I'm not familiar with this person. Could someone tell me the background please ?

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I came here for hints

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Kim Petras was transitioned starting at age 12 and including a vaginoplasty at age 16. I've made a few videos commenting on how it sure looks ilke he has a lot of pelvic scarring.

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I should've refreshed the page, as I hadn't seen you'd replied to her already! Fauxgina. That's a good one. I remember you pointing out the tongue lolls and repetitive motions that Jazz Jennings makes are tardive dyskinesia-like, I think? I've seen people on neuroleptic drugs that do that. Very sad that adults did that to these individuals, for true. It's gotta stop. Thanks for your work!

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My understanding is that TD is always caused by pharmaceuticals. ?????

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Iatrogenic, yes!

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I just looked up her videos.

Vile. Disgusting and degrading to girls and women and what it is to be human. A complete inversion. Luciferian- all of it.

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I don't understand why this is legal to perform in front of young audiences. You're right, it is degrading. But then, a man is performing...

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its a dude!!! Kim is a HIM!!!! His videos :)

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Wouldn’t it be Ahrimanic, not Luciferian? I’ve studied quite a bit of Western Esotericism, and the anthroposophists would probably describe it as such. Evil, in any event. Dr. Mengele is the appropriate analogy I’ve heard used. The straight-up money grubbing and sadistic ideology of it doesn’t strike me as the “angelic” devils at work, but the very “worldly” ones. Materialism is its own belief system, and repeatedly produces similar horrors to known religious ones.

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I know many would disagree but I think that Transgenderism is one of the most noticeable Ahrimanic manifestations… the idea that by controlling material world you can control the spirit or truth, that you can materially “transition” between sexes/genders. Of course you could describe it as the opposite as well but that’s just how I think of it.

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Lucifer seeks to invert Creation. Ba'al and Moloch represent Lucifer...the image/idol is a transgender goat, usually pictured with 2 children, a girl and a boy child.

I don't know much about Aramaic beliefs, are they similar to Ba'al, Moloch and Luciferian worship?

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Ahrimanic. Rudolf Steiner, founder of the Anthroposophical Society, characterized demonic forces that way. The term Ahriman is from Zoroastrian religion, and he used it to refer to desires such as food & drink, sex, etc., while Luciferic forces would incite nationalism, for instance. In all actuality, it sounds similar to the classic Freudian id and superego concepts to me. I’m fascinated that more American Christians don’t seem to suspect as devils the spirits they find “pretty.” I have had the experience with a few of my blood relatives to alert me to this possibility, and I suspect that there’s quite a bit of deception going on this way. As for the other characters/deities you mention, I think it is beyond stupid to worship them. I’ve heard of the Church of Satan, and their concept seems rational to me, as they believe that the “God” of the Old Testament is a demiurge, or a kind of inferior spirit, as Satan tells the truth to the humans in the Garden of Eden. Sounded kind of like Gnosticism to me, as explained by a member of their church. This organized religion stuff is all fear-based, and I think religion that comes from the books of men functions like spiritual terrorism. It’s a product of patriarchy, and all women should be suspect of it. Men’s life comes from women, not from Father God in Heaven. They have no spiritual authority over us, they’ve just imposed it falsely through violent force. How can we learn anything accurate about spiritual realms if we’re in fear? Religion as implemented by men is a product of the fear of Nature, which we women embody to a degree they don’t. That’s why they’re obsessed with controlling us! The false belief in male supremacy is a form of group narcissism, and is endemic to both organized religion and materialistic “Science.” The priestesses of Orango administer their people’s religion, and they say that if men do not perform rites of passage regularly throughout their lives they run the risk of becoming destructive (evil) spirits after death. When I heard this, I knew these holy women were correct, and want to tell them that I exist in a culture that raises them up to be devils and celebrates them for it! Anyway, please don’t think that “slut shaming” will ever do anything but promote rape culture. ☮️❤️🐾

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I am wondering whether Kim's mother, like Jazz's mother, so dominated her son that he was desperate for her approval and unable to defy her. I think both of these "female/males" were severely verbally abused--possibly even physically abused. It verges on physical abuse for Jazz's mother to start shaving his/her legs against his protests. Not to mention urging and supervising vaginal dilation. I listened to a seminar discussing a response to trauma called "Please/Appease." The traumatized person becomes simply unable to deliver a critical response and is desperately anxious to avoid conflict at all costs. As a result they will passively endure mistreatment and try to behave in a compliant way to seek approval.

Desperately unable to deliver critical response? Doesn't this remind you of Ashton who kept protesting that he/she has NO REGRETS and certainly doesn't confront his surgeon to ask why the phalloplasties keep failing. Does this seem rational?

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Sadistic domination isn’t exclusive to males, unfortunately. Predominantly male, but definitely not exclusively. Many observers seem to see Munchausen’s Syndrome by proxy. I don’t understand the use of that term clinically or colloquially, as Munchausen’s Syndrome is when someone makes themself ill/injured for sympathy and care from medical professionals. If a person does that to someone else’s body, why use that term? Isn’t it extreme objectification and control, some type of sociopathic personality disorder, more akin to serial murderers and the like? I think the “MS by proxy” label could be improved on, but it’s my understanding that it is predominantly a mother’s pathology. Not rational, I agree, and definitely part of an abuse dynamic. Likely the same for Jazz’s situation. Ex has pointed out before that those GnRH antagonists (?) are administered at inconsistent dosages from patient to patient (it’s all experimental, after all) and our brains usually receive carefully pulsed amounts of hormones in a natural, typical puberty. That’s going to have an effect, and it’s probably detrimental to the brain maturing properly, as in ever becoming capable of mature reasoning. I adopted two kittens each from two litters in 2020 and couldn’t figure out why three of them ended up with behavioral issues and finally realized with horror while watching these Ex videos that only one of them had reached puberty before their sterilization surgeries! I’ve heard from laypeople before about puppies and kittens becoming better pets as adults if they’re allowed at least one heat cycle first, and the equivalent for males. I’ve now seen cats that don’t have their proper cat sense, and currently have two females in heat sequestered on my screened porch because I’m serious about not stunting their brains by getting them sterilized too soon. Dogs are social predators, but a cat that doesn’t have its proper cat sense is extremely sad to see. (I’ll add that I’m in a rural area not the city, so I’m able to accommodate them. They already have appointments scheduled soon.) My first time with kittens, as I previously adopted adult cats (one male, one female) that were sterilized as adults and there were no odd behaviors such as I’ve observed in these kitties. Didn’t mean to ramble, but this is as close to a godlike or parent-like role I’ve ever been in, and I really can’t get my head around the fact that adults are doing this to human children. ☹️🤬

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This is FASCINATING. I would pay to read your rambles on substack. So GnRH is a prevention of menstruation? Why inconsistent dosage? Do you mean each patient gets a different dose? Or each patient gets inconsistent doses? Or something else.

You are such a good cat mother. Almost a godlike cat mother because all that is required for normal cat mothers is to feed and nurse and lick/cuddle their kits and maybe show them how to hunt. They certainly don't have to sequester their kittens when they come into heat--do they?

Do two female cats in heat get annoyed at each other? Do they moan with cat desire to attract males? Do they moan the same way? Check out this duet for two cats by Rossini: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHNeMcSdBCM

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Sorry forgot to ask. Will they be OK since they have already gone into heat once? What happens in the wild if kittens mate very early? Can they get damaged? How old are kittens when they first get into heat? Are they still living with their mother--or do they wander off to establish their own territories? (Sorry if I'm off topic. I, too, am prone to rambling. The issue is that humans deserve even more protection than kittens. We don't want to give birth at age 14 right after the first menses. Adult males can damage young female children if they force them to have sex before they are fully grown and capable of enjoying sex. Especially if the child has been forbidden to masturbate. Thank God there are no trans operations for cats. As a result tomcats (male cats) can NOT get pregnant!

Do you think cats enjoy sex?


Yes and Yes

Some signs that your cat is masturbating – or intending to masturbate – include:

Humping things

Licking themselves too much

Grooming their genitals

Rubbing their genitals onto objects, such as blankets

Excessive kneading

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I’m not a veterinarian or an animal behaviorist, I’ve just observed cats for a while now. The two females on the porch are mother and daughter, and seem to be sympathetic to each other, as I was also wondering if they would clash! Spay/neuter programs in my area are understaffed and the private vet clinic we used in 2021 wants $600 for a spay, when it cost $440 a couple of years ago. There’s a rescue society I’ll be contacting that is in the next county over which is well funded by a deceased benefactor, and there’s a vet hospital in my county that they use when performing rescues here. I’m thinking they’ll be able to charge me no more than $200. The mother cat is feral and won’t let me touch her, but she’ll come near to me and play with toys, on her own and with her baby or me. The one of my three boy kitties that reached puberty seemed to know what to do last night when she howled in the middle of the living room and stuck her rear up into the air. He was gentle and just sort of squatted over her, bit her on the scruff of her neck and well, went through the biologically appropriate motions, save for the fact he couldn’t go all the way. She seemed relieved afterward and he didn’t seem bothered at all or possessive. The other two boys looked perplexed, with the one who’s a bully finally getting up and going over and hissing at her, so I showed him out the back door. He’s the only one who has seemed stressed at all by this activity, and the baby girl (8 months old) has been howling for three days, her mother for five. Info I got online says estrus (heat) lasts anywhere from 2-19 days, depending on whether or not there are males calling to her, etc. (which there are). It is absolutely heart-wrenching to hear the guttural moans, and reminds my significant other and I of our own puberty. Mostly, I distract them when I hear that get going, we play with toys, and it’s a sweet meowing. The guttural moans remind me of the ewes on a rural property I used to live on, after their lambs were sold. God! If that doesn’t move a person to sympathy, then they must have no feeling in them. As the saying goes, this too shall pass.

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This post makes me wish to be your cat daughter. Maybe I could also marry the gentle male. And nobody would slut shame me. MEOW!!

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Why would someone do this to themselves?

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Uh, this young man was "transed" by his mother, I'm pretty sure. She is/was a professional singer, and has groomed her son to be a soprano, which would be like the castrati of old times, with the modern twist. Ex used to have videos on her YouTube channel showing the difficulty he has with the dance moves, and thinks it's the obvious result of extreme genital modification surgeries, which would be the likely cause. I'm a trained bodyworker and could see the inhibitions of motion she pointed out on some of his performance videos. I don't know if she's posted Kim Petras videos to her new YouTube channel, but maybe they're on Odysee or Rumble. I'll go look and see.

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Eurotrash who performs pornographic dance routines.

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I haven’t heard the word “Eurotrash” for ages! Leave it to you Louise!❤️

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I remember this term, lol

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youngest boy in germany to have a "sex change" to "become a girl" he is a pop star, he is the Jazz of Germany

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Que Dr. Mengele, laughing up from Hell.

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At 18 this person became responsible.

Sorry he had it so rough.

We don't get to continue bad behavior because bad behavior happened to us.

Moral Compass.

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Idk much about this person but if that was the childhood he had, the psychological damage wouldn’t just go away at 18. What he suffered doesn’t sound like “bad behavior,” it sounds like child abuse. I would hope your moral compass would guide you towards compassion for people like that.

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I understand what you are saying, but at some point -- brain-damaged or not -- people have to become responsible for their choices. Only the severely retarded cannot be held responsible, and they are not capable of doing what this man is doing.

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He probably will be considered responsible for his choice. If his hips need reconstruction--he might have to pay for it himself because his parents or his insurance won't cover it. This problem is not just Kim's problem. As we see, a lot of trans people are convinced that transitioning is wonderful. They keep their doubts to themselves because they don't want to be shamed or rejected. Perhaps if society, mass media, social media all provide informed consent for transitioning (as Exulansic is attempting to do), maybe young people would be less likely to transition.

Suppose we hold a brain damaged (Jazz is mildly brain damaged) person responsible for their "choice" to become trans. They are now responsible. What does that mean? That if they become friendly with us we refuse to hear their regrets? Sorry, we can say. You made your bed--now you should sleep in it.

What is best for everyone? I like what Exulansic is doing. Holding up these damaged people as a way of providing informed consent. And they are not just physically damaged from hip damage, phalloplasty infections and mildly brain damaged from Lupron (puberty blockers) and drug toxins. Because of the pain, shame, fear of failed medical procedures, etc., they may also suffer from PTSD. And one of their symptoms might be denial of and refusal to recognize harm.

I would support any of us in refusing to befriend these people or even condemning their behavior. But I think the real responsible people are the surgeons, psychiatrists, organizations and pharmaceutical companies that are raking in billions of dollars at their expense. Jazz and Kim are just pawns or, at best, useful idiots.

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Follow the money, as they say.

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His insurance will cover it; he’s German.

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I wish that were true but it's sadly not. Some people lack capacity their whole life or the rest of their life after the injury.

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What do wish was true? What is the injury? Phalloplasty?

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I wish it were true that everyone ĺ eventually becomes responsible for their choices. It's something I struggled with my whole life as my dad had a brain injury and would make choices that hurt my feelings. Some injuries don't heal.

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I totally agree with you. Brain injured people like your dad never become responsible or as responsible as people with intact brains. And being mistreated by a close relative such as a spouse or parent will also cause injuries that linger or will not heal. I identify with your sobriquet, "Exulansic" which, I think, comes from "the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows." It meant "The tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people are unable to relate to it."

I totally relate to this definition. I think I have myself a touch of autism, and certainly suffered a lot from allergies, food sensitivities, reactivity to pollutants. I would be weeping and complaining--and my mother would, in turn, complain. "What's WRONG with you?!" I remember when we were on a cruise (supposed to enjoy ourselves) and I kept weeping about how dizzy and nauseous I felt. "What's WRONG with you? " my mother asks, or, rather, accuses. "The boat isn't even moving! How can you be seasick? I'M not seasick!" My poor mother who couldn't modulate her own anger and yearnings for connection constantly accusing me "You don't love me! You don't love me!" I'm being trained from an early age to become her all accepting psychotherapist--or accept the role of the neglectful, disappointing mother. All right. SOMEBODY has to do it.

I have been studying webinars with a Jungian psychoanalyst and Buddhist practitioner, Polly Young-Eisendrath. She espouses a mutual communication practice to share vulnerabilities with your partner--and hope for them in return to be responsive to your needs. She had a marriage with a man who was able to match her love and keep exploring how to gain more insight and more abilities to open up to each other and help others (they were both psychotherapists).

Eventually, however, he began to lose his capacity to think of her as a separate being--but only as an extension of himself. In her memoir, The Present Heart, she writes: of how he gradually lost his capacities to function. He snapped at her when she told him she was making him a sandwich. Don't baby me! I can do it myself. He then recited all the steps. But he was unable to translate words into action and began to cry in despair.

He was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease. He spent almost $70,000 of their savings and she was forced to divorce him on a lawyer's advice to avoid liability. She said they could no longer share mutual love--but she could continue to cherish him.


So I see the idea of responsibility in two ways. 1)Is the person physically, mentally (brain damage?), psychologically (narcissistic? personality disorder?) 2)Is the person a responsible member of the community? Many of the accusations and criticisms made about these trans people that are embracing our Church of Perpetual Hormones and Phalloplasty appear to me to reflect moral standards.

In scientific studies, researchers have shown that even Chimpanzees can express moral outrage when their notion of justice and fairness is violated. For example, some chimpanzees were "rewarded" with cucumber slices for learning to press a lever. Then, when their companion got rewarded instead with grapes (much higher salary) for the same task, they became angry and threw the cucumber back at the investigator and refused to work.

One quality of our moral standards is to expect everyone to live up to them and criticize or reject the other person when they do not. Was it Barbara Bush who said, "Just say no to drugs!"? Hmm is that easy when you are opioid addicted? "How can you crave heroin when I do not?" "How can you want a 5th phalloplasty when all the other ones have failed and you can no longer walk?"

Polly, the therapist, suggests we become curious. How is it this person wants something so obviously wrong to me? Sometimes we learn from really listening to another annoying person.

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The question was, "Is this person responsible for promoting the trans agenda and hurting more children?"

My answer is yes.

The question was not, "Do you feel empathy/compassion for what was done to this person as a minor?"

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Think about rape. Suppose a person was raped or sexually abused at a young age: 12-14. Research shows that many females abused by a male relative later become promiscuous. When they eventually become age 18, shall we tell them they must control themselves because they are now responsible? The situation is complex. Unfortunately, Kim DOES get to continue dancing and performing as a sexy woman in order to persuade other young boys that it's possible to easily become a glamorous female with no problems. So, yes, he will continue bad behavior although I doubt he realizes that it's bad. I would say that as a society we have a moral duty to provide these young people with informed consent. As far as the "sluts" who are reenacting sexual abuse or desperately seeking affection/approval--therapy can help. But therapy is usually available only for fairly well-off people. Insurance only pays for a few sessions--and that's not enough to reverse years of abuse or delusion.

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Should we tell young women acting out sexuality as a result of their rape that they should stop?


We should help them understand what they are doing and how it's harmful.

My father died when I was 6.

I did every behavior you would expect from a fatherless girl.

I was harmed by my actions.

I was a very bad example for other girls.

I wish society had stopped me, cared about me, loved me until I could love myself.

Fortunately, this is exactly what happened when I found my way to 12 step meetings.

And the help was free.

People have Agency.

They have Free Will.

They are responsible for their actions.

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I've come to understand the value of "slut shaming"

Girls and women were Guardians of their virtue, their bodies, and they taught boys and men how to treat them.

A slut endangers the virtuous girls because such behavior will soon be expected of them.

They will be at risk of pregnancy, abortion, disease, depression and poverty if they become single mothers.

Bring back slut shaming.

Discourage this behavior.

Help the girls who are acting out. These girls do not want sex. They want male attention and affection and sex is the only way they know how to get it.

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I have said for years that we as a society should bring back the shame of unwed motherhood. Girls should be told in no uncertain terms that it is almost a guarantee of lifelong ignorance and poverty for both them and their children. I'm originally from Detroit, and I saw it in action.

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I’m a GenX-er and I was put out for rape when I was twelve by nice white-collared White women with advanced university degrees. I’ve been learning about rape culture, how it functions, and slut-shaming females is definitely not the answer. How about shitcanning the double standard and start demanding sexual continence from men and boys instead? I can report that if you do that plus skip the makeup and streetwalker garb you just constantly get accused (suspected?) of being a lesbian. The institution of fatherhood needs to be abolished! Are you religious or something? Years ago, my religious and socially conservative sister remarked with disgust about how some women have children via multiple fathers. I was horrified that women like her think we’re supposed to reproduce dominator men. Guess what? If women would stop doing that, we could end patriarchy in a hurry. Fatherhood needs to go. Matrilineal kinship makes better social sense than patriarchy. How about the Nordic model of prostitution, which criminalizes the purchasers and offers escape from the streets for the providers? Anyone claiming to be “civilized” should surely be on board with that approach.

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There’s nothing dirty about sex. Sex is fun and doesn’t have to be loaded up with slut-shaming and such. Hold men and boys accountable for their peepees and what they do with them. What’s wrong with requiring them to satisfy themselves in a peaceful way that doesn’t require the degradation of others or risk anyone’s health? I’m sick of having their inability to accept responsibility for themselves foisted on to me.

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I had a friend whose father forced her and her sister to give him oral sex. Her mother had a drinking problem and didn't notice what was going on. But her grandmother and housekeeper did notice and told them that they must control him. What's wrong with this picture? Why do young girls have to learn to guard their virtue and protect themselves when they are the ones who need care and protection?

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Because everyone must bow and worship cock. It’s called patriarchy. It is a perpetually stupid system that worships the inferior of the two sexes. It runs by sexual terrorism tactics. Women should stop valuing themselves for the crap sadistic dominators value them for (“virtue”). My father was falsely accused in family (divorce) court of physical and sexual abuse, and my eldest siblings assured me he was innocent of those heinous charges. His mother-in-law was a genuine Okie from Muskogee (circa 1916) who apparently threatened him violently with guns when he came to get us for visits. I now suspect, after an initial DNA test, that my birth mother could have been the product of incestuous rape. Need another test to determine the likelihood of that. I’ve not personally met up with a childraper, incestuous or not, but am pretty sure I’d try to cut off any unwelcomed appendages that were shoved towards me now. Can’t imagine having a sperm donor like the one you describe here. I’ve been studying a bit about sadism and they rape their sons, too. Incest may be an outgrowth of pathological narcissism, as they are “in love with” themselves, so family members like children would be most attractive to those defective perverts. I’d like to eliminate the institution of fatherhood, which keeps driving this nuttiness. I know I’ve refused to reproduce them, and know that most women who do likewise are doing so for similar reasons. I survived child rape after my father died when his mother-in-law plopped me into a group home run by a racist fraternal organization she was a member of, who illegally denied me Gifted and Talented Education that I’d been recommended for. They supervised the heroin junkie felon who used me for sex and played with my head. When he got out of prison, he became a Ph.D. chemical engineer, because he already had money from an injury he received in childhood. I’ve got an A.A.S. in Accounting which started with an illegal loan when I was sixteen. Great system, huh? I don’t do anything to promote a rapey “society” like that. The more pathological you are, the higher you can rise in the pathological society. Civilization as it is currently expressing itself and has been for several thousand years is a form of group insanity, not anything really to be admired, but understood. Personally, I think solar energy is what has unbalanced the situation, but that remains to be proven. Makes the most sense to me as the quality of the energy imbalance (patriarchy being its expression) is Yang. Check out the recent findings from the James Webb Space Telescope. The Big Bang never happened! Gonna need a rewrite on that theory, and a new social contract without billionaires in it if civilization is to survive. ☮️❤️🐾

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We have slut shaming now--but we REALLY had it in the 1950's when I was a young teenager. There is a new book out titled "The Case Against the Sexual Revolution" by Louise Perry. She states that all females are encouraged to be sluts or maybe even forced to be sluts--because males now expect sex on demand. Perry thinks females need to be in a secure relationship before they can relax and enjoy sex. Maybe for many females it's OK--but females are not usually wired to be sluts. They have to now--or they won't last long. Because the pill has made it possible to avoid pregnancy. Perry states that many of her female friends have given up being married or trying for a relationship because males no longer want to wait before enjoying sex. Maybe our best bet is to have a repetitive relationship like studying music, or tennis, or a foreign language or taking cooking lasses. You keep seeing this man regularly and find you are interested in each other and getting to care for each other. Maybe that's the way to handle it.

Yes, many sluts do want male attention and affection and sex is the only way they know how to get it. This is also true for males. Many males equate sex with love. They don't like to admit vulnerability or admit they need affection. But sex allows them to gratify their relationship needs without the ability to express feelings or feel entrapped.

It's true (according to Perry?) that homosexual males are the most promiscuous. Heterosexual males might like to be more promiscuous but females don't let them or don't respond in the same way as males. I do not know the statistics about Lesbians or Trans. (I doubt Ashton is getting laid with his painful phalloplasty. He's concentrating on urinating before he can consider sexual pleasure.)

How shall we help the girls? They need male attention. They might need therapy to help them overcome their feeling of being rejected, unloved.

However, I don't think girls/women should be solely responsible for virtue. Because in many societies the woman who gets raped (allows herself to get raped) is considered a slut and is totally rejected by society. That is why many soldiers used to rape enemy women--who then would be considered soiled goods.

I often used to think, "Why do we make women responsible for virtue?" Males are much bigger and can easily force themselves and get sex on demand. But this doesn't work because it's the woman who gets pregnant. She CAN'T deny that she had sex. So if you want to enforce the laws of inheritance, you have to know that your wife was faithful and all your children are legitimate.

I would want a society where we feel responsible for each other and we feel it is immoral to force someone to have sex against their will. I'm feeling so sad as I write this. People don't generally learn how to create successful relationships and value them. I am against slut shaming. I am FOR making each child feel valuable and feel loved and cared for and important so they don't need to force themselves on anybody else or feel they have to submit to someone in order to get loved.

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I’d like to live in a society where people who call themselves educated and civilized don’t commit acts of brutality like throwing the orphaned daughters of their fellow citizens out to be raped by adults. It’s dominator/submissive social dysfunction. I no longer want male attention, and don’t believe that Philia with a man is possible, which is what I was looking for. I have Philia for women generally, and some personally. I do not have Eros for women, and have been discreet about my romantic liaisons since my twenties. I like sex and keep my contacts with men for the most part to just that, at a motel/hotel, preferably. When they grow up enough to see women as persons instead of sexual gratification objects, maybe I’ll be interested in attempting to have conversations with them again. Political lesbianism appeals to me, and I would love to live in a community of women. I’m suing the racist fraternal organization that denied me education even though their private facility I was placed in was qualified as a special education school, and gave my congenitally brain damaged birth mother and her narcissist mother get-out-of-jail-free cards for welfare fraud and child endangerment. Meritocracy? What a joke! No such thing in a society that enables and even rewards mental pathology like that woman and her mother expressed. I’ve heard it said that the only real difference between the political left and right’s positions on the role of women in society is that the right sees women as private property and the left sees them as public property. Neither view is tenable. I’m not going to reproduce this patriarchal domination, nor encourage other women to do it, either. Why buy the cow when you’re getting the milk for free? Why buy the whole pig when all you want is a little sausage? It can work both ways, but in a patriarchal society, a woman who is discreet about where and with whom she gets her occasional sausage enjoyment is considered with suspicion and derision. I’m precisely the kind of woman who gets burned at the stake, not the kind who is trying to be considered good enough to the dominators that I will be protected from their raping. “Civilized” people are the most mentally ill people on the planet!

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I've thought long and deep about what to do to turn around sexual morality... and it's so complex.

Sex is so powerful and used improperly, the society crashes.

Look at us- Sodom and Gomorrah.

Honestly, the only solution I see is for family units to withdraw. Minimal tech, out in the country raising food and interacting with others like them. Introducing their children to one another. Giving their children a choice, like the Amish do. Go out into the secular world and stay out, don't contaminate the family by bringing it home, it won't be allowed.

Or stay. Raise a family. Find joy and pleasure in your marriage. Enjoy sex within safe parameters, where children conceived will be welcomed and cared for by parents and extended family.

Or this...a world where little girls see disgusting, vile sex acts routinely, are rightfully freaked out by it, and decide to be boys and get arm skin sewn to their crotch.

I'm glad I'm old and happily married.

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Living rurally and separately isn’t a bad idea, really. The commercial culture objectifies and commodifies everything and everyone, and gets piped to us through the TV, radio and all other media 24/7. It is predatory and antisocial. I’ve been told that many people my age (51) have difficulty with modern technology, but I’ve been computer literate since fifth grade when my class was introduced to the Apple IIe, in the days before the turtle came to be called a cursor. I programmed them in BASIC in the late ‘80’s and immensely enjoyed the Internet of the ‘90’s, but became increasingly frustrated and displeased with its intrusive manipulations by the time the dumbphone proliferated, to the point where I actually shun it. Technology is supposed to serve humans, but instead it now compels the majority of humans who use it to serve the commercial interests who control it. The antidote for bodily and Earthly dissociation is re-connection with the natural (real) world and each other, such as you’ve described. I’m glad you’re old and happily married, too! The perversion is man inventing religion, when men have no spiritual authority over women, they’ve only claimed to through brute force. I survived childhood evangelical abuse, and would never worship the demonic entities man has invented, nor will I tolerate those who say my birth mother wasn’t a “true” Christian. She truly loved her lord, everything she did she did for his sake, and was always protected and supported by enabling secular people. The believers and the materialists alike both have in common the false belief in male supremacy, and in that way they are two sides of the same coin. ☮️❤️🐾

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I'm sorry you endured unwanted religious programming.

I had none and I felt something was missing due to that. I used to get permission to attend religious services with classmates when I was a child.

I died in 1987. I chose to return.

I was in the presence of the Creator while "dead"

God feels like an electrical current made of ecstasy. It was like a giant orgasm, on every level: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual- everything was ECSTASY ✨️

We laughed the whole time I was dead. Everything that I had taken so seriously while alive now seemed like a joke. It didn't matter at all.

Only LOVE mattered.

God was so much better than any religious text described.

I experienced unconditional love. Being held in unconditional love made me feel like dropping to my knees and weeping in gratitude while at the same time, I wanted to run and crash into the force that was loving me so much and I wanted to blend in with it, to meld with God. The temptation to blend in with the Creator was so great, and I almost did it, but then I looked back at the rescue scene...and then I jumped back into my long dead, blue, cold body. It startled everyone.

I encountered Christ. He was holding my left hand, or what felt like my hand- it feels like you still have a body when you're dead, it's just different. And everything feels so wonderful. Yeshua felt like a favorite brother, pure love came off Him.

"Every knee will bow. " - I think I know what this means now... it's when everyone feels the Creator's Unconditional Love, they will drop to their knees and weep in gratitude, just like I wanted to. It feels so good. It's all you want.

I wish what I experienced during my NDE could be transmitted to everyone.

I look forward to going back someday.

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When I was foster parenting, someone gave me a wonderful step-by-step list of how to build a relationship, including an intimate relationship. I don't know if I still have it somewhere, but it's something that should be taught to ALL girls and boys. Sex, if one chooses to engage in it, is at the very end of the list.

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That is a wonderful thing to have been given! Adolescents should be exploring relationships with people their own age, and encouraged not to marry anyone until their brain is fully mature. In no situation should an adolescent be having a “romantic relationship” with an adult.

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It is idiotic, punitive people (predominately monotheists) who punish human females for enjoying sexual relations. Sex is at the top "of the list" for those who are lovers of life and living beings. Those who serve demonic solar spirits should really shut up their filthy mouths, and stop serving demonic, felonious forces. Stupid theists, stop punishing human females for your demonic ideas. Fantasies that you espouse need to stop being projected onto innocent humans. Stop sucking solar cock, dumdum christian! We see your solar demon for who HE IS.

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I just received a humorous post. It is a photograph showing a male lion copulating with a female lion. Meanwhile, a zebra is nearby staring at them. The caption is:

"Here, it is clearly shown that sex is more important than your meal

...and watching live porn is more important than running for your life".

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He's looking pretty rough in these clips. How long before he's in a wheelchair? I expected him to fall over at any moment in the video with the pole and backup dancers.

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At one point Kim's back is against the pole as he bends forward from the waist. His lack of range of motion and his stiffness are quite apparent. BUT he doesn't look as though he's going to fall over. Maybe eventually he will (fall over). Probably, before that, he will rely on his male back ups to carry him or swing him so he doesn't have to support so much of his own weight. Question: Do puberty blockers stunt growth? (I guess I will search that on Google. I know they are associated with osteoporosis. Or maybe that's the estrogen?)

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Puberty blockers have a mixed effect because the lack of testosterone stunts growth but hte lack of estrogen increases growth therefore they'e given sometimes to increase height in abnormally short kids. However he was also then given estrogen whch would have stopped his growth.

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It’s shocking because I, at 60 with a broken femur and all kinds of disabilities have more motion.

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I have a chronic illness—have had for decades—and can't do much by way of exercise. I'm in my 60s now. And yet I have more mobility and flexibility than he does.

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Ok they are well into adulthood. But how can they know that their body functions, abilities, limitations aren’t normal? Pain and disability probably feel normal to them, they are the baseline. As transitioned so young may not remember normal range of motion or may be so traumatised at the loss of it they cant face it and are in a state of denial. Add the brain damage the drugs cause….and like you have mentioned in your past videos, the affects of normal aging on a scarred body.

I think we view Kim as an unknowing victim, a tragically abused person. Totally failed by the medical system and regulators that allowed it and who need to answer to their crimes

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Kim is a he. He is not a team of people, he is one man. Not "they, " "he."

Of all the discussions to choose to trot out this pronoun BS, this, I would think, would not be among them.

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Yes, Kim is a male, a he. I unconsciously used they not meaning to deny that he is a male. I don’t know, maybe I meant it unknowingly because I feel sorry for him that his life has been gutted and he’s trapped in a nightmare existence…

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i'm not sorry for him, he's filthy rich and he's luring kids down this path with every song he records. i'm also so sick of these cheerleaders for mutilation, i can barely believe it. if he dropped off a cliff tomorrow, the only thing i would notice about it is there's one fewer insufferably smug asshole to avoid in the media.

tired of being expected to weep for these dicks. literally.

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I read your comment as referring to all of the children being “modified” in this way, not just him. We can’t ignore the fact that Kim is far from the only one. There is definitely a collective responsibility on the part of all of the adults who used him in this way. Sadism is f-ing twisted, like the minds that produce it.

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His movements are stiff and Jerky but if he is pushing this crap on kids then he is responsible for the harm he is doing and he knows it

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The harm done by this ideology just keeps piling up ,not only on the victims of hormones and surgeries ,but to everyone else ,allowing as it does every predatory man access to every vulnerable female ,with the blessing of corrupted governments and institutions. It MUST be stopped. Well done ,Ex ,for continuing to expose these horrors x❤️👏👍

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thanks for the vid. We are fighting the incoming self id law here in Germany. I see no change in direction from the Green / left / liberal coalition, even though the liberals have realized there is vocal opposition and have attempted to water down that law. I hope the unhinged backlash from trans activists (who likened the small change to attempted 'genocide', of course, not that that is especially tactless in GERMANY) opened the eyes of some of the junior memebers of the coalition. It is pushed mostly by scary old AGPs (similar to Rachel Levine, really) who are active in politics, in the media and NGOs and have transitioned AFTER they had their own families, for the most part. I really, really dread what is going to happen. They will never revert self id once they pass it.

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Germany is such a mess. the state mandated for a city of a certain size for them to have a MEGA BROTHEL blows my mind, and I don't think many other americans know about this

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Haven't heard about that, but I am not surprised. The German left wing parties are VOCIFEROUSLY anti 'SWERF' (sex worker exclusionary... etc). Yes, including female party members that dare to speak out against prostitution laws. Including women that have escaped the sex industry, some of which have a history of human trafficking. It's pretty disgusting and it is anything but a left wing pro woman stance.

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Check out Elly Arrow on youtube. She is the reason i know about this at all


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I follow her, second the recommendation!

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When Julie Bindel did her worldwide survey of prostitution, she said Germany made Amsterdam look like Disneyland or something like that. A brothel on every corner was what she found, and German men go to Czech Republic to buy sex with children for a few dollars.

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True. I also heard that German and Swiss tourists in Thailand have an especially bad reputation. So do the white male teachers that teach at Asian schools in the area.

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My Czech exchange student had an American English teacher who quite clearly was teaching in Prague so he could have sex with his female students. And yet this young man had never heard of incest and thought it was something that only happened in the U.S. when he took a health class at the high school.

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They don't "buy sex with children", they pay to *rape* children. Children can not consent.

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You are absolutely correct.

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I spent 4 months in Europe in 1977. Almost all cities have a "red light" district to contain and control prostitution. Health checks, taxes, and reasonable public safety are part of the reason behind these districts. In Detroit there was a citizens' movement to have such a district to keep the "ho"s, johns, and pimps from spilling over into decent neighborhoods. I lived and worked for 20 years in the Cass corridor, and saw many times Black pimps stand up on the curbs, pointing down at the White girls in the gutter (literally) as traffic went by. Especially sad in Winter, with the girls/women shivering in short, inadequate slothing. They would have been much better off in a nice, warm brothel. Plus, there would be far fewer murdered prostitutes.

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Fauxina. Love it!

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As horrible as it is that this is being pushed on his fans (kids), he is still an industry pawn who was mentally and physically stunted at a young age. Who knows where his brain development is at?

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The authorities who allowed the surgery and the doctors who performed it need to be prosecuted.

Petras himself ridicules women, in much the same way that most women in the music industry are used.

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He has the 1# song in the world right now...millions of kids loving him..adoring. this is so dangerous.

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Is that the one with Sam Smith?

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I am going through physical therapy right now to deal with a lumbar injury that happened 30 years ago and I have been an athletic trainer in a previous career. So I am wondering if he had some sort of pelvic surgery to look more "feminine" and maybe something got severed, such as a piraformus?

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It also would suggest to me that someone who has undergone some kind of cognitive impairment that even as adults they would be especially sensitive to manipulation

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Naomi Wolf on substack claims that small amounts of brain damage might make people MORE compliant and less able to think independently. (She was talking about neurological damage from drugs such as mRNA vaccines)

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science is a real thing. you might want to look into it one day.

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I cope with some of this just by doing what I wish everyone would do. That is, when I come across support for this kind of mutilation I boycott. I cheated a little bit when I saw Don Cheadle wearing a "Protect Trans Kids" tee shirt during the close of the show when he hosted SNL but having Sam Smith and Kim Petras on the show is a bridge too far.

I wish this would all just go away, I really do. And there are days when I wish that would happen even understanding the fact that if it were to happen, if these people were all to just vanish tomorrow, that would essentially mean a lot of premature death. I can't wish death on anyone, so I turn that thought aside. But more and more this seems to me to be a slow form of suicide where the victims are taking as many of us along with them as they can grab, they demand care, they require resources, they need attention and money and hospital beds and endless debate and the fact is, I don't want to go with them. I love so much about this world and we all have only a short time to be here. I resent their intrusion into my life, into the life of the world, into the discourse, into everything. There is no place where they do not proliferate, no place where their presence is not expanded daily.

If I'm honest, in my heart of hearts, in my feral heart that loves life and wants to be fully present for every minute of it, I have to admit, I think, if they are this determined to kill themselves, I wish they would do it alone.

These are not interesting people. They add nothing to the world and take away much.

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OMG. ❤️

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Interesting concept. Not energy vampires but more innocence and honour vampires, sucking the life out of us all.

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I found videos by a woman who transitioned to male and then detransitioned.

She complains about how easy it was. She went into planned parenthood and stated she was trans and they gave her a prescription for testosterone without questioning her.

She lived as a man for a year and a half, but began to have doubts almost immediately.

She said she never really had gender dysphoria. She just felt uncomfortable, thought she didn't fit in and googled this complaint. Google informed her that changing sex would probably fix this problem. It did not. She then "joked" saying she experienced gender dysphoria as a transman because she started wanting to become a woman. So she did. This is her story. She says she hates her low voice which often causes her to be misgendered. She says it sucks not to be able to pass as her own biological sex. BUT she is physically gorgeous. It isn't just the makeup. Because she looks almost the same without it. However, her family has a history of male pattern baldness and she started going bald as a male and her hair never grew back. She isn't bald, but her hair is thin and receding and there are areas on the top of her head where the hair is so thin it almost shows the scalp. So she always wears wigs. She has come to believe that it's not the trans community forcing people to transition. It's the pharmaceutical companies, the hospitals/surgeons who make billions of dollars off trans people.


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I was getting barrier method supplies at my rural California PP until several years ago, because I realized what they were doing there. I told myself that next time I went, I’d make sure to speak with the young woman, as I had figured out what was going on after she’d left the office. I don’t know if my speaking to her would’ve done any good at all, and now I would be scared for myself to do so. This was 2018, and I haven’t been back there since. PP is definitely pimping this stuff from big pharma. I’m GenX, but when I was a teen in the early nineties, I stopped taking synthetic hormones from PP because they made me feel awful, though their practitioners strongly encouraged me to take them anyway. They’re bad news generally, unless utilized for specific purposes, preferably in the short term. Long-term use for any reason is questionable, as they promote cancer, among a whole host of other undesirable consequences. Money grubbing is what corporate business is, I’m afraid. ☹️🤬

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same thing.

Medical industry, drug companies, trans trenders, they're all hoovering up as many resources and as much energy as they can, and sucking the air out of the room, collectively speaking. You can't even turn on NPR or CBC without some trans issue being the main topic of discussion. I'm not kidding.

Women's issues? It's like we almost got to the front of the line and then were shoved aside by some quarterback in a dress tarted up to look like a myopic version of his masturbatory fantasies.

And honestly? I'm not looking forward to the inevitable tidal wave of de-transitioner stories that will come our way if we can make a dent in the trans trend any more than I am enjoying this all-trans-all-the-time cultural shift.

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I LOVE your comment. Myopic version of his masturbatory fantasies!!! YES YES I guess his breasts have to be huge so any nearsighted (myopic) person can recognize them.

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Best line of this thread ~~ quarterback in a dress.

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I vote for myopic masturbatory fantasies! Female in a dog's body also kind of turned me on. But quarterback in a dress is great!

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boring, naked attention grab.

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At some point this man became responsible for what he is choosing to do. I deeply appeciated the comment on Consortium News in response to a retired military officer's expectation of sympathy for soldiers: "When I was ten years old [said commenter], I knew it was wrong to kill people for money."

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Do you have a link for that comment?

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It was a number of months ago and the comments are closed and unviewable after a certain point. I did notice that they have not run any more essays by the retired military officer.

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