I watched it live on Twitter, and soon after, on viewing the many angles of video shot, I noticed the two young men/boys/students who had positioned themselves a few feet from the speaker. The way their heads were on a swivel, esp one, and the multilayered 'disguises' they wore, made me look closer, wide screen, and that's when I saw the one with a radio transmitter pinned to the 'lapel' of his windbreaker, and an earpiece. Operatives. Ball cap, eyeglasses, dirty stringy hair (on both of them), thick with layers of clothes (the better to quick change out of for getaway)--that's not how kids dress for school. And there were the white-haired, 'grandfatherly' looking men who shoved a phone in KJK's face, in straight clothes, probably the 'agents' in charge. I pointed it out and retweeted the videos to Amy Sousa on Twitter last night as new videos showed wider views of the tactics being used, the 'kettling' of the women, and the violence. I hope some of the gals had a chance to stop by Chehalis and shake hands with the shopkeeper there who last year told a big, tall, burly man who demanded to be addressed as if a woman that he was crazy... one of the best moments... :- ) Vanessa

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Number one position on the School Board is a Munchausens Mom with a child at the school.


How much is this now a culture in itself, with very motivated parents and gender industry people pushing for ‘inclusive’ policies and projects on school boards etc.

It struck me as well seeing the footage what James Lindsay talks about, how schools are creating young activists.

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Not the one who was complaining about her totally innocent “daughter” who was simply walking to class?


Grate job mom. Thanks for the affirmation drugs! I am off to attend a peaceful protest...


That’s my Stella. “She” is such a strong teenage girl. Fighting for LGBTQ youth.

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Does anything say ‘groomer’ more than having a group for kids called ‘GenderCool’?

Although the group organising the Halloween drag thing for kids has a group called ‘Gender Junk’ that provides prosthetics and binders etc. It’s a culture emerging, businesses are involved. Will it just dissolve when all the health problems emerge?

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The sex lobotomist are well funded it seems.

People will be confronted with reality.

The “gender junk” should be thrown in the bin.

“Brest binders for LGBTQ youth”

Brest mutilation devices.

“Gender prosthetics”… Lord knows

These companies. junk. They know.

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Sorry had to delete due to not being able to spell or punctuate so early in the morning.

I emailed the school board from Europe to let them know I shared the shame of the Tacoma school far and wide. The shame of a school principal that has no power to control his students provoked by the transhausen teachers in his school and school board. Students who acted like a scene from a game of thrones battle of the bastards by surrounding a small cohort of women speaking about their rights, tightening the circle around them and screaming obscenities into their faces and trying to attack them.

There were disabled women and a child in that group but that didn't matter to the brainwashed idiot students of the be kind ideology. There were grown assed fat white men pushing women and screaming at them, the violence escalated as the women tried to leave to the extent that a group of crazy students surrounded one women and stamped on her hand and stole her phone. The principal of that school should be sacked as its his job to keep his students on school property during school hours, a duty he failed spectacularly at. The fact that the students were joined by adults who were quite clearly orchestrating the violence is a thundering disgrace. THAT SCHOOL SHOULD HANG ITS HEAD IN SHAME.

At a later school board meeting the women spoke in calm and measured terms about the incident and were shouted at by the braindead twerps also at the meeting. A public record of the incident is now on the school board records. After the meeting the women who left quietly and respectfully were followed by a fat white man and a twat of a woman speaking obscenities at them, photos were taken without the womens consent, pictures if their cars and licence plates were taken, a tactic right outbif antifa playbook.

The ignorant twat who interviewed Amy sousa and other women then proceeded to put his lies into the public domain which is defamation. THE TACOMA RAG PAPER SHOULD HANG ITS HEAD IN SHAME. its my belief he kept them there so that pictures could be taken and information gathered so that further intimidation can be perpetrated on Amy. The waste of space police, who were called by numerous people continuously turned up after it was all over, SHOULD HANG THRIR HEADS IN SHAME. They should be sacked and new officers who know how to PROTECT AND SERVE all the public and not just the ones you agree with or are afraid of.

America was shown up in the worst possible light. TACOMA SHOULD HANG ITS HEAD IN SHAME.

One student was arrested its a pity the fat white man and ignorant twat woman were not arrested too.


The women were brave, they stood their ground as long as possible

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Jesus I really have to stop letting the anger through and spell correctly sorry everyone

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They had been planning that attack on April and Lierre for days based on Twitter records.

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Why does that not surprise me, scumbags

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I was in Tacoma. Please consider the fact that one of our people using mace really could never have stopped any of the other side from overwhelming us. The TRAs exercised restraint in Tacoma. They had decided beforehand that yelling to drown out the voices of our speakers was going to be their most important tactic. And they succeeded, since it was extremely difficult to understand what our speakers were saying, even for those of us very close by. There is no way that the hs students, far above us and overlooking us, could actually understand what our speakers were saying. Nor could any members of the public walking by on the sidewalks or above us entering and leaving the hotel that was there. I spoke to a TRA who had been maced by the one of us who was carrying and using Mace. The Mace residue was still visible on his face. If he had wanted to stop our sister from using more Mace or just wanted to physically retaliate against her, he easily could have done so. But it was clear that there had been a conscious decision made when the TRAS were planning what they would do to NOT respond to any provocation with physical force. It is notable that the man who did eventually break April's hand, and who attempted to tackle Lierre before then, was really unhinged. I tried speaking with him earlier in the afternoon and he was trembling and SCREAMING incoherently and apparently uncontrollably. Lierre also observed how very different he was from the other TRAs there, who yelled in a controlled way, and refrained from making any physical contact with any of us. Anyone who thinks that using Mace will save her from being physically attacked is kidding herself. Mace is useful when there is just one or two assailants, because as they are momentarily disabled and distracted, you can and should run away. Using Mace and then staying in the vicinity of assailants makes no sense and will not stop a determined assailant from escalating to assaulting you with his or her body, and any weapons he has. We are fortunate that the TRAs had agreed to not physically attack us and instead stick to making it difficult-to-impossible to hear our speakers by their constant yelling.

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The lesson that school staff could have given to the students at the event was about how free speech was being stifled by the gender activists. The principal could have articulated that observation when he arrived, and he could have made sure that students discussed that when they returned to the school. He could still have an assembly to talk about how free speech was stifled at that event. But of course he did not and will not.

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I do not think that we should contin ue to have speakers corners that are pre-announced, so that TRAs can do what they did in Tacoma: drown us out so that no one but those of us participating in the action could hear (barely hear!) what our speakers said. There are many other actions that we can have that actually can get the attention of members of the public and educate them on how the TRAs are destroying women's sex-based rights. Speakers corners are not a tradition in the USA, as they have been in the UK, since the mid-1800s in Hyde Park in London. People in the USA are not likely to stop and listen to street corner speakers of any stripe, or when walking by a park or plaza where they can see speakers at a distance. We need to adopt the perspective that passersby have and realize that our past speakers corner actions have not resulted in people other than those in our group from actually hearing what we are saying. Why keep doing that? We might feel good about speaking up, but we need to expect more of ourselves than feeling good. We need to conduct actions that actually connect with and affect members of the public.

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Exulansic, what do you think about psychologist Sam Vaknin? (I'm listening to him, he's criticizing how much society "normalizes" mental illness (He maintains his profession is a bunch of liars and narcissists. I tend to agree with him...)



Uhhhhh.... I just listened to a video where he discussing sex and gender... Not so impressed anymore. Ok I take that back. Or not... hmmm Seven sexual "identities" have been identified. https://youtu.be/hY5afTHB-L0

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