Why do they all look the same? They all literally look like (the same) gay men with long hair and massively over-inflated lips. Wasn't there another curly-haired creature shrieking all about his "vagina" in his car a few months ago who literally has the same face as this fool? He had a stricture or something - he seemed to think his wound was "Barbie."
How do they not see how bad they look? How do they not see how their massive hands and weirdly cut and shaven skulls look wrong? They just have no sense of reality at all. They sound and look and act like the gay men that they are and they really are walking around thinking we can't tell? Unbelievable lol.
They all look the same bc it‘s how they think a woman should look which shows that they are men - it‘s the porn look. Must be, as no human, not man, not woman looks like that naturally. They think that this is what makes them the better women. Any question left?
They look like women to me. Just their voices are very masculine. They don't accept themselves as gay. Some also got rejected by their families. Their mothers would rather have a cis gendered daughter than a gay son.
So delusional.!! I don't know of any women who had to regularly insert a dildo into her vagina to keep it open ,yet these MEN have convinced themselves that their WOUND is better because it's man made ,rather than natural.!!.A testament to Man's arrogance which society will be paying for forever !! Thanks ,Exulansic ,for the po x👍👏❤️st
U would think, right, that people suffer from all sorts of uncomfortable/frustrating medical conditions!
(Please excuse use of caps, its not meant to be rude!)
Eg- my friend @ age 40 got extremely sick & couldn’t stomach food, & her first hospital emergency visit had no idea why!!!! After severe bowel/colon/intestine damage (can’t remember exactly) cuz her body couldn’t bloody stop squeezing she couldn’t stay off toilet, she was diagnosed with chromes disease! Until right then, she never had a problem with ANY food, had to take steroids meds, stomach hardly settled etc. now she has to be careful of certain type fibre foods. It’s out of her control & can’t fix it, body changes, scares & doctor visits for rest of her life. I was scared for her!
These people trying to PURPOSELY PUT THEIR HEALTHY BODIES IN DANGER OF FAILING, who have complete agency over their bodily autonomy are frankly sick in the head. My friend didn’t seem to have bodily autonomy when she vomited so much & so often she had so much bile/acid whatever come out, no control! I compare it to those disgusting ugly men that want to have a lifelong actual open wound joined to their body, like what? Huh? Sick bastard who want to live like this! I’d rather have 100 tattoos all over my body rather then go through this (just slightly more, I don’t have any tatts lol!) they are So insensitive, delusional, fake and have zero respect for women.
idk why your “i am jazz” stuff is by far your most popular content because for me, Medical TT is the real treat. i feel like there is so much opacity as far as what “trans healthcare” actually entails and i never get tired of these exposes. it’s made me more conscious of and grateful for my own health as well.
13:20 I don't think that the NHS covers *any* dentistry, but I could be wrong. It's the same here in Australia - personally I do think that non cosmetic dentistry at least should be covered, as good dental health is so strongly connected to preventing cardiac issues etc.
Yep dentistry is a sore point in the UK. Only children have dental treatment covered in the UK & right now dentistry is so f*cked that in my whole city there isn't a single NHS dentist taking new patients. Right now me & my kids do not even have a dentist so if anything goes wrong with our teeth...who knows what we do then
Yes! I also meant to say that it's probably a basic human right to not have to put up with dental pain, no matter what one's age.
My mother would no doubt go further and say that all orthodontics (braces certainly) should be covered by socialised medicine - and she's probably right, tbh. Mine certainly weren't as a kid! I'm so grateful that I come from a family who were able to afford insurance for that kind of thing.
Unless there is a serious issue with your teeth there is no reason to do orthodontics! Your jaw and teeth formed perfectly for the space and shape they had, and changing that mechanically leads to bite issues, jaw pain/damage, teeth wearing unevenly etc etc etc over time. The general rule with medicine is “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” because it is all quite experimental when speaking of long term health effects and generational effects
I've heard from others under socialized medicine that one can buy insurance policies like we do in the USA, and you get better care and scheduled more quickly than NHS.
Is that available for dentistry?
I ask because dental care is so important to overall health.
You, and especially your children, should be getting dental cleanings twice a year at the bare minimum. You are pretty much guaranteed to get cavities and destructive periodontal disease without regular cleanings. Loosing teeth is part of periodontal (gum) disease.
Heart disease comes with periodontal disease.
It's such a different mindset that I see with people who have socialized medicine. People just seem to accept that they can't get care or CT scans, MRIs etc if it's not "free".
I guess it seems like you're just handing your body over to the state and not really taking any agency for your own health.
This is the American POV.
If we want anything we have to pay for it. This is our normal.
Yeah you're right, I need to prioritise it. There is a local campaign to reopen my NHS dentist which recently closed so I'm going to wait to see if its successful & if not I will look into private dental healthcare.
One reason for holding off is the idea that if we give in to the slow creep of private healthcare, we are enabling the end of nationalised healthcare.
I saw a cartoon (maybe on iFunny.io). It showed attitudes toward health care in different countries. UK was sorry no appointments available! US was yes we have appointments--but they will cost you thousands of dollars out of pocket. Canada was "We are offering you euthanasia." ha ha
It helps me to prepare for the next thing. They keep talking about EMP attacks/power grid failure.
I just bought a large supply of water purification chemicals, I'll store even more water, my dry and canned goods will keep us going for a quite a while. My solar generators are charged, our plans for an EMP/Power Grid down are in place, I've picked a place in the yard to dig a latrine, I have a garden for food and herbal medicine and plenty of ammo.
They keep trying to kill us. I'm not going to make that easy.
Sometimes I take a look at the situation around me and have doubts, like “is it that I’m being mean, or too conservative???” Then I run back to your wisdom and clarity and I’m OK again. Thank you!
It's the one that will finally prove to any true believers, like my own teenaged granddaughters, who have been gaslit by men like this for all of their tender years, that men can never actually BE women.
It will be too traumatising for them to watch it on their own, but I'm saving it for a day I get the opportunity to discuss this topic with them in a calm and safe way, and we'll watch it together.
Thanks for mentioning trans widows. What I've observed from the data I've collected on 54 trans widows, is the crossdressing ex-husbands are often overtly hostile to the wife/ex-wife. This hostilty represents an inability to move on as supremely as they claim. They know they cannot be us, though they often demand to be known as 'mother' of children we bore. The boar doesn't like it that he's not the one who bore the children. A recent comment on my channel from a trans widow was about how ex started saying the mother of the children he fathered is actually a step mother. They seriously cannot stay tethered to reality, and the delusions are sancionted medically and politically by regiments in the "Be Kind" army. Thanks for all you do, Exulansic!
I’m curious about whether when the AGPs come out as such and say they had always felt that they were women, is that the truth or do they have a tendency to retcon a paraphilia that they acquired later in life due to porn? Is there any way of knowing?
I saw someone outline the parallels between AGP and addiction, and now I see AGP as being similar to alcoholism or opiate addiction.
Why do they all look the same? They all literally look like (the same) gay men with long hair and massively over-inflated lips. Wasn't there another curly-haired creature shrieking all about his "vagina" in his car a few months ago who literally has the same face as this fool? He had a stricture or something - he seemed to think his wound was "Barbie."
How do they not see how bad they look? How do they not see how their massive hands and weirdly cut and shaven skulls look wrong? They just have no sense of reality at all. They sound and look and act like the gay men that they are and they really are walking around thinking we can't tell? Unbelievable lol.
They all look the same bc it‘s how they think a woman should look which shows that they are men - it‘s the porn look. Must be, as no human, not man, not woman looks like that naturally. They think that this is what makes them the better women. Any question left?
Yes that was Zaya from Rumer Has Clit
Exactly, they all sound and talk like gay men. Women don't say Bitches and Barbie. Grossssss.
They look like high-end sex dolls. With inflatable lips.
This guy's lips look quite grotesque now, don't they? It seems to be a pretty popular look among the gay "MTF" (or should I say AGP) community.
Exactly! They turn themselves into exaggerated cartoon women, live sex dolls. I guess the exaggeration makes them more women than natural-born women.
Terminal self absorbtion.
I thought this one above was a "lesbian" due to his male-lesbians-exist PSA at the end, but could be wrong.
Edit: Autogynophile confirmed via Instagram
They look like women to me. Just their voices are very masculine. They don't accept themselves as gay. Some also got rejected by their families. Their mothers would rather have a cis gendered daughter than a gay son.
Probably body dismorphia. They hated themselves at every step of the way, and have a strange perception of their own passing/beauty.
The sheer breadth of male perversion never fails to amaze me.
"...doesn't discuss vaginoplasty in that great a depth." haha. Isn't that the whole goal of a vag-p?
So delusional.!! I don't know of any women who had to regularly insert a dildo into her vagina to keep it open ,yet these MEN have convinced themselves that their WOUND is better because it's man made ,rather than natural.!!.A testament to Man's arrogance which society will be paying for forever !! Thanks ,Exulansic ,for the po x👍👏❤️st
Yes, that’s it in a nutshell.
U would think, right, that people suffer from all sorts of uncomfortable/frustrating medical conditions!
(Please excuse use of caps, its not meant to be rude!)
Eg- my friend @ age 40 got extremely sick & couldn’t stomach food, & her first hospital emergency visit had no idea why!!!! After severe bowel/colon/intestine damage (can’t remember exactly) cuz her body couldn’t bloody stop squeezing she couldn’t stay off toilet, she was diagnosed with chromes disease! Until right then, she never had a problem with ANY food, had to take steroids meds, stomach hardly settled etc. now she has to be careful of certain type fibre foods. It’s out of her control & can’t fix it, body changes, scares & doctor visits for rest of her life. I was scared for her!
These people trying to PURPOSELY PUT THEIR HEALTHY BODIES IN DANGER OF FAILING, who have complete agency over their bodily autonomy are frankly sick in the head. My friend didn’t seem to have bodily autonomy when she vomited so much & so often she had so much bile/acid whatever come out, no control! I compare it to those disgusting ugly men that want to have a lifelong actual open wound joined to their body, like what? Huh? Sick bastard who want to live like this! I’d rather have 100 tattoos all over my body rather then go through this (just slightly more, I don’t have any tatts lol!) they are So insensitive, delusional, fake and have zero respect for women.
"I can get wet" that's not the kind of wet guys want dude
idk why your “i am jazz” stuff is by far your most popular content because for me, Medical TT is the real treat. i feel like there is so much opacity as far as what “trans healthcare” actually entails and i never get tired of these exposes. it’s made me more conscious of and grateful for my own health as well.
13:20 I don't think that the NHS covers *any* dentistry, but I could be wrong. It's the same here in Australia - personally I do think that non cosmetic dentistry at least should be covered, as good dental health is so strongly connected to preventing cardiac issues etc.
Yep dentistry is a sore point in the UK. Only children have dental treatment covered in the UK & right now dentistry is so f*cked that in my whole city there isn't a single NHS dentist taking new patients. Right now me & my kids do not even have a dentist so if anything goes wrong with our teeth...who knows what we do then
Yes! I also meant to say that it's probably a basic human right to not have to put up with dental pain, no matter what one's age.
My mother would no doubt go further and say that all orthodontics (braces certainly) should be covered by socialised medicine - and she's probably right, tbh. Mine certainly weren't as a kid! I'm so grateful that I come from a family who were able to afford insurance for that kind of thing.
Unless there is a serious issue with your teeth there is no reason to do orthodontics! Your jaw and teeth formed perfectly for the space and shape they had, and changing that mechanically leads to bite issues, jaw pain/damage, teeth wearing unevenly etc etc etc over time. The general rule with medicine is “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” because it is all quite experimental when speaking of long term health effects and generational effects
Wait- are you saying there are no dentists in the UK even if you pay cash?
There are private ones but no NHS ones (accepting new patients)
I've heard from others under socialized medicine that one can buy insurance policies like we do in the USA, and you get better care and scheduled more quickly than NHS.
Is that available for dentistry?
I ask because dental care is so important to overall health.
You, and especially your children, should be getting dental cleanings twice a year at the bare minimum. You are pretty much guaranteed to get cavities and destructive periodontal disease without regular cleanings. Loosing teeth is part of periodontal (gum) disease.
Heart disease comes with periodontal disease.
It's such a different mindset that I see with people who have socialized medicine. People just seem to accept that they can't get care or CT scans, MRIs etc if it's not "free".
I guess it seems like you're just handing your body over to the state and not really taking any agency for your own health.
This is the American POV.
If we want anything we have to pay for it. This is our normal.
Yeah you're right, I need to prioritise it. There is a local campaign to reopen my NHS dentist which recently closed so I'm going to wait to see if its successful & if not I will look into private dental healthcare.
One reason for holding off is the idea that if we give in to the slow creep of private healthcare, we are enabling the end of nationalised healthcare.
Why not schedule everyone in your family for a cleaning and dental checkup (you pay) and at the same time yry to get your NHS DDS open again?
Dental issues only get worse and more expensive to treat over time.
I saw a cartoon (maybe on iFunny.io). It showed attitudes toward health care in different countries. UK was sorry no appointments available! US was yes we have appointments--but they will cost you thousands of dollars out of pocket. Canada was "We are offering you euthanasia." ha ha
Sounds about right!
Yes you can do that but those insurance policies are incredibly expensive in the UK unless you can get on it through your employer.
The connection to cardiac issues could be exactly why it's not covered.
Wow. That is a disturbing point!
Since 2020 I've learned to think like a genocidal bureaucrat.
What has it done for you?
It helps me to prepare for the next thing. They keep talking about EMP attacks/power grid failure.
I just bought a large supply of water purification chemicals, I'll store even more water, my dry and canned goods will keep us going for a quite a while. My solar generators are charged, our plans for an EMP/Power Grid down are in place, I've picked a place in the yard to dig a latrine, I have a garden for food and herbal medicine and plenty of ammo.
They keep trying to kill us. I'm not going to make that easy.
I'm glad. An Australian protestor begged us not to give up our guns. Otherwise we will all end up powerless and quarantined. Like them in Victoria.
The NHS pays if you are unemployed or on certain benefits.
Otherwise, it's subsidised if you go to an NHS dentist -- so it's like a co-pay or hybrid system.
Love how the blue dress and the lipstick match the colours behind the cup in the painting 💙❤️
They always look like their favorite porn star. It's almost a 1:1 reflection of their fetishes.
"I get wet" he says...
You sure that's not blood from your wound?
This is all so twisted. There is NO way that sex with an inverted penis into a hole that shouldn't exist can EVER actually feel good..
This Kardashian face...and he’s a lesbian.
I’m a happy supporter, Ex.
Sometimes I take a look at the situation around me and have doubts, like “is it that I’m being mean, or too conservative???” Then I run back to your wisdom and clarity and I’m OK again. Thank you!
One of your very best videos Exulansic 💯
It's the one that will finally prove to any true believers, like my own teenaged granddaughters, who have been gaslit by men like this for all of their tender years, that men can never actually BE women.
It will be too traumatising for them to watch it on their own, but I'm saving it for a day I get the opportunity to discuss this topic with them in a calm and safe way, and we'll watch it together.
This video is the clincher . Thank you 😊
His arrogance overflows.
yeah, i dont believe anything these men say. they're lying to themselves. as mom used to say: "you're only lying to yourself"
Thanks for mentioning trans widows. What I've observed from the data I've collected on 54 trans widows, is the crossdressing ex-husbands are often overtly hostile to the wife/ex-wife. This hostilty represents an inability to move on as supremely as they claim. They know they cannot be us, though they often demand to be known as 'mother' of children we bore. The boar doesn't like it that he's not the one who bore the children. A recent comment on my channel from a trans widow was about how ex started saying the mother of the children he fathered is actually a step mother. They seriously cannot stay tethered to reality, and the delusions are sancionted medically and politically by regiments in the "Be Kind" army. Thanks for all you do, Exulansic!
Nice juxtaposition of homonyms.
I’m curious about whether when the AGPs come out as such and say they had always felt that they were women, is that the truth or do they have a tendency to retcon a paraphilia that they acquired later in life due to porn? Is there any way of knowing?
I saw someone outline the parallels between AGP and addiction, and now I see AGP as being similar to alcoholism or opiate addiction.
are you back on YT?