I'd bet money that in 10 yrs time, she'll be on the lawsuit bandwagon and rushing frantically to erase all of her sanctimonious propaganda from the web. I just pray that the baby is ok. She probably isn't but mama has T and that's all that matters

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She's too old to wait 10 years. That's a luxury for minor transitioners or people who discover medical mistakes later, like towels left inside of them.

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Towels left inside them?? Is that a reference to an actual story that happened?

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Yes. The woman complained of feeling it for years and was told it was her emphysema causing the sensation something was inside her chest. She died without knowing the truth. They found the towel on autopsy.


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Yikes. But it's hard to sue after you're already dead and autopsied.

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What do you mean by "She's too old to wait 10 years"? That by ten years from now, she'll likely be dead?

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I mean that people who were medicalized as minors often will have 10 years or more to sue that doesn't start until they turn 18. People who were 18 or older when they were medicalized typically have much shorter time limits to sue. So she's too old now, to decide in 10 years that she wants to sue, because she'll be out of the statute of limitations by then. Whereas Chloe Cole, who was medicalized as a 13 year old, had 15 years to sue because her clock didn't start until she turned 18 and went longer because she had been a minor.

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"She probably isn't but mama has T and that's all that matters" → SMH yeah... Did you see that academic paper from, I wana say, mid-last year where the authors tried to argue that we should dismantle the current bias of the medical profession towards birthing HEALTHY BABIES? and instead normalize a whole spread of horrifying foetal abnormalities and birth defects, solely for the sake of "mama has T and that's all that matters"?

ETA: I found the paper https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667321523000811

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Holy fuck. This whole thing makes the thalidomide scandal look like the McDonald's hot coffee incident.

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Yup... I'd say it already dwarfs the lobotomy scandal, too.

Lobotomies followed a trajectory terrifyingly similar to the current one of the trans cult—with a gradual start on mostly teenage boys and young men, but then an explosion of operations on Girls and young Women whom we would now recognize as neurodivergent—but there was never a massive pro-lobotomy wave of institutional captures.

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Data are quite mixed on many fronts with women and testosterone. It has been shown to be protective against Breast Cancer when used alone or in conjunction with estradiol : T and/or T/E pellet implants significantly _reduced_ the incidence of BC in pre- and post-menopausal women. The addition of E did not increase the incidence over using T alone. This is the second multi-year long-term study demonstrating the benefits of T therapy in reducing the incidence of IBC. (National Institutes of Health:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8025725/ )

I’ve known in my bodybuilding life many women who used both anabolic steroids, and anabolic/androgen derivatives of Testosterone ( T is both anabolic and androgenic ) called Androgenic-Anabolic Steroids (AAS) The usual masculinity effects on body and facial hair, skin, amenorrhea, and clitoral enlargement along with elevated hematocrit (higher red blood cell count) were the basics.

It also causes severe problems in lipids, and accelerates aging-related arteriosclerosis, and in women due to a circulatory system and heart different from men, I suspect this can cause premature death from Heart and circulatory disease. In certain European studies, AAS men have 18-fold higher risk of death before age fifty (sudden cardiac failure), but something seems to change after 50.

Due to T receptors in kidney artérioles, T use in men and women can accelerate kidney disease and renal failure.

Female bodybuilders are the best class of women to look for with studies of what excessive T use can do.

I can’t find a lot of evidence of cancer risk, but I can find cancer protection, which is easy to imagine - use of T will suppress natural Estrogen production due to suppression of the ordinary lutenizing hormone circuit. Pituitary stimulation of Estrogen production would drop without substantial supplemental Estrogen from aromatization, which is unlikely to totally replace natural Estrogen.

If you have any studies of elevated cancer risk in Liver or Elsewhere from T use in women, I’d like to read.

I couldn’t find any evidence in female bodybuilder studies that I could access easily.

Use of hepatotoxic AAS is men is easy to see a link with liver cancer, but ordinary testosterone cypionate use is very different from methandrostenolone, (Dianabol, D-Bol, “breakfast of champions”) a common AAS for bodybuilders of both sexes, but unusual to nonexistent in for women otherwise, and would never be prescribed on or off-label to anyone anymore. It’s used in animals.

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Don't female bodybuilders tend to do discrete cycles, use stacks of 'supplements' or drugs, and the main anabolic one used by women is Anavar aka oxondrolone these days? I know Anavar has liver risks, but it seems bodybuilders use so much crap on and off in personalized stacks (for example HGH is often periodically used as well as other stuff) it would be difficult to draw specific conclusions that can be applied to TIFs using prescription test.

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Anavar is has very low androgenic effects, but it's mild compared with test - there's nothing like test.

I have a big bottle of it; several years ago I developed quite deadly arthritic sepsis, with streptococcis-G g in my right hip joint synovial fluid, as well as multiple focal points inside my spine.

My red blood cell count had dropped dangerously low as my entire body shifted from red blood cell production to white blood cells, until I was bone white, and collapsed at a highly inopportune time in front of a really large client.

Apparently men frequently ignore illness "of course I'm pale, my ancestry is Scottish-English"; or.course.i have back pain, my L4/L5 disc is compressed; of course I have Hip Pain, my sciatic nerve is compressed... After two months in a hospital bed, three of recuperation involving among many thing Anavar to bump up my red blood cell count (severe anemia) a year of antibiotics, surgery to "clean out" my spine, surgery to clean out my hip joint, surgery to replace the hip joint, then surgery to replace left shoulder then right shoulder ... And Anavar.

The women I knew who used AAS would do continuous testosterone as a "base" then cycle through a monthly stack of perhaps Anavar, Equipoise, and other items to control water retention.

Men would use aromatase inhibitors, women didn't need to.

With sufficient electrolysis facial hair and body hair was negligible, and finasteride could control male pattern baldness somwehat. Using rHGH to remove aubcutaeous (under skin) body fat has some poor side effects of diabetes, joint pain, jaw brow and nose growth when coupled with testosterone. It's easy to see when you've seen it once.

That's why I note that tracking hardcore female bodybuilders, not physique models, would inform you about effects id testosterone. They would have the exaggerated pattern of testosterone effects and side-effects you may notice. Lisa Lyons who I was acquainted with through mutual artist friends in Venice, would be a physique model today, not bodybuilder she didn't seem to be using AAS. By contrast Kim Chizevsky-Nicholls from the movie "The Cell" seems to be using substantial AAS.

Roid rage is mostly a myth to me. It's an effect I see when you're on extreme low-carbohydrate diets _and heavy stimulants_ which are incredibly depressing, and cause emotional volatility. Imagine heavy ephedrine, caffeine, and Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse and the like to "burn fat" while you have extreme carb restriction. Ugh!

Test makes you elated, and very horny. You want people to have sex and cuddle with you, very cozy and seductive. Everyone Ive known on test who is not on an extreme diet with stimulants is so horny they can't think.

Not a good look in a teenage girl whose breasts have been removed.


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Anavar is the staple of Female bodybuilders and physique/fitness competitors—essentially, Women who are primarily pursuing aesthetic goals, with functional strength as an afterthought if anything.

The most popular very-low-androgenic anabolic PED for Female power and strength athletes is Winstrol (stanozolol), equally commonly [ab]used by male athletes who want power and strength without unnecessary bulk e.g. sprinters.

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Winnie. Yep - didn’t know sprinters used it but of course Ben Johnson. I’ve been curious about the effect on the young male public of a generation of younger male actors who obviously routinely use anabolics (Mickey Rourke is particularly hideous).

It’s hard for me to see female actors using, I have seen groups of trans women using and competing in a documentary.

The one I dropped my coffee cup laughing was Jeff Bezos. I suppose Frank-n-furter made him a man in just 7 weeks. Arms from ordinary to 16 inches in recent muscle polo images.

Ahh vaintas.

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We all know roid rage is bad!!!

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"A profound lack of controlled studies of this drug's effect on the female sex class" describes medicine more generally, it's just made worse by all the patent medical fraud

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This is stomach turning. It's like watching a junkie shooting up and calmly giving us the details of all the little rituals she employs to do it.

There is no world in which this is a healthy thing to do. Even if it were vitamins she was injecting. She's INJECTING stuff into herself. This falls into my "to be avoided" file. I would only agree to do this if the alternative was death. And not ego-death either, actual, physical death. Like, you know, if I had type 1 diabetes. Then, okay, this would have to happen. But this? No. Never.

And before anyone says anything, No, I am not okay with Ozempic either.

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p.s. I just need to say here, scanning through the stuff about female body builders, I am reminded that, in my opinion, there is nothing healthy about that pursuit either.

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By the way, ever since you've started posting about Elleot, I've always wondered why she spells her (assumed) name in a stupid way, rather than the normal Elliot.

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I believe so she can also go by Leo when she feels like it

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I see. That makes sense, but it makes her look really dumb.

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I just finally watched the video. (I was worried to do so earlier; what is this Clock app, anyway, and is China peeking on me as I watch this crap?) As far as I can tell, there's no evidence that she actually reads the insert, anyway.

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