An account claiming to be Darlene Sivret Contacted Me
She identified herself as Griffin Sivret's mother
Please always consider whether contacting a person I feature will be perceived as harassment, and do not harass people I feature. An account purporting to be Griffin's mother Darlene Sivret, mentioned in the obituary, reached out to me over facebook messenger. She opened by threatening to call the police if I didn't stop harassing Griffin, who is, of course, deceased and not harassable. She wanted to know my legal name. I gave it to her because I've done nothing wrong in reacting to public content published by a public figure on my own blog.
Darlene is glad God never blessed me with a child, yet I believe she knows she helped her blessing trash her body as a minor in pursuit of unattainable maleness. She knows this enablement was due to guilt she felt over the impact of her divorce on her 13 year old daughter. As the child of a divorce at that age, I suspect that Griffin internalized their conflict and separation, and then subconsciously localized her grief on her female anatomy, as the departure of the father and the grief of the mother may cause a young girl to fear womanhood surrounding the topic of adequacy.
What if I'm similarly rejected by men? What if my mother's womanhood was inadequate? Did my parents divorce because I failed at being an acceptable girl? Was my transition to womanhood so harmful to my parents it broke up the marriage? How can I now become what my mother needs? Am I growing up wrong? Darlene’s overcompensation for this guilt by way of placation ultimately lead to her blessing's death. She suggested I rot in hell, but she's already there because her daughter died horribly and protractedly, years after she helped her grieving Makayla climb onto the gender disassembly line in 8th grade.
Darlene finally told me to leave her alone, despite the fact she reached out to me, and blocked me. I understand that she is grief-stricken. I can only imagine what it is like to lose a child, especially after you facilitated the destruction of her body. She fed 13 year old Griffin to trans Moloch by affirming her. She cannot accept what she's done, so she has accused me of somehow condemning Griffin to this fate. Dr. Oren Ganor at Boston Children's Hospital is the one who actually condemned Griffin to a slow and painful death from post-sepsis syndrome (PSS), in my opinion.
I merely predicted it 3 years ago, because I had watched PSS slowly destroy my loved one nearly a decade ago. Griffin insisted she had healed and the terfs were wrong, then disappeared from public social media to tend to a year of strokes, kidney failure, dialysis, and a heart attack. Darlene has a very long road ahead in her grief journey. I told her I hoped expressing this anger towards me was helpful in her grieving process. I wish her insight. I hope she eventually directs her understandable rage at the people most responsible for the sharp knife of Griffin’s shortened life.
The stages of grief are:
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Sadness
5. Acceptance
It is normal to bounce around these stages, experience more than one stage at a time, and to experience them out of order. It's important to understand these stages are descriptions of the typical emotional-intellectual responses people have to loss. Wherever you are in your grief process, please know that other people can relate and may be able to help you understand and process your grief.
I think you handled that very calmly and very well. You rose above her spite and showed great compassion.
She does not own copyright of her daughter. It is essential to show the world what is happening to these children.
I don't think she realises how much Griffin's death affected people all around the world. I still think of her often. Perhaps when Darlene moves on from her bitterness, and can think rationally, she will realise that her daughter didn't die in vain as she is a lasting example of how both medics and parents are abusing children. Some girls will live on because of Griffin.
Parents of "gender" confused children are damned if they do and damned if they don't. As long as the Gender Cult has its grip on their children, there can be no happy ending. Parents like this mother may never attain the "acceptance" level of grieving.