What is wrong with me, I just ♥ed an obituary? Strange days.

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Another sad end of a life. I'm finding fascinating the things they claim made them believe they had a trans soul or cross sex soul or whatever the preferred phrase is. The reasons are just nothing, things that I would bet happen to every single child. Swimming with a bare chest at 2 years old! Liking to wear the same clothes as a cousin, and the clothes are t-shirts and jeans, things that are utterly non-gendered now! Going fishing! I did all of those things, and others that would certainly be considered stronger "proof" of my trans-nature -- all the "tom boy" things I did. But I grew up to be a hetero female, cis female, whatever. I never wanted to be a boy, I just liked hanging out with boys and doing stuff with them.

This is a tragedy beyond belief, what this is doing to our young people. It's frightening too when you realize how many others this is happening to, that nobody hears about because they didn't have a following on TikTok or Instagram. The more deaths that become known, the sooner people will start to wake up and stop following the Church of Trans. It's sad that it takes this kind of outcome to make people grasp what's going on.

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Exulansic doing God's work & I'm an atheist.

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Indeed, I did all those things as a child, and I was not ever even a 'tomboy.' I was just a girl.

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Although you're right that many tomboyish girls grow up to be hetero, in this case I suspect she may have been same-sex-attracted. This can be difficult to come to terms with in more traditional cultures where sex roles and social expectations are more rigidly defined. I would be really interested in hearing from any detransitioners or desisters of Asian heritage because I think there's a pertinent phenomenon to explore here.

In many such cultures, female same-sex relationships have only been socially sanctioned to some degree if one of the partners is perceived to embody a masculine role/aesthetic and the other is perceived to embody a feminine role/aesthetic. So basically the old butch/femme dynamic but, in my view, much more rigidly and almost literally interpreted. Because of this, I would hypothesise that same-sex-attracted women of Asian backgrounds might be particularly vulnerable to trans ideology, though I have no idea if there are any stats supporting this.

The reason I wonder is because in my early 20s I had a gf who was Chinese Singaporean. As a kid she liked sports and was naturally tomboyish. At age 12 she realised she liked girls and with this realisation came a pressure to present more masculine -- so she cut her hair short, started binding her chest, and began buying boys' clothes even though it didn't feel entirely natural. I was quite shocked to hear this as during the time we dated she basically had shoulder-length hair and an Avril Lavigne skater-type look. I couldn't imagine her chest-binding and trying to look male. So I asked where the pressure had come from.

She said from the internet (local message boards and blogs) and from what she'd absorbed from the wider society around her. Mind you, she was telling me all this in 2005 so the adolescent experiences she was describing took place from the late 90s onwards. This idea of young lesbians having to masculinise themselves to be accepted was clearly quite entrenched in Singaporean society well before there was a mainstream concept of "gender identity".

My then-gf told me that two things had been life-changing for her: 1) watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and seeing that in the Tara-Willow relationship neither of them had adopted a masculine look or role (this was actually a catalyst for her to stop chest-binding religiously and to grow out her hair); and 2) coming to the UK for university and realising that there was no pressure on lesbians or bi women to be or act any certain way, and that the dynamics in F/F relationships did not have to fit any predefined mould.

With the West regressing in its view of sex roles and enthusiastically embracing trans ideology, I can only imagine the effect it is having on more traditional cultures where it was already an uphill battle to live as an openly lesbian or bi woman without conforming to a rigid binary.

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Love the story of your then-gf who was able to realize she didn't have to present in any particular way because she loves women...hugely important! People need to just be what they want to be, look how they want, love who they want: it's all good. But one of the scariest parts of the trans movement is the homophobic part. They do not want anyone to be same-sex attracted. Crazy and evil, all of it.

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Why is it they never talk about how homophobic trans ideology is? It's literally insane! It enforces sex stereotypes! You can be a butch girl or a fem boy. Bring back plain old androgeny!

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Hurray for Buffy!

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I guess my Girl Scout fishing badge really made a man out of me.

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Thanks for documenting this trend of females dying at ages 20-26, in the throes of jumping off the cliff of womanhood into the canyon of not-maleness. Take note that when you look at children's photos from decades ago, they are not pudgy and overweight. The mind/body dissociation is pronounced. Are there hints of illegal drug use? Every doctor who "worked" on her body should be made aware she's deceased.

BTW, I found a women's choral group--no pretenders! Grateful for you, and this sisterhood, Ex.

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thanks for your article. i hope in the future there are public messaging campaigns warning ppl against gender meds and gender affirmation, like the ads warning ppl against smoking

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Of course testosterone didnt fix her body dysmorphia...she needed to address her internalized misogyny, DBT and a therapist that specialized in eating disorders and dysmorphic disorders would have helped a lot more!

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Of course, that same obituary may be celebrating cause of death by displaying trans flag colours, so perhaps even stranger than I know.

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these children are being murdered...

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Didn't realize colonialism was still killing people, I guess like AIDS it just refuses to go away.

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It's implied whenever a non-white person dies. The fact that modern transgenderism is a product of European medical experimentation doesn't square with 'colonisers' being more transphobic than any other group of people. The subtext is that non-white people were gender diverse before colonisers arrived, but indigenous people didn't invent $700/month testosterone injections.

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I only mentioned it because it's made explicit here & I'd never considered it before (anyone from 20th century has wide variety of genocides to choose from, here in 🇨🇦 we're still killing our indigenous populations). You explain 1 reason for my recent transphobia, for something that is part of our history & biology trans madness seems to have coincided with it becoming lucrative growth industry & now (as Rowling, Exulansic & MANY others here acknowledge) @ risk youth are dying because of it.

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This is horrifying gay conversion. God forbid she's a lesbian. Anything but that. The affirm, affirm, affirm model doesn't allow any other conclusion.

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This poor young woman was just kindergarten age in the mid-aughts, at the height of gay and lesbian acceptance. She missed it completely and entered adolescence with the Smartphone and Trans Age already well underway. We may think of it as still very newish, but to people in their early 20s, trans mania has basically always been going on and can be taken for granted. They've probably never even met anyone (female) who says "I'm a lesbian." (Not "queer.")

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Exactly, the normalisation of trans ideology is a factor that I think gets overlooked, although those pushing it know exactly what they're doing. Those of us who saw all of this go from 0 to where it is now can understand how forced and artificial it is (unless they're weak-willed adults, of course) but kids can't have that perspective

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'Dysphoria' is language used to refer to something or many things trans identified people feel. If they used more specific language, we'd know what it really is.

"she had been targeted and that her death was a product of colonialism." I am unclear how this works.

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It doesn't. Just more victim-mentality nonsense.

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These are my peers. I know so many women (and men, honestly) in the 22-28 age bracket who are transitioning and started at a young age. Thankfully no deaths so far, but most of them I’m also not close enough to know medical details, so I have no idea what their health is like

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Everything she claims as a 'sign of manhood', is something that women already do. It's ridiculous.

She says she's spent 'thousands of dollars' and it still didn't cure her dysphoria. What a total waste of money to risk your life with no positive result.

She was known for being 'entertaining' and 'hilarious'. They can both be masking behaviours for clinical depression, so who knows what she was really feeling inside.

A big problem with the woke movement is that they can't handle life. They think that everything is a personal attack on them. When your imagination tells you that the world hates you, then no wonder the suicide rate is higher after transition for this generation. These kids need to learn how to get along with the rough and tumble of life like we all had to. The world is not going to adjust to them.

Condolences to the family.

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These young women should get into fashion and learn about essences and seasonal color analysis. This is what cured my dysphoria.

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Transitioning is not a cure for dysphoria EVER.

Testosterone is not for girls, this is known by doctors, and yet they still prescribe it, making them complicit in this person's death imo

Yet again, a young person is dead due to this insane cult. A waste of a life due to experimental treatment and the insanity.of trans.

The odd reasons for transition I find sad. I did all those things and more as a child and teen, but at no time did I not understand that I was a girl. She needed psychological help from an ethical and not trans affirming doctor. Sad and a waste

Exulansic, thank you for the work you are continuing to bring into the light, though I think it hurts and saddens you. 🙏

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Agree on everything.

I recommend Faust’s Gold book about East German sports coaches giving girls testosterone shots without their knowledge. It messed those poor girls up.

Yet now it’s treatment. We’ve devolved as a society.

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Another heartbreaking statistic :-(

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Another overweight female "man." I submit that what is now considered "gender dysphoria" is merely the discomfort with being fat.

Regardless, people have to stop enabling this madness.

So many of the D-voters I try to explain this to, have less than zero sense of what's actually going on, and what this truly entails. Someone said to me, "Oh, so you don't believe that gender dysphoria is real?" As if that's reason enough to cut your breasts off?

I said, "No, it is not real. What's real is the body you were born in. Anything else is a delusion."

And in most cases, it ends sadly.


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Being obese may be a side effect of spending leisure time alone and online. It's not a prerequisite for gender dysphoria by any means.

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You misunderstood my point.

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Testosterone makes women fat unless they work out like a body builder. She was of perfectly normal build for a teenage girl still going through puberty which you can see in her photos. Shit like this is literally why young girls hate their bodies, dudes pop out of the woodwork to make unnecessary body comments. "D-voters" ffs.

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