Summary of my argument:
Many trans people obtained false identity documents that falsely identified their sex as the opposite sex or a mythical third sex. They changed their birth certificates and then used that false document to obtain additional false documents such as passports. Now that the special dispensation to use false documents knowingly has been lifted from the trans community, their false documents are being confiscated and not replaced, due to the fact they have additional false documents or simply due to needing to reapply and wait in line for correct documents. Some trans people are saying they'll be fine since they already got false documents and all their false documents line up. This is a wild perspective especially when the trans person in question is a public figure content creator who will freely admit their true biological sex online. There's a lot of people who need to get real about the deceptive bullshit the state helped them pull, which affected their judgment of what is and is not permissible to do to other people. And it was never okay to lie on official documents or to obtain consent or access to opposite sex opportunities and spaces, no matter how convincing your costume is.
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