Again, wtf? It's obvious she needs help, but I'm sure there are plenty of flying monkeys around her that just encourage the delusions. Doctors actually operated on her with all this other stuff going on. Failure, after failure, after failure, but no. Everything is fine! Nothing to see here.

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What tf is wrong with these doctors?

She is clearly mentally ill, and they are taking her money and doing this to her.

This is why I say this is worse than lobotomies. At least with lobotomies they were pursuing an attainable goal--one can be lobotomized.

This clearly delusional woman (BUT ADULTS CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT! no they cannot) is simply mutilating herself with the goal of becoming a man, which she can never and will never be.

The medical industry in this country is disgusting.

There will be hell to pay over this when this fraud collapses under its own weight, and everyone is going to pretend like they don't remember anything. The psychiatrists, psychologists, plastic surgeons, anaesthesiologists, everyone.

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We are past the point where Trump Derangement Syndrome needs to be seriously addressed.

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By BPD do you mean bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder? I have seen the initials used for both. I'm assuming the former.

That hit of testosterone looks like just another method of self harm. It should not be prescribed for those with mental health issues without proper therapy and a diagnosis. Many disorders can be mistaken for gender dysphoria, eg PTSD from SA, autism, depression etc.

If she is having a 'meltdown', then presumably her meds need to be adjusted. They should fix that and get her stabilised before they even think about testosterone. Is she under the care of mental health specialist or just self diagnosing via a gender doctor? Whoever gave her testosterone should be in prison.

If you are referring to bipolar disorder, I'm not aware of it being drastically, worse than other conditions, like schizophrenia. There are people with it living fairly normal lives on the correct dose of meds.

I don't agree with the death penalty, but child rapists tend to reoffend upon release, so prison terms should be much longer.

The death penalty for child rapists will only be disproportionate for trans people if the number of people raping children are disproportionately trans.

The death penalty is only implemented after due legal process with a trial, evidence and a guilty verdict. That will happen regardless of how one self identifies.

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the Death Penalty is a long & taxpayer funded expense. child rapists, caught en flagrante = wood chipper

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Here it means borderline personality disorder.

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Is she not exhibiting clear symptoms of schizophrenia?

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Being paranoid in this way is not that. If you've ever met an unmedicated schizophrenic it would be very obvious.

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That makes the situation even worse. If your personality is in flux, then how the hell can someone decide you have gender dysporia? These doctors really need to be in prison.

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Almost all people this age have a personality in flux, especially if it's the only thing they ever have to think of.

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The outcomes of these surgeries -- top and botton -- should be photographed and posted to Yelp, Facebook, You Tube, and Reddit. Name the "doctors" and the clinics. And post blow-up, color photos around in the Gay bars. Might scare a little sense into these delusional young people.

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That assumes masochists are realistic and rational people who only wish the best possible outcome for themselves. These surgeries continue despite the fact the risks and damage are obvious and well-known among the target market.

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You're probably right. But it's hard for us normies to understand such evidently self-destructive behavior.

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I wrote about this subject in https://genspect.substack.com/p/a-trip-down-meme-ory-lane-trans-tropes as I find Spielrein's analysis of masochism being bound up with reproduction compelling.

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Excellent article, thanks!

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You're welcome, it's good to be able to publish this type of writing online because the legacy media certainly won't!

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Fascinating article, I'd never heard of Sabina Spielrein before! It occurs to me that the western world has trouble with the concept of Shiva -- the Destroyer and the Creator. Something is destroyed, and something is created, always, right in the same thing. You cannot separate destruction and creation in a certain very real sense.

The gender-bending thing goes back a very long way, but the 60s and 70s seem to have started us down the road to commercializing it. I'm one of those who was a teen listening to Bowie and Velvet Underground and the Stones...it was everywhere, we took it for granted. But it has now become medicalized, which is absolutely horrific. Young people today not only play with make up and clothes to be weird and transgressive, now they mutilate their bodies because that's the Thing To Do. Doctors make so much $$, of course they want it to continue. We need to break up this medicalization process somehow. With luck, it may fall apart soon on its own, as more and more of the botched surgeries become known. But there should be consequences for the surgeons , therapists, and teachers who encourage kids down this path.

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I studied psychology for five years, and Spielrein wasn't mentioned once. In fact, ideas presented as Freud's (such as thanatos) were actually Spielrein's. The 2011 movie 'A Dangerous Method' is of course dramatised, but at least it has helped to inform people about her work.

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Thank you! Now I will have to see that movie!

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millennium numbers.. that's how long mentally ill people have been EXPERIMENTED on.

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What kind of doctor does this to a deranged girl? They should be struck off immediately and jailed along with any "caring" professionals that assisted in this mengele surgery, without even considering that this girl already tried to kill herself? The medical "profession " will soon be one as hated and untrustworthy as msm and politicians

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Gender Jonestown continues

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This is the worst medical scandal of all time.

What doctors are doing to these clearly unstable people is unforgivable.

We live in a digital age, and they will not be able to hide this when the fraud collapses.

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These are the lobotomies of our decade.

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This is worse. They weren't pursuing an impossibility. Once people get an ice pick stuck in their brains, they are lobotomized.

A female body cannot become male. It's a literal impossibility.

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A mental illness can be defined as any problem in the domain of cognition (perception and thoughts), emotion, or action (behavior). A mental disorder is a mental illness that is severe enough to cause disability or suffering for the individual or harm to self or others and that is beyond what the psychiatrist would consider normal for someone in that situation. Mental disorders can be sorted into three categories, according to which features are most obvious. If your most obvious problem is cognitive (hallucinations, delusions), the condition could be classified as a psychosis. Yet even psychotic people have abnormal emotions and behavior. If your most obvious problem is emotional, the condition is called a mood disorder or affective disorder (formerly called a neurosis). Yet even people with a serious mood disorder (e.g., bipolar disorder) can have cognitive and behavioral problems. If your most obvious problems are behavioral, the condition is classified as a personality disorder. A person with a personality disorder diagnosis may have cognitive and emotional problems, but they are less obvious than their abnormal behavior. Sometimes, the cognitive and emotive problems are subtle, in which case the person is said to wear "the mask of sanity." Personality disorders can be viewed as a failure of maturation. For example, people with narcissistic personality disorder are basically toddlers. They are shockingly overconfident, and they feel that all the adults should cater to their needs. That kind of attitude is normal (and kind of cute) for a toddler but unbecoming for an adult. Histrionic personality disorder reflects the kinds of coping strategies that are appropriate for a teenage girl (i.e., gain the attention or pity of a powerful adult who can solve your problems for you). Borderline personality disorder is even worse. It reflects the stage of emotional development that is appropriate to an infant. This explains the extreme emotional lability and fear of abandonment. Nobody knows what causes the personality disorders. The person might have had poor development of (or damage to) some important circuitry in the brain. Or the person might simply have learned bad lessons. Since the brain is plastic (i.e., it rewires in response to experiences), the cause might be some combination of the two. But since personality disorders occur in males and females, it makes no sense to imagine that these disorders can be cured by giving someone the hormones of the opposite sex. Since we know that young men do a lot of stupid and dangerous things, it makes no sense to think that giving a girl testosterone would make her behave better. One caveat: people with these conditions are desperate for help, and they will say whatever they think will get them help. So you can expect them to complain of symptoms that they have heard about but don't really have. (This is why an epidemic of fake movement disorders is being spread by social media.) Unfortunately, people with personality disorders tend to reject the help that they need, while preferring "therapeutic" options that make them worse not better. (If they embraced what they needed, they would outgrow their condition.) Dialectical behavioral therapy was developed precisely to reduce suicidal behavior among patients with borderline personality disorder. But it's not as profitable as surgery and medication.

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They will also say whatever it takes to get them attention. If they can find enablers that's often better than actual help. DBT also requires that the person admits the personality disorder is an issue and wants to not behave that way. IMO having known a number of women with a BPD diagnosis, none of which accepted the diagnoses let lone ever wanted treatment, the implication of accepting real treatment for this personality disorder is you have the most mild expression of it possible because the core nature of it is to get what you want from other people not what you need to have real relationships with them. These women all would rather find as many enablers as possible and never had any problem burning bridges with anyone who wouldn't play along, including with their own children.

But at this point I doubt a lot of these diagnoses since you grow harder into it, not out of it eventually, which is what happens to so many trans identifying youth. They grow out of it. The drive to pathologize all negative behavior as early as possible and send kids to therapy is leading to kids not getting normal guidance and making them take to get past the psycho teenage stage.

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I doubt nearly every diagnosis of BPD in these cases at this point having known adults with the actual mental condition. It's not something you can grow out of and yet this trans nonsense almost always is. All these girls seem to either have a) regular ass PTSD and the attendant anxiety and depression due to other circumstances or b) no actual problems. I think BPD needs stronger exclusion criteria. They're manipulative in the exact same way petulant children are except they use different tools rather than throwing their cereal on the ground. That shouldn't be enough to get that kind of diagnosis which is something in actuality on the edge of sociopathy. Women get diagnosed as BPD instead of sociopath, often it seems just because we lack the tendency towards violence against others. Maybe sociopath classification needs to account for average differences in the behavior patterns of the sexes.

All the parts in "unstable sense of self" are also just normal parts of your teen years but we've extended adolescence so far for upper middle class kids that they never get forced to actually do something beyond the navel gazing. No one really liked talking about that in the 90s in the pro-ana era either. There were a) girls with PTSD from actual trauma trying to cope by self harm, b) girls who had no real problems except not being pretty enough. They can't accept they're completely average and utterly lack competent life guidance from the adults around them which all children and young people need. Being a boring person who has the time to spend all day making tiktoks instead of, I dunno, maybe having to get a job to live, is the most suburban existential crisis there is. That is, it's not a crisis.

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Totally agree. I suspect this one is self-diagnosed for attention, because most people who actually have BPD do not acknowledge that they have it. This manipulation is something else.....like you said, a total lack of actual life skills and coping strategies. Over-medicalisation and pathologisation has a lot to answer for.

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Wow. My ex has been with a woman who has pretty severe BPD (borderline, not bipolar), and her symptoms got dramatically better with aggressive supplementation and major dietary changes. Glad she's in her 40s, not her teens, because yep, she probably would have been butchered for no reason.

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Wow. My ex has been with a woman who has pretty severe BPD (borderline, not bipolar), and her symptoms got dramatically better with aggressive supplementation and major dietary changes (mental health and physical health are not separate things, much as we might like them to be). Glad she's in her 40s, not her teens, because yep, she probably would have been butchered for no reason.

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Who knows if the person even has the BPD she claims to have. But taking the story at face value, there never should have been a double mastectomy. When will the lawsuits begin?

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