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Wow.....Kinda been lost all these years.

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I nominate you my Pope and want to join your religion! You're definitely the unholy trinity I believe in

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A well articulated position. I can’t say anything remotely as smart in comment.

I am in the U.K. and I do think that part of the reason we push back on gender ideology here ( and I know certain of our nations are more captured than others) is because it is like a religion and we are very secular. We are very secular because of all the turmoil religion caused here which is still visible and evident today. Civil wars, revolution. You can walk down the same streets heretics were marched down before they were burned at stakes. I think those things leave long memories in the psyche.

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Of course we can’t ban transgenderism, or any other religion. People are free to believe whatever absurd and illogical things they want. We must all have freedom of belief. But that freedom stops where it begins to harm others.

We have a duty to stop lies being taught in schools and/or forced onto non believers and we must prevent harm to all victims of the nonsense. Adults can dress how they want, cut off what they want or call themselves Fifi Trixibelle, but they cannot impact on the freedoms of others.

Freedoms work two ways. My freedom to laugh at flat earthers and biology deniers is just as important as their right to believe nonsense, I have a right to hold religious beliefs in contempt,but that is where the TRAs are becoming dangerous. They want their freedom to be scientifically illiterate respected, but they try to shut down sane people stating facts.

That is the behaviour fascists descend to when they cannot give evidence for their beliefs. TRAs don't think clearly or logically, but they think their feelz must trump those of us who do.

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The last part of this essay seems like evidence for my theory that people raised Catholic can never really become anything else.

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Great and thoughtful essay. I was struck during the Church pedophilia scandals by the paradox that maintenance of the structure of the Church Authority was more important than serving the member people, and this became the justification for moving transgressors around to different parishes after mild wrist-slapping. The Ideology itself becomes more important than the individuals it is supposed to serve, and since no criticism or critical thinking of the Divine Right of Priests is allowed, it has the seeds of its own destruction, allowing abuses, corruption and other problems to gain a foothold. . Transgenderism has apparently duplicated this format.

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Yes, very dangerous when taken literally, figuratively, or unsalted. I’m involved in a civil lawsuit at the moment, and keep noticing how the dead language of the ancient Romans is still in use daily within the legal system. A master-slave way of being with materialism as the new belief system. What else could that bring us but the abolition of sex and the complete commodification of human bodies and the entire living biosphere? Please don’t let anyone convince you that your consciousness is just a byproduct of chemical processes, nor that more “advanced” aliens are in contact with Earth. It is the new religion, and all of it delivered through male-dominated institutions, where politics rules, not the Scientific Method, unfortunately. I refuse all man-made beliefs systems and live in the mystery with reason as my guide. Thankfully, all is not yet lost, but the corruption of the Scientific Method by the politics of the application of technology for profit is evident in academia to anyone who cares to investigate it as I have. Bite mark evidence, arson investigation and other practices that were never properly vetted and have been accepted as “science” are now being called into question by insiders, not just rational autodidactic observers like myself. Psychopathology is rampant and increasing and it would be silly and absurd not to question all of our institutions and what their motives are. Blessed are the whistleblowers! Thank you for all of your efforts combating non-scientific claptrap! ☮️❤️🐾

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“When I pay a debt, it wasn’t forgiven! It was paid! I kept the receipt! I want my Jesus back.”


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You know the saying-“ you can take the girl out of the church but you can’t take the church out of the girl”? Well, that’s me! I’m remembering a summer many years ago when my family ( 4 kids and husband) and I were in Rome. I wanted an audience with the Pope. We attended a mass that was given by Pope John Paul and I don’t know why but I began to cry. My husband turned and whispered in my ear”you don’t really believe any of this, do you “? I let out the loudest laugh and it felt like everyone in the church turned around to stare at me in horror! Anyway, growing up in Catholic school, I have too many perv priest stories- horrific abuse of power!

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Falling in love is also absurd and dangerous. Ain't gonna stop people. My personal belief is that everyone has a need for some sort of religion, and the Enlightenment position that man can and ought to strive to be fully rational may be the most absurd of the lot. Enlightenment values are just an outgrowth of Christianity anyway. Esoterically, it is the same thing, a cult of the sun. Only taken to such an extreme that one becomes blind to the very fact one is engaged in worship (stare at the sun too long...)

Far better, in my opinion, to try to make some accommodation for the shadowy, the invisible, and yes, the absurd. And this is one of the essential purposes of religion. Not to say it ought to be above criticism, far from it. I agree with you both about the danger intrinsic in the concept, and the specific horrors inflicted by the Catholic church. But trying to argue it out of existence, that's been tried for about 250 years, and look where we are. Drowning in unreason, without any sort of containment strategy.

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As an atheist myself I find this essay remarkable and admirable.

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I don't understand blood sacrifice. At all.

"Drink this 'blood' and eat my body (bread) in remembrance of me" Um, no thanks. I think the Luciferians may have added this part so they could laugh at Christians. Luciferians are the blood/adrenochrome drinkers.

And I have so many questions about the stories the Bible contains. So much does not make sense.

Why would a creator put tribes in the rainforest who will never encounter a Christian missionary, so they can never choose to convert, and then cast them into hell after they die because they never accepted Christ? They never had a chance, so wtf? Why would I commune with such a diety? Why would anyone?

I know that the Bible was edited at the Council of Nicea, and I think things have been changed, added, and deleted since the beginning. They say that reincarnation was once in the Bible, but it was removed because people kept killing themselves to get to heaven and bypass earthly suffering. So the Catholics took reincarnation out and made suicide a horrible sin.

I was not raised in any religion. I looked into several religions as a teen and during college. I sensed that there was a God/Creator and I wanted to find him (I use "he" for ease in communicating.)

I liked the girl's in my University Bible study class. I liked how kind, welcoming and happy they were. It was a classmate who invited me to Bible study. I liked they way these girls lived, and I wanted what they had, there was a frequency of calm, kindness and surety about them.

I decided not to worry about the things that didn't make sense. I decided to simply embrace the beauty and do my best to live according to the Sermon on the Mount and the 10 Commandments.

And then I died in 1987. I was 25. I had been hit by a bus and I was being treated by several doctors, all prescribed me different medications. This was before pharmacies were linked up.

I ended up stopping my heart by taking a lethal combination of medications.

My husband found me blue, cold and very dead. He called 911.

I had an extensive NDE. It took me quite a while to recognize that the thing that looked so familiar, the object of everyone's attention and efforts, was my body.

"That's me!", I thought as I hovered over the paramedics. "NO! That's not me - this is me! My mind! My consciousness! Ha! I knew I was right!" I started laughing.

All my life I had wondered about the nature of self and reality - what am I?

To find that I had been right was very thrilling, and hilarious.

I laughed more. And then I felt the Creator. Warm, luscious, love energy surged thru me. It felt like I still had a body, though I could see none.

"This is better than any drug I've ever done in my life!", I thought. This thought caused me to laugh even more because I had died from Rxs.

I laughed harder and harder. It was all so funny, so ridiculous, and then God began laughing with me, which made me laugh even more. It was rolling around in the floor, peeing in your pants kind of laughter- you know the kind of laughter where if your friend looks at you or laughs with you, you laugh even harder? It was like that. That is what God feels like.

And then I felt ECSTASY- it surged thru me faster and more and more and it felt like I was going to pop.

God feels like an electrical current made of Love, Ecstacy, Happiness, Laughter, and more Ecstasy. Mostly ecstasy.

And like electricity- there is no gender to the Creator.

I felt Unconditional Love- truly unconditional.

I received a lot of knowledge, and I felt Ecstacy the entire time.

Finally, I decided that I wanted to merge with God. I was going to soar upwards and blend my energy with God's, and I knew that when we merged there would be a gigantic ecstasy explosion.

The anticipation of our merging was sort of like being on the verge of an orgasm x a billion gazillion.

I soared upward a great speed, the ecstasy expanding and expanding. Each time I thought I would pop from all the ecstasy, I expanded more to contain it all. I was laughing the entire time.

And then I looked back. It was like peering thru a hole in time and space. One paramedic was putting things away, wrapping up cords. The other man continued to give my empty shell shock after shock.

"Forget it man, she's gone." one paramedic said to the other.

And I jumped back into my body, startling everyone.

I chose to return. I wasn't forced back.

During my NDE there was a being on my left side, holding my hand. I was experiencing so much Ecstacy and the Creator and I were laughing so hard the entire time I was "dead" that I didn't really focus on him. It was Jesus Christ.

I don't go to a church. I haven't found a group of people who can handle my experience of God and Christ, and that's ok.

I connect with God at home.

I can tap into the Creator's Love and Ecstacy at will, and sometimes, often, it simply overcomes me and I'll start weeping and laughing because it feels so good.

I can often use this energy to self-heal and to heal others. This is one example, this is when I really learned how to apply the Creator's energy practically: https://youtu.be/dRJSx_zD9oo

I wish everyone could experience what I do.

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Thank you, Exulansic xxx

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of all the many, many deities that humans have dreamed up, there's only One that cares what we do or don't believe. I serve Apollo and Hermes, who aren't remotely interested in whether I believe in them or not, and that's just as well. healthy religion is a communal art-form, not a power structure or collection of truths.

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