Oh really, Elleot? The package insert tells you ALL the effects of testosterone?
My response to PigeonsandLIES claiming the insert warned her of all the effects testosterone might have on her female body.
Elleot/pigeonsandlies is back to groom her young audience of 157,000 on the clock app. She makes a big deal about using the right needles and sterilizing the cap of the bottle but doesn't bother with gloves.
She also flashes the package insert and claims it contains every possible side effect of testosterone cypionate, since it must certainly be “all” on this “long” document. She confirmed it was complete and accurate with Dr. Jesus Christ, MD, himself.
Elleot neglects to mention that the package insert for this drug contains essentially no information about risks and side effects to females - except fetal females - because it's not FDA approved for the treatment of gender dysphoria in women.
In fact, it’s flat out not approved for women. The insert does mention an increased risk of breast cancer in men, but I've reviewed several informed consent documents for masculinizing FtM hormone therapy, specifically looking for any mention of the cancer risks. I recall encountering some that mention the increased risk of liver cancer, but none that mention the increased risk of breast cancer. As y’all know from my content, trans identified social media activists regularly say I’m a goddamn liar because there is no way in hell their titty skittles and man juice are carcinogenic.
The lack of mentioning the breast cancer risk in the informed consent documents given to women may be a product of assuming that all women on HRT will go on to get top surgery. They may also be assuming that the risk of cancer is lower in women on testosterone because they conclude that the risk for men is entirely due to aromatization, and therefore women on HRT will have less estrogen so their risk won't go up from testosterone injection triggered formation of extra estrogen. They may have never thought about it. But they're also telling women that they'll just become men and adopt the male risk profiles. Apparently they don't even believe that.
Cue the predictable plaint about how more research is needed into “trans bodies” so we can better understand the risks we are signing literal children, mostly girls, up for by the goddamn thousands. After a while, it starts to become musical, to hear the predictable conversational twists and turns, dead-ending into a closed set of thought-stopping clichés characteristic of a cult. When you can predict the song, it's often time to get gone. We know they know not what they do, because there is a profound “lack of controlled studies” of this drug’s effects on the female sex class, especially at cosmetic doses.
I'd bet money that in 10 yrs time, she'll be on the lawsuit bandwagon and rushing frantically to erase all of her sanctimonious propaganda from the web. I just pray that the baby is ok. She probably isn't but mama has T and that's all that matters
This is stomach turning. It's like watching a junkie shooting up and calmly giving us the details of all the little rituals she employs to do it.
There is no world in which this is a healthy thing to do. Even if it were vitamins she was injecting. She's INJECTING stuff into herself. This falls into my "to be avoided" file. I would only agree to do this if the alternative was death. And not ego-death either, actual, physical death. Like, you know, if I had type 1 diabetes. Then, okay, this would have to happen. But this? No. Never.
And before anyone says anything, No, I am not okay with Ozempic either.