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Oct 21, 2022
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I don't disagree and so you've caused me to now see myself as having a common ancestor with the sun.

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Thanks for that post Exulansic 😊. I've always been pro vax and got the sensible approach from my mum, who was a nurse specialist in scarlet fever in the mid 30s and 40s before she became a midwife.

I've had 3 covid jabs and was considering not having any more. But, I'll think again now, as your argument makes me think about what my mum would have said. She would have agreed with you!

I had 2nd thoughts, not because of the science, but because or the huge Pharma driving it, all for profit. Bring healthcare back into the public realm where it belongs.

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Mine ,too. My children have had all the vaccines available ,as have I. No I'll effects from any of them. When my parents were young ,100 years ago ,many diseases ,such as Diphtheria, Small pox and poliomyelitis ,killed large numbers of people ,many of them children. Thanks to vaccination ,these diseases have been mostly eradicated ,in Western civilisations at least. We owe a debt of gratitude to the scientists who developed these. Thanks for your insightful posts 👍👏❤️

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Still waiting for the first transgender lab rat, and I don't mean some furry idenitifying as a lab rat

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I am Pro vaccine. MRNA questioning.

I also question the vaccine schedule for kids. My niece was vaccine injured. I think maybe drug companies should be able to be held liable for damages.

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I would like to know more about MRNA, but I also know I would have been first in line to get cowpox, and cowpox is definitely not safe. It's literally a disease. Just far safer than smallpox. TNSTAAFL. There's no such thing as a free lunch. Do you want to not die? Then you have to get slightly hurt.

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I think for people who are immune compromised or older, or had other risk factors , the MRNA was a calculated risk, though I have so many problems with how it all went down. (Mandates, “safe and effective,” unvaccinated equals BAD, etc)

I follow all the people looking at increase in “all death mortality”, since vaccination. So I am steeped in all that. Will be interesting to see what comes out. If anything is permitted to come out. “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome?” Okaaay.

I appreciate you!!

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i'm a huge vaccine proponent and also am a cautionary voice.

i was suspicious of the initial anti-mRNA vaccine hysteria, because i've been around science for a long time, and because i've lived in whackadoo-minded new age anti-vaxxer cities. i'm very informed on history/prehistory, which means informed on human health and disease. no romance. 50% of infants in pre-vaccine pre-antibiotic pre-clean water era used to die before age 1. each of my grandmothers and great-grandmothers lost a child. as another here also mentioned, my mother too was an RN so I know her educated experience and informed point of view. as a young nurse--1951--she cared for polio-injured kids. further, a dear friend was one of the last americans to become ill from polio, and spent 43 of his 49 years in an iron lung. he hated anti-vaxxers. vaccines have been life changing for the entire world.

i had smallpox, polio, DPT vaccines as a kid. i had clinical measles also---and we now know that literally *destroys* immune memory you've built. i had clinical chickenpox. none of these vaccines with any apparent negative effects.

but i also have had, for many yrs, complex immune system illness. probably celiac as an infant, incompletely treated, and then more and more illnesses piled on. you can have autoimmunity and also immune deficiencies--it's not a simple binary. it's complex immune dysregulation and i don't think it's uncommon, just under diagnosed and understudied. autoimmunity isn't "too much" immunity, it's a system that doesn't know how to balance. [ yes, gut microbiome is related---but it's not everything. take a look at the new Black Death plague-corpses study. ] i already had collected 3 count 'em 3 autoimmunities by the time covid came along. and my body had already reacted quite violently to skin testing for molds ie injection of mold antigen into my body. i already had MCAS/food/inhalants/ME then and developed much more severe reactivity after that immune stimulus. my body did not tolerate that gigantic of a stimulus. i itched for over five years till i started a much safer immunotherapy regime [and i still got initially very much sicker than a lot of people from that], then got dx'd and treated for hidden infections.

i'm brittle, fragile. i'm already struggling to stay on a balance beam. but i had to decide---vaccine for covid, or not? i didn't want to die from covid. so i did go ahead. many, many thousands of people, mostly women, many far less sensitive than i, who have dx of mast cell activation syndrome [new rubric for an old phenom] sought a meds program to dampen our chances of bad vaccine outcome. some did fine. a doc offered me four meds but i chose to do only one of them, then i vaxed. my outcome was complicated and i won't detail all of it. but the upshot is, a month later i presented with new autoimmune disease, a new set of tissue/organ targets. i've been coping with rheumatoid arthritis ever since, with meds and diet. of course i'm pissed. but we often as humans have a choice between two threats. i think vaccine may have been the right thing to do. i didn't make many antibodies, btw---that's my immune deficiency---but that doesn't mean i didn't build a T cell army against covid. i probably did.

but more vaccines, especially mRNA type and in the 'standard' dosing quantities that may be too high for some people, aren't a good idea for me currently. an immunologist i'm seeing--who has experience in vaccine development, at NIH but also knows the scene in europe and in russia--thinks the PEG carrier in the vaccines may be a problem. she's seen other RA after this vaccine, she said.

i still strongly encourage vaccination for everyone who doesn't have immune system disease. i encourage it for everyone with comorbidities, but do stay for a lengthier observation phase after shots, not half an hour. it's case by case for those of us on the edge. but in addition, continue to mask and distance.

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I think you misspoke. Stage 4 is depression, not grief

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I'm a pro-vaxxer also. My mother was an RN. Had mumps, measles, and chicken pox vaccines been available during my childhood we would have been spared these maladies--and Shingles! At least we got the polio vaccine. I remember well standing in long lines of little children to get the sugar cubes.

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I'm with you on vaccines, Ms. Exulansic. Common sense all around, that's the best policy. Take care of yourself and your family. ... How do you expect us to listen to your sober informational podcast when you have us laughing the whole time too? We love you so much for everything, thank you :)

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Thank you for the surreal hilarity this time -- the subject matter you cover is always so grim, I appreciate so much your humor running throughout.

I am pro-vaccine, anti-mandate, and MRNA questioning. What we have all witnessed of Big Pharma during this pandemic and in the trans panic has made me sit back and really look at the criminal acts Big Pharma has committed for decades, all in the interest of greater and greater profit. The medical industry has considered us all lab rats for a long time now, and I hope people like you, Ex, can get the details out and wake more people up. Making the medical industry exempt from liability is a huge mistake.

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and Exulansic. you are beginning in some of these vids to touch on the anger from adherents of the belief system toward those who have left the church. i'm thinking about what some of the people who try to help get loved ones out of cults, say. what works. and one thing i've read it, you need to acknowledge, to validate, what about the cult has been attractive to them, comforting. they're in it for reasons. people take addictive drugs for reasons, too. even though they can also be destructive, they fill some hole. how can the person get love otherwise. but insurance not paying for quality therapy--i emphasize quality, a lot isn't--makes that tough.

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