Could it be? I definitely think so. Thanks for posting.

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Really cool read. I have a question, though, is it wrong for your body to stop menstration?

I have an implant birth control as due to a mental condition had a hard time taking birth control as directed. This unfortunately resulted in me getting accidentally pregnant. I went through everything I could to get a birth control that would be accommodating to my condition- the implant is something I don’t have to think about each day, and does not have dastardly consequences should I forget about it. But I don’t get my period anymore. Have you read anything on the effects of stoping ones period? It doesn’t have the same effects as transitioning or cross sex hormones would have on the body right?

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This is the exact question I was about to pose here. Both of my Non Binary daughters 16 & 18 are stopping their periods all together and I want to know what the side effects of doing this are? I have not looked though and since they have never told me they are doing this and done it behind my back with their step mom and dads approval. I have yet to confront them because I don’t have the information to present them with about the harms it may cause I’d any.

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May 30, 2022Edited
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Jun 2, 2022
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Not in perimeno or postmeno. And oral contraceptives enabled me to have a life with endometriosis for 13 years. They have other benefits as well.

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Jun 6, 2022Edited
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Forgive me for sharing my personal experience in the presumption, now fully rebutted, that your comment was made in good faith. It won’t happen again.

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I also have had a total hysterectomy 6 years ago because of a BRcA 1 mutation. I’m taking HRT now and it’s been advised to do this to protect my bones, heart, among many other things. I don’t think my daughters would connect their decision to stop their periods with a woman with no ovaries and no hormones. They have been told by doctors and nurses that to stop their period is perfectly harmless. I have looked online and found very little from regular pediatric MD’s that give any indication it has negative side effects. In fact it says there are no risks.

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Jun 2, 2022
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My comment was unclear yes. A woman with no ovaries and no hormones is still a woman no less. I was it commenting on that. What I should’ve said is that there are dangers when one suppresses natural processes within the body and that when they block their periods it could have unintended consequences or effects.

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Jun 2, 2022Edited
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It is likely to have effects on bone mineralization. Estrogen is extremely important for bone mineralization at that age in both sexes.

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Oof, sounds stressful. I’m sure stopping your period isn’t healthy but probably need to consider it on a risk-benefit basis. I don’t think dysphoria is a good enough reason to mess with it, for me it is a byproduct of just trying to protect my reproductive autonomy :( if I could still get my period I would

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I’m not sure there are benefits at all. I don’t believe they have dysphoria. They have convinced themselves that’s what is going on and are incapable of realizing that it’s normal to be uncomfortable in our bodies as we go through puberty. There’s not an adult around that would say they didn’t experience this as an adolescent. Also ask anyone over the age of 40 if they actually knew themselves as teenagers or young adults and the resounding answers will all sound the same ....not in the least. So I can’t seriously believe they even have dysphoria at all.

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I meant the answers would be no, they didn’t know themselves at all. We all thought we did and we were all mistaken.

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Entirely depends on how it is done.

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Fascinating, as usual. Thank you , as usual.

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Brilliant essay, Exulansic. Thank you for the history, the insight, and the science.

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Well done. Clearly written and accurate observation of how confusing and unscientific the trans beliefs are. Exposing the nonsense 👏👍♥️

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How silly to magine you're entitled to voice your negative experience of their cult. A cult which you escaped, to a world desperate to learn what the he'll its all about. How very dare you, do it so well. Thank you.

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