I am not a cultist and I shall prove it by leading this mob of zealots in holding you accountable for your disbelief in my invisible, ineffable gender thetans

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This one was the only one missing... They all were thinking this but finally one got hot enough to say it...

This is a pilon...

I was getting very nervous about all this. I promised myself I wouldn't insult brain damaged teenagers but I gets too hard not to.

They are showing their face everyday.

I worry for this person who is being bullied this bad for NO reason cause she is explaining her experience...

As they said "she is not a real trans" and that's why we should be so much careful about giving every sad teenager hormones.

It is so insane to see how they keep with the "white" crap thing...

It is so evident they are not in their mind, that they are wrong, that this is so f wrong that worries me ultimely that they are not able to reason at all...

This gives so much of dispair...

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Isn't this hate speach?

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Very scary! Where is the LOVE? Where’s Jazz and mommy dearest now? I thought this was all about SAVING LIVES??? I guess not.

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T makes teenage girls unattractive to EVERYBODY, not just conservatives. Just look at them...ugh.

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I am still attracted to some of them but it does put me off seeing how they've self harmed and are delusional.

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Really? Crazy is a big turn-off for me. And when I look at some of their pictures, yes, they may have a reasonable facimile of maleness now, but what of the future?

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There's a lot of reasons I'm single.

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Me, too.

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sheeesh...Lord of the Flies scenario unfolding

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“ It’s all a con. They know they are in power. They post with such impunity for a reason.”


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The most vocal detransitioners I see are female. Detransitioners get extreme hate. Misogyny by any other name...

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Yeah , isn't that how genocide starts.? After all , they've demonised white people, dehumanised women and castrated ,sterilised and mutilated kids. So many parallels with Nazi ideology here !!🤬😱

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The top nazi scientists were brought here under project paper clip.

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