Omg, why isn't this depraved man in jail, he is a very sick individual and very dangerous to both sees and animals. I'm so bored with these insane people

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Whack job, a sub-category of Nut Job. Ex, you should do a taxonomy/Tree of Craziness chart for these horrible men.

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Warp factor h8

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Hah, ever the clever Matt Osborne!

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Dec 24Edited

These men are so desperate to be seen as anything other than the crazy, predatory, abusive fucks that they are. The cognitive dissonance is real; and quite frankly, their little diatribe of “we can save you from these evil men” narrative is giving ‘pathetic’ vibes. This may be one of the few times I am not bothered by the fact that their hormones and surgeries dramatically shorten their lives. The sooner this particular deranged soul is off of our planet, the better it will be for us all 🤷🏽‍♀️

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In my opinion, in his writings this man shows himself to be a poorly educated and ignorant individual with no reasoning skills. He may also be suffering from one or more mental disorders. He seems distinctly unwell.

I so wish there were a way to beam his crazy rants at all the good cishet progressive trans allies who insist that trans women are women and treat them like victims.

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jfc, hard drive check!

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He isn't trying to hard to hid how predatory he is

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Nobody, Nobody at all, deserves to be raped!! Hating men because you are sexually attracted to them sounds like a you problem. Something this individual needs to take care of with a professional and not take out on innocent people who have never met him. The anonymity of the internet has made so many people waaay too comfortable with saying deranged things and spreading vicious ideas. If you had replaced "men" with any other group of people, the same person would be losing their shit about how disgusting a statement like that was. This whole ideology seems to bring out the absolute worst in people because everyone is afraid to speak out against what they sat in fear of being called a "transphopbe" or 'bigot " and having these puppets calling their work and finding their homes..

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Androphiliac— is that a euphemism for gay?

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