the US.
PS. While I thank you for your invite, why oh why do ppl tend to presume ignorance or lacking education and experience on the part of those with whom one appears to disagree based on the most superficial and minimal evidence?!?! It strikes me as ever so slightly patronizing, whether or not intended.
Maybe you were just seeking discussion, but I have no clue where or how I could even begin to respond beyond “I know.”
I've been jabbed with everything under the sun including the smallpox vaccine when I was a kid and I'm still here at 69, and so are most of the people I grew up with --- who haven't died of cancer or heart disease or the flu or cars or of bars or jails... and I knew a kid while growing up 60 years ago who'd contracted polio and limped and had a crippled hand and semi-constant pain because of it. And, I, for one, am very very glad that immunization works and is available to all of us and is not subject to magical thinking, anecdotal, medicine show, miracle cure contrast and review.
When we were kids, we took about 10 vaccines over our lifetime, now babies are getting vaccinated that much in their first 6 months of life! And as vaccines have increased so has autism, asthma, auto-immune disorders. Our kids are not healthier, they are worse off than other countries that require far less vaccines. And diseases such as smallpox and polio were declining before the vaccine, due to indoor plumbing and hand washing.
I got three shots but I still caught Covid (Omicron) in July. I got really sick although not life threateningly sick. My post-vaccination symptoms were extremely mild. I'm chronically ill so I want a fourth shot. I might not be able to get one where I live. It's crazy. Everyone has to do a risk/benefit analysis. Nobody can tell you what's best for you. The current Covid vaccines are definitely underwhelming considering their overall performance but they may have saved my life.
I’m stunned. I’m not anti-vax and had three shots, but your support as outlined in this piece is at a very superficial and even anecdotal level. You ask for alternative information sources as if there isn’t a significant number of research oriented substacks that go through the studies (highly limited) and public health and other data sources to assess safety and efficacy of the vaccines.
In addition, it defies credulity that you are not more inherently skeptical of a mass government and big pharma program that has resulted in coercion and punishment (job terminations, travel restrictions, lost access to education, etc) for non-believers. Even your framing of the piece is striking - “Please protect yourself and don’t fall for the anti vax propaganda.” Translate - There is one true path to health and safety from Covid as declared from on high by our government and corporate overlords and alternative views are “propaganda”. You do see the parallels??? Thanks for the head shaking laugh to start my day!
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! I have been very conflicted about whether or not to get the 4th shot. As I have been swimming in "heterodox" and feminist thought around gender for the past few years, the vaccine questions have been mixed in by people who seem to be smart and well-intentioned. So it has made me question my trust of the authorities on this matter, since I know for sure I can't trust them around gender. And I have heard the stories about vaccine injuries from people I know as well as those I don't know. The denial of their existence feels very much like the denial of detransitioners. "Nothing to see here!" It seems like there is something very wrong about public health messaging--when they deny what is really happening to some people, it only makes the situation worse as it dilutes their credibility. Anyway, I haven't entirely decided but as I respect you, I will take your advice very seriously.
You made the connection yourself: Pharma is behind both the injections/"vaccines" AND the hormone/cross-sex pharma and mutilating surgeries being conducted on children.
DENYING "vaccine" injuries and DENYING detransitioners comes from the same profit-making, interest-conflicted voices/organizations. Trust your inner voice. Be well!
No thanks, I will never take another vaccine (or 'vaccine' as these injections do not fit the traditional definition of vaccine) again. These covid jabs are extremely dangerous and traditional vaccines also cause a mass amount of injury (where are the studies showing that injecting aluminium, a known neurotoxin, into people is safe?)
As you have correctly pointed out Big Pharma are making bank off poisoning kids with puberty blockers, but I'm supposed to trust the exact same actors if the magic word 'vaccine' is used? Pharma also uses the exact same methods to silence injection critics as they do child transition critics, with censorship and smear jobs (like banning Malone, McCullough, Yeadon, etc from Twitter, banning Children's Health Defense from Instagram, banning Cristian, Bigtree etc. from YT). If their case is so good, why do they need to censor?
I am unvaxxed and nothing bad has happened to me. Unlike young and healthy people who were jabbed all over the world, I haven't 'died suddenly'.
Respectfully want to remind you that the medical industrial complex that you know is harming/killing our children with their hormones, puberty blockers, and mutilating surgeries is the same medical industrial complex that is harming/killing people with their untested, EUA, warp speed products that we now know do not prevent infection nor stop transmission of the virus. All risk, no benefit. Ask yourself who profits. Always follow the money.
Preventing infection and stopping transmission are two ways of saying one thing so I'm not sure why you're not just picking one. Regarding aluminum, the phrase is the dose makes the poison. Your body will rapidly kill you from normal producing of neurotoxic substances if your liver stopped working
I don't impose my views. I just offer facts as I'm aware of them. I'm VERY grateful for what I've learned from your material about the trans grift, Sierra/Exulansic; and I offer this in return:
McCullough, Malone, Bridle, Lawrie, and Yeadon are just five MDs and/or PhDs (off the top of my head, and of tens of thousands of MDs/PhDs worldwide) who were solidly pro-vax (and some may be still solidly pro-conventional vax) and yet risked their entire careers/lives to speak out publicly against this injection. There are too many names to list.
Steve Kirsch is a "vaxxed" original California tech-bro (he invented the mouse) who changed his mind after seeing a disproportionate number of people in his social circle drop dead post-"vax". He tells the story of being instantly "red-pilled" and hasn't stopped since. Ex-NYT journalist/Communications professor Mark Crispin Miller began "Suddenly Dead" here on Substack, exhaustively listing this first-ever phenomenon of all-ages sudden deaths (I was a minor helper in his little army of data collectors).
All these people are here on Substack (and many more) BECAUSE their voices are silenced by pharma-owned MSM (McCullough was just cancelled off Twitter last week). Pharma had 12 important dissenting voices silenced as "The Disinformation Dozen" in early 2021. Check out all that list (it serves perfectly as a list of solid, critical voices of reason).
These people aren't all in perfect agreement with each other. A large schism emerged regarding virus-versus-terrain (Pasteur v Béchamp), which is a parallel issue. But everyone agrees that these injections were never meant to treat/cure, and that they're dangerous.
For anyone who received the injections and wishes to try and mitigate the damage, loose protocols exist. One place to start is:
Skilled herbalists, naturopaths, Integrative practitioners, and energy practitioners (an incredible, emerging paradigm) help. Conventional modalities such as hyperbaric chambers can help enormously. Again, an exhaustive list of paradigms outside conventional medicine would take paragraphs.
Okay..."A vaccine is said to protect the body against an invading virus." Better? Same Big Pharma grift, whether it's called "protection", "treatment", or "cure".
I believed virus-and-vaccine dogma until I received enough evidence-based information from enough sources over a long enough period of time. Then I ceased being a believer. You are free to believe. I wish you well.
It doesn't though. It teaches your immune system how to build antibodies. The vaccine protects you from the disease it virus causes from going full hog. The immune system has no reason to mount a response until the exposure, i.e. transmission, happens. Having been vaccinated means the immune system takes a few hours rather than a few weeks to mount a response, so the disease you get is much shorter and milder. A vaccine is NOT a hazmat suit meant to prevent infection.
Unsure who you're trying to convince. Sure, that's the concept we're all indoctrinated with. It has been destroyed with regards to traditional vaccines; and it's a killing joke with regards to the experimental mRNA injections.
If you're genuinely interested in it I can offer solid sources. I'm not a source. I offered others in my initial comment. I can gather sources and you're free to contact me at zeldalevine2022@gmail.com
The covid shot injures and kills. Traditional vaccines are less about 'cow pox' and more about 'cash cow' (sorry, couldn't resist the pun impulse even though it's a bit thin) for pharma. Moo.
I'm so glad you endorse vaccines. I am 4x vaxxed. I grew up in era when ppl were incredibly grateful that vaccines had eliminated smallpox, chicken pox, influenza, measles, mumps and polio. Few ppl queried the efficacy of the medicine as most had lived through the horrible vicissitudes visited on their communities when these diseases were rampant and uncontrolled. While I'm not naive about the greed of big pharma I've taken a calculated risk that its probably better to vax than not. Neither myself or my 75 yr old husband have had covid. And my hubby is a high school teacher and had massive exposure over the last 3 years. He has been frequently covering for younger teachers taking time off with covid.
I completely disagree. They were never properly tested. Young people are dropping dead from these jabs. The government had to change the definition of vaccine in order for them to get emergency use authorization. Early treatment works. Check out Steve Kirsch and the Vigilant Fox on substack.
Emotions run high and this is a life or death discourse with a lot of moving parts and a lot of propaganda. Please frame disagreement respectfully. Thank you.
Watch this!
Thank you! I'll check it out and give you my thoughts
Read Steve’s evidence right here:
Thank you for this. It's always possible I've missed a racket dressed up as science but I know a vaccine didn't hurt me. It didn't exist when I got covid the first time
Didn't hurt me as much as covid did. The vaccines as I said definitely hurt me. I had a severe reaction, though it didn't put me in the hospital like covid did.
You are giving credit to the vaccine when it was probably infection that kept you safer for longer. Potentially even damaged by the vaccine as other country data shows. Even the CDC was saying infection confers immunity but then followed up with the nonsensical advice to get vaccinated because it was still just on the tails of the vaccine failure window.
The CDC admitted that natural immunity works but then still recommends. Other places have found "just as good as" or better. Single example:
And Pfizer was forced to admit to the EU that they had no proof it prevented transmission (one of the moving goal posts that would really count as propaganda), the omicron booster was tested on 8 mice. Nothing about that is science. You are also taking post hoc as proof the vaccine works rather than any natural immunity you may have acquired and also in spite of the fact circulating variants of covid right now are basically mild colds. If you got the first wave or delta that was the one that knocked people on their asses. But by your symptom description you got a FULL case of omicron variant covid, which is a cold (medically a virally caused mild URI). I really respect your intelligence but I also believe you're ignoring some huge red flags here and ignoring that if data says two conflicting things then the data is inadequate at best to evaluate those two things.
Thank you for saying this, as I was delaying my response, not sure how to respond respectfully. It really isn't respectful, scientific or objective to say to intelligent, reasonable people that they "shouldn't listen to anti-vax propaganda" when they themselves are clearly steeped in Big Pharma propaganda. I have an unusually strong immune system, perhaps due at least in part to a properly administered vaccination program in the Seventies and Eighties, but now don't even require so much as a flu shot, let alone unproven technology administered en masse by the manufacturing of consent. Even less do I approve of mandates. This coronavirus in no way resembles the deadly threat smallpox was, and this "vaccination" program isn't scientific, but technological. The application of technology isn't science, and leads to scandals such as the current sexual lobotomies. I don't appreciate the accusation that I'm "anti-vax" or listen to "anti-vax propaganda" as neither statement is remotely true. My father was a compounding pharmacist who grew alarmed with the machinations of this industry back in the Sixties before I was even born, and circulated a newsletter to his fellow professionals (they were actually such back in those days) called "Gabriel's Horn" (double meaning there). Just because people are autodidacts, it doesn't mean that they are some kind of extremists because they refuse medical products or technologies. ☮️❤️🐾
The criticism that "vaccines don't prevent transmission" is on its face, propaganda, and no, you shouldn't believe it. Vaccines aren't hazmat suits.
I don’t listen to “propaganda” about vaccines. This mRNA treatment isn’t a vaccine. Americans have not been *allowed* to choose the medical product of their choice. Many, if not most, people have a codependent relationship with their medical technologists, so I’m going to chalk it up to that. I do not approve of coercion or mandates when it comes to medical technology. It would have to be as big of a threat as pneumonic plague for me to risk, and COVID-19 isn’t.
I agree vaccines cause injury and in rare cases death and also point out these people also were in a pandemic and may have had long covid or some other illness. I also agree early treatment is better than delayed treatment. Vaccines are NOT safe, but they ARE safer than covid. You're free to disagree. Thank you for sharing your perspective. The original smallpox vaccine was not safe either.
And the fact where at least Pfizer was forced to admit in the EU they had no proof it did anything it was marketed to do. Just because the US has horrible corporate oversight does not mean everyone does. Plenty of friendly country data at this point showing that the vaccines are at best temporary, possibly detrimental if you've already had covid or are young.
Unfortunately, Pfizer have admitted that they never put the vaccine through the tests that they were supposed to have done.
My health has been compromised by reactions from the vaccine, and I'm lucky to be alive - so I have to say that I disagree with this essay; it's very surprising to find it coming from Sierra.
To be clear - I am anti MRNA, not anti vax.
That's true of many of us. The whole pro-vax/anti-vax framing is a psy-op to keep people stuck in ideological battle formation, which shuts down debate about these specific medications.
Yes. I want to have a dialog and i know that I know more about the specific harms both viruses and vaccines can cause than many but I'm not assuming I know more than vaccine injured patients who feel I'm missing another gender racket. There needs to be dialog between pro and anti vax to save lives and health.
A ton of us AREN'T anti-vax, that's what we're saying. We're not broadly anti-vaccination AT ALL. You're still phrasing it as if being against one thing is against all of the thing. If I hate chihuahuas but love huskies then I'm not anti-dog I'm anti-chihuahua.
Would love to hear you elaborate because there's a lot i don't know and clearly you've had reason to study it
I'm so sorry a vaccine injured you. The second jab gave me a life threatening medical event as well and I'm lucky to have survived it and needed to take a lot of time off work.
I really thought this was satire at first. If it's not, and that could just be me misunderstanding things, it's the most sickening thing I've read on this platform. Big Pharma profits from the gender industry and the injection one. Both are doing a sterling job of depopulation. Whether through child sterilisation or plain old killing. It just shows how differently people see the world and what's going on. I see another Holocaust unfolding right before our eyes. Others see a real gravy train and a chance to get rid of pesky "useless feeders." Hey ho. It takes all sorts.
I watched my dad be permanently neurologically disabled by a virus that had no vaccine and people in my lineage were decimated by an illness that existed recently enough for my mom to need a vaccine that i didn't need because the disease is now gone. That's my context and I respect my audience. Maybe I've missed something big.
You have and are making a gross logic error.
The difference between these treatments and traditional vaccines is that these things were rushed to market in a matter of weeks. Compared to years of pre-clinical trials for the classic vaccines, on top of multiple decades of clinical use data. And then you look at the safety record for these things in the 18 months we've had them, and frankly it looks more horrible by the day.
Of course COVID is real, but the fact of the matter is that most relatively healthy, relatively young people recover well from it. I know one person who was killed by COVID, who was already extremely sick and frail; meanwhile, I know one person who suffered a stroke within an hour of her first jab, then an even bigger stroke after her booster which finished her off - and four friends, all under 30, previously healthy, who have been complaining of heart problems since their jabs. One has actually been diagnosed with a chronic heart condition. He is a new father. Another has been laid off work indefinitely, she is 20 years old.
One needs to look at it critically - admittedly, hard to do with the dogma thick on all sides - and weigh up the likely benefits relative to risk. Looking at the statistical data on myocarditis in young males, it's clear that the risk from the jabs is higher than the disease it's purported to treat.
I'm surprised you have such a clear comprehension of the predatory nature of pharmaceutical companies in the case of the trans thing, yet seem to believe that a leopard has changed its spots in selflessly bestowing the gift of the COVID jabs upon us - which we must gratefully receive, on pain of banishment.
And I'm disappointed to hear you pushing the tired old narrative of blaming the unvaccinated, in implying they are endangering the population by incubating mutant strains. Besides it being a non-sequitur if the jabs are effective in protecting those who get them. I hoped you would stand for medical freedom.
I'm upset that it's unclear if the Covid vaccines offered substantial protection against the transmission of the alpha and especially the delta variant. (Before Omicron came along.) As I'm chronically ill my son who was 15 at the time got vaccinated to further protect my husband and myself. (We of course also got vaccinated.) We're both in our fifties. My son has had zero issues after getting vaccinated. But if someone had told me that the jab doesn't protect against transmission I would have probably decided otherwise. I do feel we weren't told the truth.
Moving goal posts, it was temporary protection at best and they don't prevent transmission. Data showed vaccinated and not had similar viral loads so both similarly capable of transmission. That was really early on in the vaccine roll out too, I believe over a year ago at this point.
It seems so strange to me that the young were asked/expected to take an experimental Injections to protect the old.
Do you know there is a global group of unvxxd parents and children who are aware of the genetic damage and fertility damage that has been done? "Purebloods" - they are already talking about arranged marriages-and their children agree-because their fertility is intact. And they believe their intuition is sharper because they knew to avoid this.
I am concerned for your son's options for the future because you asked him to protect you.
Children were at no risk of illness.
I am concerned with how you are going to cope with this, also.
Have you had his heart tested? Do you know if he has myocarditis already?
No, to protect literally everyone. Not just the old.
If I'm understanding you correctly, your stance is this:
"Vaccines aren't safe; some people will be killed, disabled, made infertile, have miscarriages and lose their sexual function and that is an acceptable risk for an experimental injection for which no long term studies have been done. It is okay/necessary to expect a healthy child to risk death, disability and future infertility and sexual dysfunction by taking an experimental Injection, even though early treatments that do not carry these risks exist and are available."
The "excess deaths", miscarriages and infertility are extremely high in countries where the mRNA injections were coerced and taken willingly. More links to follow, below.
I am clicking on the links people are leaving you. Are you?
The alarming drop in birthrate among mRNA injected women would be more widely known if not for censorship of the topic.
A Canadian doctor spoke publicly about the high rate of miscarriage and stillbirth among mRNA injected women at the hospital he worked in. This doctor was taken from his home, committed to a psychiatric hospital and forcefully medicated after his press conference. This is terrifying and speaks to the power of the High Priests of Scientism- "There shall be no factual reporting, questions, and no dissent in Scientism"
TRUST THE SCIENCE is the 1st Commandment.
This doctor was punished to keep other doctors from improperly reciting the Scientism catechism. There shall be no blasphemy.
Thou wilt TRUST THE SCIENCE, or else.
I will try to find current info on this doctor's status and post my findings below.
Here's a thought: the drop in birthrate is because of lockdown. The other obvious cause is COVID-related infertility.
This doctor is still on the run from The State High Priests of Scientism.
He spoke publicly on there being 13 stillbirth in one 24 hour period at one Vancouver hospital.
I was watching one of your videos on YouTube when they pulled the plug on your voice and canceled your account. How long will it be before you are forcefully committed to a psychiatric institution for questioning THE SCIENCE of turning boys into girls, and turning girls into boys?
The Church of Trans and the mRNA Church of Scientism have the same Sorcerers (Pharmakeia), the same Pope, and the same Inquisition.
Literally everything you cite is also caused by COVID PLUS COVID IS CONTAGIOUS.
A doctor taken from his home, committed to a psychiatric hospital and medicated against his will because he stated a medical truth is also what happens with covid?
I don't think you are ready or able to consider any information that conflicts with your belief that the experimental mRNA injections are good, and life-saving, and carry risks preferable to getting an illness with a 99% survival rate.
I think if I posted links to nurses who know about the Midazolam murders of the elderly in care homes to skew the c19 death data upwards 2020, you would call those covid deaths, also.
I think you are going to view all the deaths, disabilities, infertility and stillbirths as events that are happening due to covid, and not the medical experiment millions have been coerced into taking upon threat of unemployment and poverty.
This is the divide.
I believe that there are many people who truly cannot see what's happening. 😪😭💔 We are in the midst of a global genocide. The church of trans is only one tentacle of the monster.
And how they must laugh at us... They didn't need to use gas chambers this time. They've convinced people that it was glorious and virtuous to do deadly things to themselves (the others they threatened and locked up) and to post selfies as they're doing it.
How they must laugh at us 💔🙏😪
Here's a thing on young people
archive version
This article is living proof that even the brightest and discerning minds and most compassionate of souls can be taken in by government and pharmaceutical corporation propaganda. I hope and pray for you that you continue not to experience adverse effects.
Sadly, we cannot so easily sweep away the over 1 million injured vaccine recipients, the over 30,000 deaths and the 40% increase in working age adults who have died of all cause mortality above the rate prior to the vaccine rollout. https://openvaers.com/covid-data
We're now hearing, directly from government health officials, that the vaccine does not prevent either infection or transmission. The vaccine research was deeply flawed. The scientists and lab companies were, and are, extremely compromised with conflicts of interests.
Is it possible that you need to review your sources of information? Some of the top scientists in the fields of virology, immunology, biology, cardiology, oncology have been speaking out and have been brutally censored. So, you won't see them on mainstream media. There is MUCH more to this covid story than the public has been allowed to hear.
And, yes, as noted by another commenter here, there is a connection between the transgender ideology and the vaccine campaign. Pharmaceutical companies are driven not only by profit but by control of the population. One way or the other we will all lose our health, bodily autonomy and our freedom.
My own doctor advised me against taking these vaccines.
Please do take care Exulansic. Your voice is far too important to be lost in this space. You are much loved.
That last line hits home for me. My mom knows two people that had vaccine related strokes and at their age that could put the life expectancy in the toilet. Her doctor, a rheumatologist, is no longer recommending them for patients because of the known harms. I'm incredibly worried that my friends and family have done this to themselves and their children with no possible understanding of future consequences out of compassion because we just don't know.
Thanks Sierra. It was a pleasure to meet you in Brighton by the way!
1st Jab - (AZ): Pneumonia. On steroids for 6 weeks, nothing would clear it. Got very bad.
2nd Jab (also AZ): woke up in severe pain, profuse bleeding in my eyes. I have been unable to go to the gym since (attended 4 times a week for a decade).
I can't say for sure that these incidents were "life threatening", but they sure felt like it at the time.
I think we've all been used as Guinea pigs, not for the greater good - but for the same of massive financial profit. My life feels over, compared to what I had before.
Holy shit. yea, i made a video that the first jab made me feel like my pulse hurt. I have never felt anything like that but I know covid is a vascular disease so it made sense to me why the vaccine could inflame my arteries too. The eye bleeding also holy shit. I would panic and think I had ebola. I fully believe these events were life threatening. I had a seizure after my second vaccine. I have an underlying seizure disorder, but this was a completely different seizure type - I typically have focal impaired awareness and myoclonic, and this was a multi-minute absence seizure that was witnessed that I have no memory of - that I have not had before. No, I don't drive, thanks for asking! For me, it seems whether someone is profiting off vaccines is a separate question from whether it's a good idea to teach your immune system what the bad guy looks like. That's true even if the bad guy was built in a lab specifically to infect the world so they can sell us vaccines.
I grew up in an era where children were deliberately infected with chicken pox so that our immune systems would become stronger. My aunt had my mother's blessing to take a sewing needle and scrape the pus from my cousin's pox, pierce and infect my skin, and the skin of my siblings with it. I remember all of us taking baking soda baths together to soothe the itching. We laughed and counted each other's red spots. It was no big deal.
My aunt and mother were UC Berkeley and Stanford University educated women.
It used to be OK to experience a childhood illness and grow stronger from it. That changed over the years.
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, slightly older than me, recalls it being "normal to have the typical childhood illnesses mumps, measles, chicken pox and scarlet fever." She says that Vitamin A, chicken soup and rest were the therapies.
Healthy children were at no risk of serious illness or death from covid. They should have been allowed to get the illness and grow stronger from it. As it turns out, because the vaccines don't seem to work, they are going to get covid anyway, and they are also going to be at serious risk of myocarditis, stroke, MS, thrombocytopenia, infertility, sexual dysfunctional,
and "sudden death" from getting these experimental shots. And this is just the short list. There are 9 pages -single spaced- of "adverse events" ( aka, Life changing painful disabilities and death) known from these injections. All of this in in Pfizer's own data, the data they wanted to hide from us for 75 years.
This is a crime against children; it is a human rights violation to have subjected them to this.
140,000 people died of measles in 2019. Most were children under 5. Over 200,000 children died of measles world-wide in 2019. Measles also causes blindness. It is not a harmless ailment. Whooping cough and diphtheria are not harmless diseases. They are kept in check by vaccination. Whatever you think of the Covid vaccines, please do not underestimate the good that other vaccines have done.
LiamHennessy, Are you receiving non-pharma support? This is one place to start in a world of healthcare that's exploding outside the conventional systems.
Thank you!
Thank you for publishing your take on this. I’m a stage 4 kidney patient with 2 transplanted family members. It’s as difficult to discuss my view on vaccines as it is my gender critical views! xx
It really is. I'm as worried about alienating people as I am about people getting sick because I was afraid to speak up.
Thanks for doing so. We all have to make the very best decisions for ourselves based on as much info we can find. I was born the year that the first polio vaccine became available and survived every other childhood disease for which we now have vaccines. Just because Big Pharma is evil, it does not mean that every product it produces is evil as well. More than one thing can simultaneously be true. At my age, I’d rather reduce risk, which the vaccine clearly does, but have advised the healthy younger peeps in my life to avoid it. Everyone has a different risk tolerance and risk/benefit analysis to make.
Offering in spirit of discussion (not attack): I would invite you to look at the piles of evidence-based books published over the past 30 years on pharma- and MD harm. Even pre-covid, the third-leading cause of death in US was pharma/medicine/MD/surgeon. Today, with astonishing "vax" injuries and "sudden deaths", the stat has risen. How much higher can that stat go before people accept that pharma was never meant to help, treat, or heal?
You said, "...Big Pharma is evil..." I agree. Big Pharma began from evil (a deal by Rockefeller and Nazi pharma to use petrol leftovers), and has remained evil. I understand how people don't want to think that this behemoth that advertises wellness could lie to such a degree; but isn't that the evil you refer to?
True, as you say, two apparently opposite things can be true simultaneously. To wit, many good people entered the healthcare professions intending to help and heal. These good people were duped, as good people always are.
Addendum: Emergency medicine stands out as the single arm of medicine/pharma that has helped. (The rest of medicine/pharma is not worth keeping.)
Well-aware of all to which you implicitly and explicitly refer from 45 years of personal and professional experience with and in health care in the US.
PS. While I thank you for your invite, why oh why do ppl tend to presume ignorance or lacking education and experience on the part of those with whom one appears to disagree based on the most superficial and minimal evidence?!?! It strikes me as ever so slightly patronizing, whether or not intended.
Maybe you were just seeking discussion, but I have no clue where or how I could even begin to respond beyond “I know.”
I agree.
The dominant narrative also ignores larger multinational agendas that include tight control and depopulation.
I've been jabbed with everything under the sun including the smallpox vaccine when I was a kid and I'm still here at 69, and so are most of the people I grew up with --- who haven't died of cancer or heart disease or the flu or cars or of bars or jails... and I knew a kid while growing up 60 years ago who'd contracted polio and limped and had a crippled hand and semi-constant pain because of it. And, I, for one, am very very glad that immunization works and is available to all of us and is not subject to magical thinking, anecdotal, medicine show, miracle cure contrast and review.
When we were kids, we took about 10 vaccines over our lifetime, now babies are getting vaccinated that much in their first 6 months of life! And as vaccines have increased so has autism, asthma, auto-immune disorders. Our kids are not healthier, they are worse off than other countries that require far less vaccines. And diseases such as smallpox and polio were declining before the vaccine, due to indoor plumbing and hand washing.
God was BORN dead as a dead idea can be born dead.
Just sayin'...
But, if you wanna make him up again... ?
I got three shots but I still caught Covid (Omicron) in July. I got really sick although not life threateningly sick. My post-vaccination symptoms were extremely mild. I'm chronically ill so I want a fourth shot. I might not be able to get one where I live. It's crazy. Everyone has to do a risk/benefit analysis. Nobody can tell you what's best for you. The current Covid vaccines are definitely underwhelming considering their overall performance but they may have saved my life.
I’m stunned. I’m not anti-vax and had three shots, but your support as outlined in this piece is at a very superficial and even anecdotal level. You ask for alternative information sources as if there isn’t a significant number of research oriented substacks that go through the studies (highly limited) and public health and other data sources to assess safety and efficacy of the vaccines.
In addition, it defies credulity that you are not more inherently skeptical of a mass government and big pharma program that has resulted in coercion and punishment (job terminations, travel restrictions, lost access to education, etc) for non-believers. Even your framing of the piece is striking - “Please protect yourself and don’t fall for the anti vax propaganda.” Translate - There is one true path to health and safety from Covid as declared from on high by our government and corporate overlords and alternative views are “propaganda”. You do see the parallels??? Thanks for the head shaking laugh to start my day!
Could not have said it better myself!
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! I have been very conflicted about whether or not to get the 4th shot. As I have been swimming in "heterodox" and feminist thought around gender for the past few years, the vaccine questions have been mixed in by people who seem to be smart and well-intentioned. So it has made me question my trust of the authorities on this matter, since I know for sure I can't trust them around gender. And I have heard the stories about vaccine injuries from people I know as well as those I don't know. The denial of their existence feels very much like the denial of detransitioners. "Nothing to see here!" It seems like there is something very wrong about public health messaging--when they deny what is really happening to some people, it only makes the situation worse as it dilutes their credibility. Anyway, I haven't entirely decided but as I respect you, I will take your advice very seriously.
You made the connection yourself: Pharma is behind both the injections/"vaccines" AND the hormone/cross-sex pharma and mutilating surgeries being conducted on children.
DENYING "vaccine" injuries and DENYING detransitioners comes from the same profit-making, interest-conflicted voices/organizations. Trust your inner voice. Be well!
I've never denied vaccine injuries. Vaccines are not safe. They're safer.
No thanks, I will never take another vaccine (or 'vaccine' as these injections do not fit the traditional definition of vaccine) again. These covid jabs are extremely dangerous and traditional vaccines also cause a mass amount of injury (where are the studies showing that injecting aluminium, a known neurotoxin, into people is safe?)
As you have correctly pointed out Big Pharma are making bank off poisoning kids with puberty blockers, but I'm supposed to trust the exact same actors if the magic word 'vaccine' is used? Pharma also uses the exact same methods to silence injection critics as they do child transition critics, with censorship and smear jobs (like banning Malone, McCullough, Yeadon, etc from Twitter, banning Children's Health Defense from Instagram, banning Cristian, Bigtree etc. from YT). If their case is so good, why do they need to censor?
I am unvaxxed and nothing bad has happened to me. Unlike young and healthy people who were jabbed all over the world, I haven't 'died suddenly'.
Respectfully want to remind you that the medical industrial complex that you know is harming/killing our children with their hormones, puberty blockers, and mutilating surgeries is the same medical industrial complex that is harming/killing people with their untested, EUA, warp speed products that we now know do not prevent infection nor stop transmission of the virus. All risk, no benefit. Ask yourself who profits. Always follow the money.
Preventing infection and stopping transmission are two ways of saying one thing so I'm not sure why you're not just picking one. Regarding aluminum, the phrase is the dose makes the poison. Your body will rapidly kill you from normal producing of neurotoxic substances if your liver stopped working
I don't impose my views. I just offer facts as I'm aware of them. I'm VERY grateful for what I've learned from your material about the trans grift, Sierra/Exulansic; and I offer this in return:
McCullough, Malone, Bridle, Lawrie, and Yeadon are just five MDs and/or PhDs (off the top of my head, and of tens of thousands of MDs/PhDs worldwide) who were solidly pro-vax (and some may be still solidly pro-conventional vax) and yet risked their entire careers/lives to speak out publicly against this injection. There are too many names to list.
Steve Kirsch is a "vaxxed" original California tech-bro (he invented the mouse) who changed his mind after seeing a disproportionate number of people in his social circle drop dead post-"vax". He tells the story of being instantly "red-pilled" and hasn't stopped since. Ex-NYT journalist/Communications professor Mark Crispin Miller began "Suddenly Dead" here on Substack, exhaustively listing this first-ever phenomenon of all-ages sudden deaths (I was a minor helper in his little army of data collectors).
All these people are here on Substack (and many more) BECAUSE their voices are silenced by pharma-owned MSM (McCullough was just cancelled off Twitter last week). Pharma had 12 important dissenting voices silenced as "The Disinformation Dozen" in early 2021. Check out all that list (it serves perfectly as a list of solid, critical voices of reason).
These people aren't all in perfect agreement with each other. A large schism emerged regarding virus-versus-terrain (Pasteur v Béchamp), which is a parallel issue. But everyone agrees that these injections were never meant to treat/cure, and that they're dangerous.
For anyone who received the injections and wishes to try and mitigate the damage, loose protocols exist. One place to start is:
Skilled herbalists, naturopaths, Integrative practitioners, and energy practitioners (an incredible, emerging paradigm) help. Conventional modalities such as hyperbaric chambers can help enormously. Again, an exhaustive list of paradigms outside conventional medicine would take paragraphs.
I wish everyone well!
I'm confused by this because a vaccine is of course not intended to treat or cure. That's true of all vaccines. Cowpox did not treat or cure smallpox
Okay..."A vaccine is said to protect the body against an invading virus." Better? Same Big Pharma grift, whether it's called "protection", "treatment", or "cure".
I believed virus-and-vaccine dogma until I received enough evidence-based information from enough sources over a long enough period of time. Then I ceased being a believer. You are free to believe. I wish you well.
It doesn't though. It teaches your immune system how to build antibodies. The vaccine protects you from the disease it virus causes from going full hog. The immune system has no reason to mount a response until the exposure, i.e. transmission, happens. Having been vaccinated means the immune system takes a few hours rather than a few weeks to mount a response, so the disease you get is much shorter and milder. A vaccine is NOT a hazmat suit meant to prevent infection.
Unsure who you're trying to convince. Sure, that's the concept we're all indoctrinated with. It has been destroyed with regards to traditional vaccines; and it's a killing joke with regards to the experimental mRNA injections.
If you're genuinely interested in it I can offer solid sources. I'm not a source. I offered others in my initial comment. I can gather sources and you're free to contact me at zeldalevine2022@gmail.com
The covid shot injures and kills. Traditional vaccines are less about 'cow pox' and more about 'cash cow' (sorry, couldn't resist the pun impulse even though it's a bit thin) for pharma. Moo.
Do you really, sincerely think that a covid hospitalization is less profitable for big pharma than a vaccine?
RFK Jr's Fauci book has been made into a documentary. Just dropped and is free to watch for another few days. Maybe you're interested:
And if that's not your thing, then Russell Brand is fantastic here: