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Apr 4, 2023Edited
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it's self-medicating.

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I can’t get over the wink. I LOLed a second time!

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She needs some screens for those projections. Too bad she doesn’t wanna have a conversation, I have a link to some pretty cheap ones on amazon.

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Happy Birthday, Ex! 🎂💞

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Happy Birthday!

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Well, I see Madame “I’ve got a PhD and teach at a medical school” has gotten out of bed and cleaned up.

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She put down the dab pipe for 5 minutes

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Unfortunately, she’s still an immature assholish person.

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I cannot believe this individual made it through middle-school, let alone a doctoral program.

If people like this are getting to that level, something is very seriously wrong with academia at this point. It's not snobbery or gate-keeping, I'm just calling it what it is.

She is just not smart enough to be at that level. She's not even close.

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Apr 4, 2023
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Everything you said yes. But further. What you’re talking about is students, or their parents, being able to purchase a bachelors or masters degree, even a doctorate. But this woman is more. She is a professor. It’s very very hard now to get professor jobs in the humanities or social sciences, and I noticed that she is a professor at a very respected university. And not just a respected university but a respected university medical school of all places. And she is jeopardizing her position as a representative of that university with this unacceptable behavior, including personal attacks. I am boggled.

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The most ridiculous and mostly lifelong unemployed and unemployable (at 45) person I know has a STEM PhD from bloody Cambridge. This past winter he tinkered with a faulty gas heater he found dumped on his property and risked killed himself with Carbon Monoxide. He has also tried to eat raw potatoes. I could go on but qualifications mean zero in the face of personality issues and certain corners of academia are a special haven for people wolli g to indent themselves or rich enough to pay to stay there eternally to avoid actual work. I also know someone with a recentish English Literature degree who didn't know the most basic English idioms .. because she doesn't read books. She only likes comics. The most nutty and narrow people thrive in academia because they are paying to be tolerated while they contribute nothing to the world. It's paying bums on seats at this point and nowhere wants to chuck students out anymore because it means lost funding. A mate of mine who teaches at a 16-18 college found a student who had probably plagiarized several whole essays. Caught red handed and unrepentant. The college not only let her stay but passed her on her course without making her resubmit work. Oh, she wants to be a teaching assistant. This is the

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I teach at the community college level, and unfortunately I have to agree - it is about money. The average student at my institution reads at a 5th grade level. I'm expected to pass roughly 2/3 of them. In order to fail my class, you need to basically not do anything, or else be noticeably dumber/less prepared than the average dumb unprepared person. Recently I was evaluated, and found out our accrediting agency has decided they care about grade inflation, so now having a bell curve in your histogram of final grades is also desirable. My boss praised me for being the first faculty member in her large STEM division to have a bell curve for the previous semester, rather than giving out mostly As (my most common final grade was a B so it wasn't even the ideal curve). I have to think that eventually, these chickens will come home to roost.

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Yes, and this has been going on for many years. So-----where do you think your students end up after school? Most adults in most jobs probably read at that level. I'm told the Social Security Administration, in its letters to citizens, writes the prose at about that level. What jobs do your students do? Pharmacy counter tech, bank teller, police officer, exercise club staffer, clothing store clerk, software engineer? Most people don't read novels or magazines.

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Most of my students are hoping to enter the healthcare fields, mostly as nurses unfortunately. Many will not make it due to the competition, and a few are actually prepared and will do well - but I worry that there's a goodly number who are going to make it into hospitals, without understanding basic concepts like the regulation of blood pressure, or being able to put two and two together. This is going to lead to an increase in medical errors, I expect. As for the rest... probably the ones trying to become techs will be fine in those roles since they are fairly rote. I would be curious to know how many ultimately switch fields and where they end up.

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Being a frequent nedical patient many are dumber than dog drool and taken for the shortage. I an on dialysis so I don't pee and I make this clear. My surgeries are usually to repair dialysis grafts. Still I wake up in pain bc they put my catheter in a crusty ol urethra I haven't peed out of in almost 20 years. I found the solution tho large colorful sharpie marks on tummy explaining it

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Tbf 5th grade is higher than average in the US now...

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Oh no 😭

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I’m in academia and I agree. If it were 2005 again I would make a different decision.

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Yes, but let's remember, as with age, the more experienced we get in life, the more ridiculous 22 year-olds or 28 year-olds appear. They are not getting dumber, we are getting wiser.

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There are actually a lot of data and solid arguments out there that say on the whole humanity is probably getting dumber lol.

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I'm a sometimes tutor for math/science and I agree. I see the kids who don't have the money doing everything they can do to get the grades for scholarships, working their asses off to get into good programs and ace their crazy IB/AP/honors courses and then a bunch of lazy (or frankly, dumb) people just going in based on money. Money always wins.

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Whaaaaattt??? She is NOT the epitome of critical thinking??? The disappointment cuts deep into my heart.

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do you know academia? at the humanities/soc-sci level? it's not hard to get in, it's not hard to get a grad degree. they really, really don't kick people out unless they've--well, i do know of a [really smart, really creative] guy who had to leave a major University grad program because he had a serious long term psychotic break and i think he's still very unstable. you do have be able to walk through the courses and hand in papers. but it doesn't take Einstein, just someone who can play the game.

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Well and succinctly said.

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Well, you've probably seen Jammidodger on You Tube? Who supposedly is a PhD? I think Ex has mentioned her before. Something IS seriously wrong with academia.

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well, i've been around academia for over fifty years and i've seen some changes, let's say. humanities got Po-Mo'd in the 1980's and the social sciences close behind. it's pretty ideologically driven.

but this Demers person is way, way out of line. responsible adult academics do not engage like this. i note she's an assistant professor. she doesn't have tenure. this isn't a good way to get it.

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Agreed. Something bad happened when a bastardised version of 60s post-structuralism invaded the humanities, and it only got worse when Queer Ideology [it's not a theory, they just call it that to make themselves look smart] arrived in the 90s. One of the things I taught/research in is philosophy, which fortunately is so far largely resistant to the pond-scum version of thinking the Queer Ideologues do.

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One of my former profs got his phd in a humanities subject from a ivy and never uses his title or says he has one. He got it probably 30 years ago but he thinks they hand them out like candy and they're meaningless. He speaks five languages (phd related to that, back when you had to learn and prove something), and is otherwise wicked smart and a great person. I hate that pieces of shit like this person are lumped in with people like him. Jammidodger is a goddamn joke of a human being.

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Comp Lit used to be quite difficult and I know smart people who did that, and who have done extraordinary scholarship, but that's because they wanted to do good work. but even thirty years ago the pomo was thick in those departments and you may have been able to skate on thin ideas.

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But it's got nothing to do with smart as my naive mother discovered. It's got to do with kissing the right ass and regurgitating the right published work when you write your doctoral dissertation.

I used to do typesetting for a group of radical UNIVERSITY teachers, you know, like MIT professors, etc. I had to copy-edit their often atrocious grammar and spelling, for which they thanked me. They had a get-together to which I was invited, and the only SNOB I encountered was a kindergarten teacher! I found that very funny.

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yes! i too have been an academic ghost-writer/editor! but MIT----scientists tend to work on real things, and their work can be independently verified. there's much less BS. i've known a bunch of those too, and they mostly aren't snobs for sure. The thing with this particular person, Demers, is that her university profile page suggests that she's an expert in statistics and analytic methods. That's pretty difficult stuff and not BS. But in the videos she's not discussing those topics. So this suggests to me that outside of math is where she may encounter difficulties in her abilities.

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The profs who were teaching at MIT were English professors and contributors to the American Heritage Dictionary.

Your last sentence is very thought-provoking.

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I’m pretty sure Demers mentioned that she’s autistic.

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But what about someone like Temple Grandin? She's autistic, but she's not insane and doesn't post videos of herself with her blankie. I think people like LD are more than autistic, they seem to have other serious mental issues that they then excuse as autism (?).

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I've found a lot of snobbery in math. At some point there's the people who want to do work and the people who want to tell people they do work.

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but in math, can you really totally fake it?

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Gonna say from multiple sources and experience, the curve in a lot of programs lets absolute failures through just like anywhere else. In my own department they eventually changed the rule about the grade you had to get in order to move up to the next level because the engineering students would come in with 30-40% mastery of calc 1/2 because the curve for a low C would cover that. Then, since the engineering depts had different standards about what qualified for their majors, the math department would take the hit when some of those students attempted higher courses for a shot at a math minor and failed gloriously because they didn't know pretty basic shit. There was a fight.

The university still wants that money, but it means departments are penalized later because of the lazy/stupid problem when they're pushed through the purely computational courses and let into something that requires more than memorization. You can fake into a passing grade through all the math classes that don't lean heavy on proofs or understanding theory. I also went through as a poor student who worked, took loans, and got fuck all in time for sleep and studying, trust me if you or your parents can just write a check you get all the do overs you want, all the major changes, all the attention. You can take a light class load if they don't offer everything you need one semester and they can't threaten to take your financial aid if you don't have any. You never get in trouble for having "too many" credits because you don't have to take filler. Doubly so for international students whose countries pay twice as much, the school wants the 2-3x tuition. And trust, these students are used to getting away with murder and just being passed through. Sure, it's not as easy as say a communications degree, but with all the different departments that rely on math departments and lower their standards to the floor for their own majors it gets pretty shitty.

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And maybe she knows it? That’s why she she keeps repeating it- if I say it enough, they and I will believe it!

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Happy birthday, Exulansic!

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what a nut. pharmaceutical mess. don't post crazy shit Ms PHD & then try to blame others for your decisions. oh wait .. that's a commandment of the Rainbow Religion.

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Happy birthday!!

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you’re having a wonderful day and here’s to a wonderful year for you and women everywhere!❤️

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She’s knows who you arrrre? Good! She’ll regret it! Power to you, Ex!!!

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She's addressing the student she threatened, not me. I'm mirroring her, because it's time for social pragmatics, and based on her videos I speculate her developmental level is toddler.

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She threatened a student? How’d I miss that? Anyway, she’s threatening. I fear for anyone who’s at her mercy! Of course, you’re not at her mercy but this monster must be used to getting her way and lucky for us she’s met someone- you who can and will make her stop and think before she attacks anyone again! Let’s hope!

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What could the student have said in his TikTok that was so bad?

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Wonderful! Happy Birthday!

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Happy Terfday!!!

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The cope is strong with this one, lol

What a loser.

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Creepy! But happy birthday. You appear younger, I think! You've given so much wisdom and information to so many. I wish I wasn't perma banned from Twitter, or I'd go over there to tell her my 2 cents.

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Thank you. Probably all the exercise I've been getting.

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if ur permabanned on twitter u can always get a cheepo used cell phone from ebay, dont add a sim card to it, instead connect it to your other device via hot spot while your other device itsnt on home wifi .then u will be on the internet and can get a new email address and new twitter account

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The WINK! For everything else there's MasterCard. LMAO

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