Trans Activists Defend Literal Violence by the Butler Youth
And I don't mean the figurative word-based kind.
Let us not forget that these children were under the authority of the principal of their school and were supposed to be “walking to class” per the report of a self-identified parent of one of the students who was maced “because” a student had just battered the woman defending herself.
Let us not forget that the Butler Youth did not spontaneously self-organize and did not contribute to their own delinquency.
@Emalinemae on Twitter is apparently a Tacoma local. This to me seems to strongly imply that contributing to the delinquency of these minors, as Principal Jon Ketler also did by not directing them to go to class and telling them what they were doing - attacking and severely injuring women who were peacefully protesting - was important, was an overt part of their planning process. I would not be surprised to find out that the children involved and adults defending them communicated on a shared discord or other server, and that the children were directed to initiate the violence on the theory that the consequences would be less severe if the Butler Youth were the ones arraigned.
Here another trans activist, retweeted by a Tacoma pro-trans organization without contradiction, freely and openly acknowledges that the mace incident was precipitated by assault and battery against her, using silly string. They seem to believe it is not criminal act to batter a woman as long as you use a cute weapon, and perhaps they sincerely believe silly string is harmless. It is not, because silly string can be extremely flammable, and thus has the potential to cause severe bodily injury or death. All that would be needed is a lighter, so if one of these delinquents began to spray me with an unknown substance, I would absolutely respond with self-defense.
Clearly these children meant us harm. Clearly it was not all in good fun. Clearly they had no consent. If I were holding mace, I would use it. However, I still encourage people to only bring non-weapons, which includes items like walking sticks which can be transformed into defensive tools if necessary. Because they are either stupid, naive, or on drugs, or some combination of the three, the commenter expects us to believe that this self-defense act targeted a random bystander. Obviously, it is far more likely this “bystander” doesn’t want to go to prison like his buddy that broke April Morrow’s hand.
What more needs to be said?
This is the person who admitted that the woman defended herself BECAUSE she had been assaulted and battered with a potentially flammable, and to her, unknown chemical. Presumably this preson knows about the baby threatening and are trying to get ahead of the video they know is coming.
So the kids left the school and came to us, enabled by a principle who watched as they then committed crimes, and somehow, it’s our fault for existing and exercising our rights to speech and protest. Someone is insane in this scenario and it’s not team terf.
This person calls for us to be physically prevented from exercising our civil rights in the city limits. We cannot ignore the history these mostly white people have with something called “sundown towns,” where they would use similar violence to keep ethnic or religious minority groups from exercising their rights within the city, or even staying in the city after sundown. For more information on Tacoma, Washington’s history of being an anti-Asian sundown town, expelling Chinese residents in 1885 and prohibiting from settling in Tacoma for the next 40 years, see here. Seattle was also an anti-Native, anti-Asian sundown town. While the racial sundowning has been eliminated with civil rights advances, that historical baggage clearly has not gone away, and these denizens still feel entitled to eject targeted groups from their city using violence.
This next galaxy-brain calls for legal consequences for the “crime” of defending yourself against pa physical assault and battery in progress. First they entitle fetuses to touch women without our consent, and now they are attempting to generalize that so that children can attack us and we are not allowed to defend ourselves. The use of child soldiers is a known tactic of fascist organizations.
Child soldiers are defined as:
"any child—boy or girl—under eighteen years of age, who is part of any kind of regular or irregular armed force or armed group in any capacity." [UNICEF definition, 2002]
We cannot pretend that children pumped up and sent in by fascist organizations are harmless. Not when they are defending violence. Not when violence is happening.
And finally, an overt call to violence by an account targeting the specific woman whose hand was subsequently broken by the Butler Youth.
Here is a photo of her hand after she was attacked by the Butler Youth.
If if it somehow not clear, I am pissed and recognize this as an escalation in the war on women. It is a dark portent of what is to come if we do not get out there and keep speaking out. If you would like to support the victim with the most significant injury, April, who suffered multiple injuries to her hand, please use this link: Sovereign Women Speak (
I watched it live on Twitter, and soon after, on viewing the many angles of video shot, I noticed the two young men/boys/students who had positioned themselves a few feet from the speaker. The way their heads were on a swivel, esp one, and the multilayered 'disguises' they wore, made me look closer, wide screen, and that's when I saw the one with a radio transmitter pinned to the 'lapel' of his windbreaker, and an earpiece. Operatives. Ball cap, eyeglasses, dirty stringy hair (on both of them), thick with layers of clothes (the better to quick change out of for getaway)--that's not how kids dress for school. And there were the white-haired, 'grandfatherly' looking men who shoved a phone in KJK's face, in straight clothes, probably the 'agents' in charge. I pointed it out and retweeted the videos to Amy Sousa on Twitter last night as new videos showed wider views of the tactics being used, the 'kettling' of the women, and the violence. I hope some of the gals had a chance to stop by Chehalis and shake hands with the shopkeeper there who last year told a big, tall, burly man who demanded to be addressed as if a woman that he was crazy... one of the best moments... :- ) Vanessa
Number one position on the School Board is a Munchausens Mom with a child at the school.
How much is this now a culture in itself, with very motivated parents and gender industry people pushing for ‘inclusive’ policies and projects on school boards etc.
It struck me as well seeing the footage what James Lindsay talks about, how schools are creating young activists.