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Dec 17
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These are very illegal in my state (police will confiscate and cite or arrest you) but they are legal in many states and federally legal.

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I'm still kinda lost. So are they trying to cover up a mistake or minimize how big the mistake was or lie that a mistake even happened? Those Keychain would be legal in some places and banned in others...unless they're sending them out while inciting violence with them and then that's a whole other can of worms

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My interpretation of Genevieve's clarification is that they feel it was legal for Reduxx to receive, possess, and ship to addresses in Canada, and therefore they deny making a mistake and deny that the item is illegal in Canada. Therefore they deny they violated Patreon's terms of service. They blame a man named Alan for telling people about the totally legal thing they were doing on Patreon, which inspired mass reports somehow.

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It took me a beat to get past the pussy-hat-cute kitty ears, and realize...is this a weapon? They clearly state it could help in a dark parkade. Having personal experience of danger in a (not dark) parkade, I’m sympathetic. Also I was not aware of laws against brass knuckles. If they passed customs, it may be because they’re not brass (a dense material), and not thick, that is, not obviously like classic “brass knuckles”.

Could they do any real harm? IDK. I avoid parkades where possible, and stick to situational awareness. And I don’t carry things I’d be crushed if lost. (My experience involved a thief, not a sexual attack).

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i don't know what you're talking about ..

that whole "legal vs illegal" is mute.

assume the opposition is scum & only you can defend yourself & loved ones.

Truth: material reality = biology = Nature. always wins.

protect ur current physical container.

don't let anyone claim it.

that's BS. my body.

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I don't think the choice is metal mew mew claws or death. Originally I'm talking about strategies to avoid getting banned on Patreon, and here I'm publishing a clarification/ correction submitted by a person referenced in that previous article.

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ah .. pc martyrdom can be a firecracker online. Bombastic Attention

or take quantity hit & word it towards thinkers. puzzle solvers. pop references. literature. etc. ..

YOU do much irl !! u move it! move it!

mention lawyers.. it's about $$

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If they were illegal they would not have cleared customs.

Lmao on RSO

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