"This study is nearly impossible to interpret because the authors don’t bother defining the terms ‘transgender males’ and ‘transgender females.’ However, it looks like the transgender females were actually males who identified as transgender ...."

Part and parcel of the rot that transgenderism has wrought, so to speak. Why there's some merit in deprecating if not anathematizing phrases like "transgender females" and "transgender women" in favour of "transfemales" and "transwomen". The first set -- as adjective-noun pairs -- more or less endorse the claims of those "self-identifying" as such to being members of the categories described and defined by the noun. The second set -- as compound words -- more or less repudiates or rejects such claims. Largely why transactivists get their knickers in a twist at the use of the second set:


Along the same line, you might be amused by this analysis of the too-common use of "gender" to describe the sexes of fish:


Who knew that fish had personalities? 😉

The only coherent use of "gender" is, largely, only as a synonym for personalities and personality types -- of which there are billions and billions. ICYMI, my kick at the kitty of trying to rationalize the concept of "gender", to put it on more of a scientific footing:


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What we need is a grading system.

+2 This is a quality study that clearly indicates the benefits of gender affirming medicine

+1 This is a low or no-quality study which indicates benefits, or a quality study that suggests benefits

+ 0 This is a wash, for whatever reasons

-1 This study is suggestive of bad things and we need more studies

-2 This study is pure garbage and an own-goal if you tweet it at me

Now you can keep a running score with each TikToker on a spreadsheet

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I heard you mention "gender atheist" exulansic shirt... Where do I find that?

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The only problem I see with these findings is that most of the trans-identified females I've seen are FAT. Yes, the super-serious ones who really want to look like men (sorry, yuk) work out and do build lean body mass, but at lot of them are simply fat.

That said, I am FAT and I have no insulin sensitivity. But I've always eaten high-quality food and supplemented; a lot of my weight is due to not being diagnosed as hypothyroid for 30+ years (after it nearly killed me) and DIETING, that evil notion!

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