Why Exulansic is extremely PRO vaccine
Please protect yourself and don't fall for anti vax propaganda.
I am extremely pro vaccine. I've had 4. I had both normal reactions to all 4, and an atypically severe reaction to #2 due to my comorbidity.
I'm not saying believe authority. I'm never saying blindly trust. Form your own model. My model is pro vaccine.
I will keep on trying to share my model for the benefit of others. No one is paying me to say this. I believe your vaccine injury and I also believe it's human nature to misattribute symptoms to a known event.
Covid is real. Covid made me severely ill a year before I ever got a covid vaccine. I suffer from long covid. Vaccines prevented serious illness when I was exposed to a covid positive person and became infected from the exposure.
I can't wait for the next booster for the nightmare strains that keep evolving because of human incubators, especially unvaccinated incubators, like I was. Vaccines prevent serious disease in the same way brakes on a car prevent serious car crash injury.
The brakes don't always have time to prevent the crash. But you still should try to hit the brakes when you know you're headed for a collision. And you know you are headed for a collison with viral disease.
There's no such thing as a free lunch. This isn't heaven. Vaccines are a true miracle that have saved countless lives by eliminating smallpox that decimated my lineage within the historical record of New France assimilation project.
Don't be scared of newer vaccine technology just because it's new and different, unless your model can find a tangible problem, and health effects are not enough to reject a new technology. The first smallpox inoculation was with the cowpox, a related virus, and it caused cowpox, a disfiguring illness. Vaccine technology has evolved and will continue to evolve, just like viruses.
If you have a specific question or believe you know something I haven't considered, I'm receptive, as always.
I completely disagree. They were never properly tested. Young people are dropping dead from these jabs. The government had to change the definition of vaccine in order for them to get emergency use authorization. Early treatment works. Check out Steve Kirsch and the Vigilant Fox on substack.
This article is living proof that even the brightest and discerning minds and most compassionate of souls can be taken in by government and pharmaceutical corporation propaganda. I hope and pray for you that you continue not to experience adverse effects.
Sadly, we cannot so easily sweep away the over 1 million injured vaccine recipients, the over 30,000 deaths and the 40% increase in working age adults who have died of all cause mortality above the rate prior to the vaccine rollout. https://openvaers.com/covid-data
We're now hearing, directly from government health officials, that the vaccine does not prevent either infection or transmission. The vaccine research was deeply flawed. The scientists and lab companies were, and are, extremely compromised with conflicts of interests.
Is it possible that you need to review your sources of information? Some of the top scientists in the fields of virology, immunology, biology, cardiology, oncology have been speaking out and have been brutally censored. So, you won't see them on mainstream media. There is MUCH more to this covid story than the public has been allowed to hear.
And, yes, as noted by another commenter here, there is a connection between the transgender ideology and the vaccine campaign. Pharmaceutical companies are driven not only by profit but by control of the population. One way or the other we will all lose our health, bodily autonomy and our freedom.
My own doctor advised me against taking these vaccines.
Please do take care Exulansic. Your voice is far too important to be lost in this space. You are much loved.