Weirdly yes, I was just thinking about the fibres on my tampon this morning 🤔 must be a sign hehe

Thank you Ex, I'll definitely have a look and see if I can get this brand or something similar.

I've also been considering removing my arm implant because of your videos on messing with hormones. I'm wondering if I should have it if it's not completely necessary. Thank you, again. X

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I've been thinking about removing mine too. In my case though it definitely treated severe (crippling) joint issues as well as PMDD. However that was on the heels of being on estrogen birth control which made it a lot worse and I've had a lot of therapy and otherwise grew up. So the issues may not return.

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I’ve used a gum rubber cup called The Keeper for 20+ years, but know many women are latex sensitive. My sister and niece are, and when she reached menarche, I gifted a Diva Cup to each of them. My sister said to me, “Reusable menstrual products? Eeeew, that’s gross!” I replied by asking her to think about all of her used menstrual products of a lifetime sitting in a landfill. To which she responded by audibly sucking in air and saying, “That’s DISGUSTING!” Exactly my point. There’s icky and gross, but manageable, and then there’s utterly disgusting and revolting. I’d kinda forgotten about the personal health benefits, actually, and am glad to be reminded of them. I lost my cup about ten years ago and had tampons given to me to use until my new one arrived, and I felt so sore afterwards! I’m guessing from what you wrote that microtears happened or something similar. My cup (tab removed) never made me sore like that. Noticed that you said that the one case of TSS was associated with use of the cup, not caused by. I so appreciate your inclination for factual and exact wording. Thank you so much for your education and encouragement! ☮️❤️🐾

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I had a diva cup. Loved it. It's still in a bathroom drawer somewhere. I'm menopausal now but my cup was such a trusty friend, I don't want to toss her in the trash.

When people tell me the idea of using a cup is disgusting, I remind them that they're talking about the idea of touching their own bodies. In my opinion, if you're disgusted by your own body, you have some work to do on yourself, you've bought into toxic patriarchal thinking. That blood is sacred and should be treated with respect. What do people think babies come from anyway? We make people out of that blood (in part.)

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True. My sister is an evangelical Christian, but fortunately her daughter (my niece) is not. I also gave my niece the first foreign movie she'd ever seen ("Amelie" 2002) which she fell in love with, and now has a film editing degree and manages a theater in Boston. Nice to know I've had some healthy influence as an Auntie. Happy New Year! 🎊🍾🥂🥳🎉☮️❤️🐾

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I'm well past the menopause ( I'm 75 ) and I never used internal sanitary protection in my life ,but if I did I would now be boycotting Tampax after their stupid ,cowardly virtue signalling decision to use Dylan Mulvaney ,a man ,to advertise their products.!! Women need to wake up here and see this for what it is. Keep speaking the truth ,Exulansic. We're with you👍❤️x

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I love my menstrual cup, compared to tampons!!!! I used tampons most of my life, but several years ago I heard about the cup, and would never go back!!!

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Excellent and informative. I’ve tried to educate women on the use of diva cups. for years! They work great , are cost effective and actually are “green”. Think of how many plastic applicators wash up on beaches 🤢. Many women across the globe don’t have access or $ for menstrual products. This would be a great alternative for every female.

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The $ savings over the last 10+ years has been impressive. And then there's the increased comfort and reduced waste. There's a range of different squishiness and shape options: if you don't like the first one, don't give up.

Tampons are as uncomfortable, wasteful, and disgusting as fabric softener. Can't wait 'til they're a rarity women only keep as a backup.

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Sounds a lot like the old school diaphragms I used many years ago.

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they're quite similar, you can get disposable ones that are exactly like diaphragms. I was very sensitive to chemical birth control and wouldn't go for an IUD so my doctor prescribed a diaphragm or something like it, (cervical cap?) at one point.

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Just today i saw this. I think she might be up to something interesting since she seems well informed. Thought this might be interesting..


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A menstrual cup is the best period product I have ever bought - about two years now of using. I wish I had got one years ago. I’m using it right now and don’t even know it’s there. Brilliant safe clean and simple (once you get the hang of it). I recommend them to all women now. Great article.

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Unfortunately menstrual cups aren’t great for those of us with very heavy periods. The non applicator super plus ultra tampons were a lifesaver for me. I think the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome in my case was very much outweighed by the risk of not being able to leave the house for a week a month. It’s important for women to have choices as different women have different needs. On a different issue I was told by gynaecologist to hook finger over the cup to break the seal when removing a menstrual cup, not to pull it out until seal is broken to avoid contributing to a prolapse- but I don’t know how much of a concern that is. A lot of the teenagers are using period pants now - the worst possible choice to me, but some of them love them it seems 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I was wondering about this. I have to wear an ultra tampon and maxi pad at the same time, and I still have to constantly change both. I thought about switching to ultra tampons and depends for a back up so I can leave the house. I don’t know if the diva cup could manage all of that. The bright side is that I have a 1 day period, so it all comes out at once instead of over a week.

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I'm a heavy bleeder, and had a Keeper overflow on occasion. I always needed backup pads. But I got into cloth pads after workshop at a women's centre (back when those were still a thing). There are some clever "gusher" designs in the cloth pad sewing community, and custom options galore. More coverage toward the back, more toward the front, different shape, different thickness, different materials based absorption or sensory needs.

I love the period panties for backup, in tandem with the cup-- or with a pad at night, it covers up the backside in case of leaks. Or for the tailend when you think your flow is mostly done, but you're not quite safe yet.

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that's not true. I had to be transfused from blood loss more than a few times. My doctor had never seen anyone bleed as much as me. In the end, I used a cup because it was the only thing that would work. I had to empty it every 2-4 hours but it worked.

And it doesn't form a vacuum. That's daft. Easily disproven, popular thing for the Crunchy Moms to say though. And I think we've all seen how well informed gynecologists are right here in Ex's archives.

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And btw, I traded in the non applicator ultra plus tampons for my cup. They didn't last half an hour on my heaviest days. So, Babe, you're a lightweight. Get a cup.

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There have been times in my life where tampons saved me. Others where I should have stayed home if I had been able to.

I tried a cup and it was very uncomfortable for me. I don’t know whether it is related to a tilted uterus or not.

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" or possibly from Dylan Mulvaney’s fingers handling it in secret and then repackaging it for the thrill of it."


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Many decades ago, I changed my contraceptive from the Pill to the cervical cap (which is similar in design to menstrual cups), easily obtained from a local women's health clinic. It was very effective and simple to use and spared me nasty surprises since I was not prone to PMS. I do have one comment: ladies: when replacing cups in public facilities, please flush after emptying. I thought someone had miscarried in the office toilet.

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Better is toilet paper before emptying - just flushing is sometimes not enough!

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Thanks, as always! Having gone through the most horrific menopause, I have no need for one- thank God! But my 2 daughters do and I will pass this information on to them❤️

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Great info! I've always used pads because I refuse to put things inside of myself, and I recently discovered reusable pads - so much cheaper and more comfortable, and I hear safer as well!

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I never cleaned external parts like labia before insertion, just hands, and 20 years have had no noticed complications except when I was getting UTIs caused by kidney failure a PA convinced me to use pads for a while which seemed even more unsanitary and caused even more UTIs excelerating my kidney demo. As for rinsing I just wiped it off with wet hot paper towels I took in the stall with me. I guess with same paper towels I could wash labia. Is this really practical if yer having a day where yer gonna have to use public loo? I usually waited until I got home but if my shift was more than 8 hours I would use the executive bathrooms abandoned when the executives were moved.

I am praying for menopause but still very glad you talked me out of a hysterectomy just to stop aunt Flo.

Despite no issues I am going to replace this thing before it is old enuf to drink I musta saved 2k in disposable products. I wish u had an affiliate link.

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Yes I am describing ideal best practices, not necessarily my practices. IME getting my bronze star (not the military honor) caused more issues than diva cup with washed hands only ever did.

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I laughed so hard when you made the ‘bronze star’ comment! My son told me a few years ago that he was a ‘gold star’ gay man and I, not knowing what that meant told him to get over himself!🤣🤣🤣

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