All for free speech. Unless you're reacting something I've posted, and then I'll threaten you


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It's totally illogical. He's for free speech until it's something he personally doesn't like, then he's anti free speech. Much like Elon Musk.

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I'm thinking of an analogy - it's as if when you criticize what slaveholders are doing to their slaves, as in maybe Marion B. Sims who butchered Black women in a shed and called it gynecology - the slaves attack you verbally, claim that you hate them, and try to incite other slaves to retaliate violently against you. I guess that is what Stockholm Syndrome is all about.

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Careful, careful.

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All the bad publicity is coming from their in-house PR team and they. just. never. learn.

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While intellectually he may grasp that people have different opinions, his emotional instability really shows through when his content isn't met with the love bombing he's accustomed to in his bubble. His reaction to that overwhelming emotion is sterotypical male violence - the one trait these guys never seem to shake.

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Not great at PR or messaging, is he? When you threaten people that react to your videos, you do not believe in free speech.

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She seems so reasonable at first and then. Nope.

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Sorry. “He”

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I don’t understand the transphobic house. How does he know or why does he think a transphobe lives there?

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Why was showing the house even necessary? Like.. he could have just said “random people in subhurbia” or in your town or whatever. But he went the extra mile to dox someone.. this wasn’t ever about clarifying, it was about subliminally encourage his viewers to attack this person. Yikes. You can find where someone lives from that short clip alone, it’s not hard when you’re encouraged to do so. I’m pissed.

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When I ran in my municipality's civic election in Sept/Oct on a "Remove Gender Ideology K-12" platform, I had an individual outside my home screaming, "Hater!". (No, I hadn't made my address public, but it's possible to find people's addresses via the Elections Office. And the Chief Elections Officer was extremely biased with regards to the anti-gender ideology platform.)

I filed a police report.

I reported that video. That threat is not acceptable. I hope you're OK, Exulansic.

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Stay safe, Exulsanic. Hoping the people at the home that was shown are safe, too. Scary times.

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Narcissistic rage isn’t at all pretty. They don’t like seeing themselves, do they? From what he’s said, “trans” is a political lobby using marketing techniques on the public. Glad we agree on that point, at least. I read Jennifer Bilek’s 11th Hour Blog again yesterday, and I think we need to emphasize that the “trans” in transgender is the same as in transhumanist. They are the same cult of disembodied narcissistic fetishists. 🤬

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I am glad that this person is rational enough to see that the "brand" is rekt. Anger is understandable. Grief is a process. If Lee is ever prepared to accept that sneaking self-ID and male sexuality into women's spaces and prisons and sports has been a complete political disaster, then healing and growth may be possible. If Lee can ever reach acceptance that iatrogenic harm is a medical scandal that will negatively impact everything else that people on the leftish-liberal-progressive political issue spectrum care about, perhaps one more foot on the brake will help us bring the horror to an end. We shall overcome someday.

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Also interesting that he thinks 'policing words and banning the word mother' is the most extreme TRA position. Personally I'd go for 'amputating children's body parts and putting rapists in cages with women', but I'm an old-fashioned radical, I guess

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'I'm all for free speech... BUT not if you say something I don't like. And if you say something I don't like,

I will come for you, fuck your point of view, say what you want except don't you dare talk about me or repost some of my videos!!!' Little bit of narcissistic personality disorder showing there. Not healthy to react violently to the slightest criticism.

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They want you to think all trans people are crazy as batshit...and then goes on to prove it. Since he seems to be in marketing I'm guessing the whole "I'm just a poor little transwoman trying to get through life" is part of his schtick since there's a lot of anger gurgling right below the surface in this video and the original one you reacted to.

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Lee's videos make me sadder than most. I'm not excusing his behaviour in this video but I don't know if you've seen his more recent posts... what he went through recently with his surgeries is so horrifying, I'm impressed that he manages to maintain any kind of normal life. It would break most people, I think.

If you go back and watch his original videos about why he wanted the surgery it's so heartbreaking. He really needed advice from people who would be honest about the surgeries and he expresses frustration at multiple points about how much bullshit the trans community puts out there about them.

He knew he was getting fed lies, but that part of him seems to be fighting the part of him that hoped and still hopes to get whatever he is seeking from these surgeries.

I think there is a very reasonable but very unsure and troubled person underneath the front he puts on in this video. You can see that part in his earlier videos especially.

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I think he might be on a similar path to Shapeshifter. Of course he reacts negatively to seeing someone use his videos like this, just like Shapeshifter did. But I see the same kernel of integrity in both of them.

(Sorry, posted as two comments as my first got cut off.)

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If he shape shifts that'd be great.

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