My friend’s kid is 17 and transitioning. This kid could not tell me a single place she was interested in working part time, but she did, unprompted, list out all the surgeries she wanted to get. Chopping off her healthy body parts is her only interest. Tik Tok is a cancer.
At 17 I was working. I was looking at colleges, I was having sex and dating and living a life out in the world. It wasn’t easy but it was real and I was learning about how to exist in society. These kids are alone, staring at their phones, being manipulated into mass-scale self-harm by a Chinese algorithm.
At 17 I was nerdcore getting ready to go to my glorious future in the ivory tower. I just can't believe it looking back. It happened so fast that these people I met, who were fresh-faced and free, would be scarred and sunken just a few years later.
Agree with your sentiments but I would encourage you to look up how TT works in the west VS China. Chinese youth use the app to show skill in gardening and cooking competitions, jokes about sports and animals and math. It's only in the degenerate, decadent West that such inane butchery is programmed by the algo. We could stand to be more like China, not less, starting with our work ethic.
The reason for this is that the PRC is a surveillance state. This isn't virtue. This is authoritarianism. Choose your poison a bit more carefully in future.
I came of age during the magical time of the Second Wave: being the first women in a number of fields, hitchhiking through Europe, going to college. We had such a great time. I keep thinking how these kids are blowing their youth on repeated hospitalizations and recovery, not getting out in the world. Being young doesn't last forever.
The first one looks like she had her nipples excavated with a melon baller. I think Sash1e watches a lot of Andrew Tate videos to perfect her Real Man cosplay.
How horrific what the first trans-identified woman is going through; having to learn how to walk again because she was sold a lie and a pipe dream?? What happened to "first, Do No Harm"! 😢 I hope this is her wake up call and she starts advocating against these fetishist barbarians and snake oil salesmen-- people are being destroyed 😔
I don't know what if any role it played here. I came across some evidence testosterone could possibly mediate MS even, but I'm not sure they were looking at cosmetic doses. If i had MS bad enough I couldn't walk or speak, I would want to trial herpes antivirals.
Big tech seems to have a lot of trans people working there, is there any kind of info on this? They seem to be very good at shutting people down who call any of this out.
I'd like more info on how to do this without getting a new phone. I wish I had just a boring account i could use to look in on people like zerodeviance, who when I last checked appeared to be losing full custody and trying to put other things on the channel. She's obviously lying about the timeline was she mentions her son in a video when he was already supposedly a she for over a year.
Again the young women who have a double amputation and think it's going to be so cool. I (as a woman who had to undergo a double mastectomy) am having a really hard time with my empathy after years of watching this. I absolutely agree with you about the young lady who has MS. There's a time for letting this go and being kind and that's when you are a paid caregiver. If they don't want to take care of her there's plenty of jobs out there for home health.
I defaulted to seeing her clinically and didn't feel like reshooting. I'm sure the ultrae will pillory me over this. Also clear communication in an emergent or unstable situation should still take precedence.
I don't know what role EBV plays in triggering MS, but it's clear that the development of MS is driven by diet. The highest incidence of MS has always been in Norway. MS was far more common in dairying villages in the interior than in fishing villages along to coast. During WWII, when the Nazis occupied Norway and stole the Norwegians' cattle, the rate of new cases of MS in Norway dropped sharply, and existing cases stopped progressing. These findings suggested to Dr. Swank that he could arrest the progression of MS by having his patients eat an extremely low-fat plant-based diet. The patients who followed his dietary advice arrested their disease. The ones who ignored it went on to wheelchairs and early death. Mysteriously, the "experts" are still denying the value of the Swank Diet for managing MS.
Herpes viruses in general are permanent infections because they hide from the immune system where the immune system is not normally supposed to go, behind the blood brain barrier, in the central nervous system. This is how they're able to cause infections like herpes encephalitis. I am not an MD, but I imagine the mechanism here is that the HHV (human herpesvirus) infection either enables the immune system to learn to follow it into the CNS or teaches the immune system some other way to attack the CNS. Therefore drugs that can reduce the duration and intensity of HHV outbreaks, such as acyclovir, have some evidence basis for the theory they will help HHV-related conditions such as flare-remission MS as well as other acute issues like herpes encephalitis. Most people don't have MS but do have EBV, a HHV, so there are clearly other factors that could also be addressed. But I would definitely want an acyclovir prescription to keep on hand, if it were me and I was randomly losing limb function from these flares.
It's likely that there are many factors involved in MS, which is why it can recur and remit unpredictably. One possibility is that the high-fat diet leads to rouleaux formation (red blood cells stacked like coins), which impairs the microcirculation. Poor glymphatic function could also contribute to MS. Glymphatic function is something of concern to people with Eagle syndrome, which can lead to jugular outlet obstruction.
Thanks for the tip! I have definitely had jugular outlet obstruction, though I can't recall it being an issue since my partial corrective surgery for it. "pulsatile tinnitus" more like feeling stabbed in the ear with a pencil from tensor stapedius spasms.
my sister-in-law has MS. no diet restrictions. went against doctors & smoked, worked her ass off, .. she's lasted a long time even with lesions on her brain.
there's ALOT missing from how MS affects and/or the symbiotic relationships inside human body.
Hers is the kind that has total paralysis episodes. fine but tired one day & then can't move. so far she's recovered within 2 weeks every time. but we all know one day there'll be no more recovery.
it's an awful disease. lost a beautiful family friend to it. he was incredibly brave. (both in Portugal)
MS can damage the part of the brain that regulates body temperature. So even a small change in body temperature (e.g., because of warm weather, exercise, a hot shower) can cause a severe flare-up of symptoms. Fortunately, the heat-related flares are temporary.
It may be cultural, if the young woman in the first video is from a Black/Bispanic northeast urban lumpenprole enclave, masculinity is often encoded that way. I am from Kensington Philadelphia and it's not uncommon for the past 30 years to see men with gold teeth and Gaelic neck tattoos. The women here also tend to be butch but that might just be the German/Irish peasant stock. "Philadelphia, where the men are men and so are the women" was a longtime joke I think we can't say anymore, sadly
You'd be angry too if you were cut into and nobody told you that bc you have read hair or cpy2d abnormality the drugs literally will not work. I had a kidney stone and due to an unrelated issue (another medication I was on blocking the receptor) I could NOT feel the morphine. The tech holding my hand as they injected me yelped at how hard I was crushing his hands. Gripping in pain, a rictus
These are all so sad. I found only one of them irritating, the one claiming she got her girlfriend pregnant...all she does is make a statement that people think a transman can't impregnate a woman, then shows photos of a pregnant woman. This proves nothing at all. We don't even know for a fact that the pregnant woman is her lover, but we do know for a fact that no transman produces sperm. Therefore, no pregnancy is possible. End of story. She has to know she's lying, you'd think. Then again, maybe she's deluded enough that when her girlfriend cheated on her, and wound up pregnant, she prefers to believe she's the father rather than face the unpleasant truth.
My friend’s kid is 17 and transitioning. This kid could not tell me a single place she was interested in working part time, but she did, unprompted, list out all the surgeries she wanted to get. Chopping off her healthy body parts is her only interest. Tik Tok is a cancer.
At 17 I was working. I was looking at colleges, I was having sex and dating and living a life out in the world. It wasn’t easy but it was real and I was learning about how to exist in society. These kids are alone, staring at their phones, being manipulated into mass-scale self-harm by a Chinese algorithm.
At 17 I was nerdcore getting ready to go to my glorious future in the ivory tower. I just can't believe it looking back. It happened so fast that these people I met, who were fresh-faced and free, would be scarred and sunken just a few years later.
Agree with your sentiments but I would encourage you to look up how TT works in the west VS China. Chinese youth use the app to show skill in gardening and cooking competitions, jokes about sports and animals and math. It's only in the degenerate, decadent West that such inane butchery is programmed by the algo. We could stand to be more like China, not less, starting with our work ethic.
The reason for this is that the PRC is a surveillance state. This isn't virtue. This is authoritarianism. Choose your poison a bit more carefully in future.
What poison? To my lights you seemed to be placing the blame for Western degenerate on a Chinese app, which seems misguided, hence my comment.
I came of age during the magical time of the Second Wave: being the first women in a number of fields, hitchhiking through Europe, going to college. We had such a great time. I keep thinking how these kids are blowing their youth on repeated hospitalizations and recovery, not getting out in the world. Being young doesn't last forever.
The first one looks like she had her nipples excavated with a melon baller. I think Sash1e watches a lot of Andrew Tate videos to perfect her Real Man cosplay.
How horrific what the first trans-identified woman is going through; having to learn how to walk again because she was sold a lie and a pipe dream?? What happened to "first, Do No Harm"! 😢 I hope this is her wake up call and she starts advocating against these fetishist barbarians and snake oil salesmen-- people are being destroyed 😔
Her transition isn't the cause of her disability, she has MS. The transition is unlikely to help with her health problems though.
I don't know what if any role it played here. I came across some evidence testosterone could possibly mediate MS even, but I'm not sure they were looking at cosmetic doses. If i had MS bad enough I couldn't walk or speak, I would want to trial herpes antivirals.
I wonder how the girlfriend got pregnant and how the TIF got the impression she did it with her non existent sperm.
She did it by holding the turkey baster.
Gender-affirming agony
I wish I wasn’t permanently banned from Twitter for telling trans identified men that they were men.
Have you gotten a new phone since you were banned? If so, Twitter may not care.
Big tech seems to have a lot of trans people working there, is there any kind of info on this? They seem to be very good at shutting people down who call any of this out.
Yes, there's a lot of little Twitlers on X. FB is absolutely worthless.
That's how I got a new account. They don't check.
I wish you weren't either, we need more of this out there.
Have you tried making a new account with a new email address?
I'd like more info on how to do this without getting a new phone. I wish I had just a boring account i could use to look in on people like zerodeviance, who when I last checked appeared to be losing full custody and trying to put other things on the channel. She's obviously lying about the timeline was she mentions her son in a video when he was already supposedly a she for over a year.
Get a new email address. Log out of your Twitter account. Sign up for new account with new email address.
This won't work with twitter or youtube.
It worked for me. Or open a different browser. But you will need a different edress.
You can use a trac phone, an old laptop, or an old desktop. The trac phone is the cheapest option, about $40
Just open a new edress, like proton mail or something. And when you are signing up for a new account, give the new eddress.
Again the young women who have a double amputation and think it's going to be so cool. I (as a woman who had to undergo a double mastectomy) am having a really hard time with my empathy after years of watching this. I absolutely agree with you about the young lady who has MS. There's a time for letting this go and being kind and that's when you are a paid caregiver. If they don't want to take care of her there's plenty of jobs out there for home health.
I defaulted to seeing her clinically and didn't feel like reshooting. I'm sure the ultrae will pillory me over this. Also clear communication in an emergent or unstable situation should still take precedence.
I don't know what role EBV plays in triggering MS, but it's clear that the development of MS is driven by diet. The highest incidence of MS has always been in Norway. MS was far more common in dairying villages in the interior than in fishing villages along to coast. During WWII, when the Nazis occupied Norway and stole the Norwegians' cattle, the rate of new cases of MS in Norway dropped sharply, and existing cases stopped progressing. These findings suggested to Dr. Swank that he could arrest the progression of MS by having his patients eat an extremely low-fat plant-based diet. The patients who followed his dietary advice arrested their disease. The ones who ignored it went on to wheelchairs and early death. Mysteriously, the "experts" are still denying the value of the Swank Diet for managing MS.
Herpes viruses in general are permanent infections because they hide from the immune system where the immune system is not normally supposed to go, behind the blood brain barrier, in the central nervous system. This is how they're able to cause infections like herpes encephalitis. I am not an MD, but I imagine the mechanism here is that the HHV (human herpesvirus) infection either enables the immune system to learn to follow it into the CNS or teaches the immune system some other way to attack the CNS. Therefore drugs that can reduce the duration and intensity of HHV outbreaks, such as acyclovir, have some evidence basis for the theory they will help HHV-related conditions such as flare-remission MS as well as other acute issues like herpes encephalitis. Most people don't have MS but do have EBV, a HHV, so there are clearly other factors that could also be addressed. But I would definitely want an acyclovir prescription to keep on hand, if it were me and I was randomly losing limb function from these flares.
It's likely that there are many factors involved in MS, which is why it can recur and remit unpredictably. One possibility is that the high-fat diet leads to rouleaux formation (red blood cells stacked like coins), which impairs the microcirculation. Poor glymphatic function could also contribute to MS. Glymphatic function is something of concern to people with Eagle syndrome, which can lead to jugular outlet obstruction.
Thanks for the tip! I have definitely had jugular outlet obstruction, though I can't recall it being an issue since my partial corrective surgery for it. "pulsatile tinnitus" more like feeling stabbed in the ear with a pencil from tensor stapedius spasms.
my sister-in-law has MS. no diet restrictions. went against doctors & smoked, worked her ass off, .. she's lasted a long time even with lesions on her brain.
there's ALOT missing from how MS affects and/or the symbiotic relationships inside human body.
Hers is the kind that has total paralysis episodes. fine but tired one day & then can't move. so far she's recovered within 2 weeks every time. but we all know one day there'll be no more recovery.
it's an awful disease. lost a beautiful family friend to it. he was incredibly brave. (both in Portugal)
MS can damage the part of the brain that regulates body temperature. So even a small change in body temperature (e.g., because of warm weather, exercise, a hot shower) can cause a severe flare-up of symptoms. Fortunately, the heat-related flares are temporary.
Why do these young women ape hip-hop/gang-banger mannerisms? Severely off-putting. And ridiculous.
It may be cultural, if the young woman in the first video is from a Black/Bispanic northeast urban lumpenprole enclave, masculinity is often encoded that way. I am from Kensington Philadelphia and it's not uncommon for the past 30 years to see men with gold teeth and Gaelic neck tattoos. The women here also tend to be butch but that might just be the German/Irish peasant stock. "Philadelphia, where the men are men and so are the women" was a longtime joke I think we can't say anymore, sadly
Still can't "like" comments, so I'll just "like" you the long way.
that woman rubbing T all over in a public place got me. that is reckless behavior!
children & compromised can get sick from just a tiny bit !
"they're kids, they wanna go on the ride"
Adults have allowed & encouraged this!
Eating pepperoni nipples was a bit in the movie Mall Rats!!
I wonder if that one girl's girlfriend was cheating on her, amd thats how she got pregnant
More drugs please!!
Love how that chick is angry vicodin isnt working, as though its a really strong painkiller and not a weaker one.
You'd be angry too if you were cut into and nobody told you that bc you have read hair or cpy2d abnormality the drugs literally will not work. I had a kidney stone and due to an unrelated issue (another medication I was on blocking the receptor) I could NOT feel the morphine. The tech holding my hand as they injected me yelped at how hard I was crushing his hands. Gripping in pain, a rictus
Hell yeah i would be!! My point was that vicoden isn't that strong. It's not like shes complaining that an oxy or Dilaudid didn't work.
These are all so sad. I found only one of them irritating, the one claiming she got her girlfriend pregnant...all she does is make a statement that people think a transman can't impregnate a woman, then shows photos of a pregnant woman. This proves nothing at all. We don't even know for a fact that the pregnant woman is her lover, but we do know for a fact that no transman produces sperm. Therefore, no pregnancy is possible. End of story. She has to know she's lying, you'd think. Then again, maybe she's deluded enough that when her girlfriend cheated on her, and wound up pregnant, she prefers to believe she's the father rather than face the unpleasant truth.