Parents of "gender" confused children are damned if they do and damned if they don't. As long as the Gender Cult has its grip on their children, there can be no happy ending. Parents like this mother may never attain the "acceptance" level of grieving.
I think you handled that very calmly and very well. You rose above her spite and showed great compassion.
She does not own copyright of her daughter. It is essential to show the world what is happening to these children.
I don't think she realises how much Griffin's death affected people all around the world. I still think of her often. Perhaps when Darlene moves on from her bitterness, and can think rationally, she will realise that her daughter didn't die in vain as she is a lasting example of how both medics and parents are abusing children. Some girls will live on because of Griffin.
I mean, it could be the mother. They sound exactly like Gruffin. They also sound like a young person who's trying to act like the mother. I guess it would make sense about Gruffin's story if her mother was like this. Yes, I understand grieving but this is just what people do to Ex and content makers like Ex on the regular anyway. Calling names, saying,"What business is it of yours" and threatening with legal action or violence. God bless these people. If they just watched an Exulansic video or two this could have been prevented. I'm wondering if people started to send the mother Ex's videos as a jab after Gruffin died. Why contact Ex now and be mad. Ex was right. If anything the mother should say thanks for trying to help and talk sense into Gruffin.
There is rage, grief, and cognitive challenge here. Griff was a young woman who detailed part of her life in public texts. Ex broke no law in writing about Griff's texts and other publicly-available materials. Griff's mother doesn't make clear why she is angry at Ex. Perhaps it's that Ex questioned Griff's beliefs and choices. But that is the thing about the internet. A lot of people now write about their lives publicly, and then are not happy when not everyone buys their narrative. This suggests that the choice to violate their own privacy came out of a desire that others affirm their beliefs, and hoping for that wasn't a good bet. Griff's mother then projects that violation onto Ex, when in fact it's mom who contacted Griff, and it's mom who supported Griff violating herself. Ex is just the truth-teller.
I only disagree with Ex in this: there's far too much conjecture in Ex's imaginative narrative around how Griff responded to her parents' divorce. Parents divorce all the time, and it's always somewhat stressful but doesn't have to be emotionally disastrous if the adults and kids get emotional support. The reality is probably that Griff was already a depressive child, Griff's mother was an unhappy woman, and Griff's father probably wasn't a paragon of joy either. A cluster of unhappy people who didn't get professional help. Oh, Griff was also entering puberty---often a distressing, confusing time. But a parental divorce alone can't carry the determinative burden for Griff's obsession with erasing herself. Unfortunately, we're unlikely to learn more now about the girl Griff, her vulnerabilities and perhaps neurodivergence and even possible history of SA [because that's very common for girls and women], and how her not getting real psychotherapy and support for all this contributed to her poor choices.
Wow. I have an appointment to appear on Megyn Kelly regarding the documentary you spoke so eloquently in and to speak for trans widows. If I do well and she wants more, I will mention you. Btw, look up Proposition 1 in NY state, in which "gender presentation" should replace sex as a protected class in the NY state constitution. They do this. Institutional creep. Linguistic capture. You've schooled me well, Ex!
I fully expect mother's who've taken their confused, vulnerable teenage daughters by the hand and affirmed. affirmed affirmed them to a medicalized life to provide the loudest and nastiest push back. They are going to have to accept responsibility for this but of course they won't. Instead they will crucify anyone who threatens to expose the truth. The First Amendment is NOT a fkg privilege it's a RIGHT.
I noticed that Griffin *really* resembled her father, and I wondered if she was trying to be a mini-me son to him because she missed him and thought he might like her more if she rejected the womanly aspects of herself that he had rejected when he divorced her mother. He did refer to her as his best friend.
I want to point out one bit. Griff's FB page is still up. Skip not that far down on the page and you'll see a post by her describing a 'queer' /trans support center where she asserts that significant grooming of young people occurred, but offenders were not pursued or 86'd from the center. She does seem like a young woman particularly concerned with child SA. And she does not like drag queens.
I have trouble finding sympathy for parents like this, if this is her parent, who would take anger out on a stranger that just documented the medical malpractice. Choices to rage at people don't come from nowhere, even in grief. Not to say all grief is stoic, or rational, or kind. but whoever wrote this, parent or not, has less empathy than you do for "Griffin." It's immature and self serving, an attempt at absolution for one's own part in the death of another. There's a strong bifurcation among the parents and families of people going down the trans pipeline who choose to talk about it. Those who are devastated and just constantly express sadness, loss, the feeling of being lied to by "experts," and then those who will do anything to avoid being blamed. The narcissists, the clout chasers, the progressive oppression point seekers, the Jeanette Jennings of the world.
"You evil monster you did this to my baby. You're killing trans people. How dare you speak her name." No ma'am.
I think you handled that well. I both do and don't feel pity for that mom.
I had an argument with my stepdaughter on the subject. She is all about "protection trans kids", believing, I imagine, that it is the same as supporting gay kids was in my day. But the kid we were arguing about is the younger daughter of a divorced mom. Mom claims her ex was abusive (he probably was, I don't know). The older daughter got cancer and died , tragically, right before Covid hit. The mom is on Facebook constantly posting about how she lost her "best friend" and posting pictures of her beloved lost daughter. The younger daughter was barely mentioned until she "came out" as trans (during Covid lockdowns, no less) Now the mom is ALL about inclusiveness and cheering on her "son". You tell me- was this poor girl always a "boy trapped in a girl's body" or a tangled up mess of trauma desperately trying to get her mom's attention?
Parents of "gender" confused children are damned if they do and damned if they don't. As long as the Gender Cult has its grip on their children, there can be no happy ending. Parents like this mother may never attain the "acceptance" level of grieving.
I think you handled that very calmly and very well. You rose above her spite and showed great compassion.
She does not own copyright of her daughter. It is essential to show the world what is happening to these children.
I don't think she realises how much Griffin's death affected people all around the world. I still think of her often. Perhaps when Darlene moves on from her bitterness, and can think rationally, she will realise that her daughter didn't die in vain as she is a lasting example of how both medics and parents are abusing children. Some girls will live on because of Griffin.
That is so sad. I’m sorry - that she acted like that toward you, and that she lost her child.
I mean, it could be the mother. They sound exactly like Gruffin. They also sound like a young person who's trying to act like the mother. I guess it would make sense about Gruffin's story if her mother was like this. Yes, I understand grieving but this is just what people do to Ex and content makers like Ex on the regular anyway. Calling names, saying,"What business is it of yours" and threatening with legal action or violence. God bless these people. If they just watched an Exulansic video or two this could have been prevented. I'm wondering if people started to send the mother Ex's videos as a jab after Gruffin died. Why contact Ex now and be mad. Ex was right. If anything the mother should say thanks for trying to help and talk sense into Gruffin.
There is rage, grief, and cognitive challenge here. Griff was a young woman who detailed part of her life in public texts. Ex broke no law in writing about Griff's texts and other publicly-available materials. Griff's mother doesn't make clear why she is angry at Ex. Perhaps it's that Ex questioned Griff's beliefs and choices. But that is the thing about the internet. A lot of people now write about their lives publicly, and then are not happy when not everyone buys their narrative. This suggests that the choice to violate their own privacy came out of a desire that others affirm their beliefs, and hoping for that wasn't a good bet. Griff's mother then projects that violation onto Ex, when in fact it's mom who contacted Griff, and it's mom who supported Griff violating herself. Ex is just the truth-teller.
I only disagree with Ex in this: there's far too much conjecture in Ex's imaginative narrative around how Griff responded to her parents' divorce. Parents divorce all the time, and it's always somewhat stressful but doesn't have to be emotionally disastrous if the adults and kids get emotional support. The reality is probably that Griff was already a depressive child, Griff's mother was an unhappy woman, and Griff's father probably wasn't a paragon of joy either. A cluster of unhappy people who didn't get professional help. Oh, Griff was also entering puberty---often a distressing, confusing time. But a parental divorce alone can't carry the determinative burden for Griff's obsession with erasing herself. Unfortunately, we're unlikely to learn more now about the girl Griff, her vulnerabilities and perhaps neurodivergence and even possible history of SA [because that's very common for girls and women], and how her not getting real psychotherapy and support for all this contributed to her poor choices.
Wow. I have an appointment to appear on Megyn Kelly regarding the documentary you spoke so eloquently in and to speak for trans widows. If I do well and she wants more, I will mention you. Btw, look up Proposition 1 in NY state, in which "gender presentation" should replace sex as a protected class in the NY state constitution. They do this. Institutional creep. Linguistic capture. You've schooled me well, Ex!
We got bumped twice because of this election circus. Not sure when we might go on. Thanks
I fully expect mother's who've taken their confused, vulnerable teenage daughters by the hand and affirmed. affirmed affirmed them to a medicalized life to provide the loudest and nastiest push back. They are going to have to accept responsibility for this but of course they won't. Instead they will crucify anyone who threatens to expose the truth. The First Amendment is NOT a fkg privilege it's a RIGHT.
I noticed that Griffin *really* resembled her father, and I wondered if she was trying to be a mini-me son to him because she missed him and thought he might like her more if she rejected the womanly aspects of herself that he had rejected when he divorced her mother. He did refer to her as his best friend.
I want to point out one bit. Griff's FB page is still up. Skip not that far down on the page and you'll see a post by her describing a 'queer' /trans support center where she asserts that significant grooming of young people occurred, but offenders were not pursued or 86'd from the center. She does seem like a young woman particularly concerned with child SA. And she does not like drag queens.
Yes, it's very possibly she was talking about something she experienced
You handled it very well!
Your conscience is clear. You did the right thing.
I have trouble finding sympathy for parents like this, if this is her parent, who would take anger out on a stranger that just documented the medical malpractice. Choices to rage at people don't come from nowhere, even in grief. Not to say all grief is stoic, or rational, or kind. but whoever wrote this, parent or not, has less empathy than you do for "Griffin." It's immature and self serving, an attempt at absolution for one's own part in the death of another. There's a strong bifurcation among the parents and families of people going down the trans pipeline who choose to talk about it. Those who are devastated and just constantly express sadness, loss, the feeling of being lied to by "experts," and then those who will do anything to avoid being blamed. The narcissists, the clout chasers, the progressive oppression point seekers, the Jeanette Jennings of the world.
"You evil monster you did this to my baby. You're killing trans people. How dare you speak her name." No ma'am.
I think you handled that well. I both do and don't feel pity for that mom.
I had an argument with my stepdaughter on the subject. She is all about "protection trans kids", believing, I imagine, that it is the same as supporting gay kids was in my day. But the kid we were arguing about is the younger daughter of a divorced mom. Mom claims her ex was abusive (he probably was, I don't know). The older daughter got cancer and died , tragically, right before Covid hit. The mom is on Facebook constantly posting about how she lost her "best friend" and posting pictures of her beloved lost daughter. The younger daughter was barely mentioned until she "came out" as trans (during Covid lockdowns, no less) Now the mom is ALL about inclusiveness and cheering on her "son". You tell me- was this poor girl always a "boy trapped in a girl's body" or a tangled up mess of trauma desperately trying to get her mom's attention?
That was definitely the first stage of grief. I'm glad you were graceful to her, and actually kind.