As the 2011 Swedish study of death records has clearly proven, the rate of death by suicide in those who have had "sex reassignment" surgeries (1973-2003, God bless the Swedes for their record keeping!) is 19 TIMES higher in biological males than age and income matched controls. The rate of suicide in natal females in the decades post "sex reassignment" surgeries is 40 TIMES higher than controls. As they do in all the European studies of 'transitioned' patients now, the controls include same sex and opposite sex control individuals, because the researchers will be attacked if they don't match "identity" as well as biological sex. This means that for this study, the approx 388 "trans" subjects were matched for age and income with typically 10 individuals of the same biological sex as well as 10 matched individuals of the sex that subject "identified as." This means studies take, I don't know how many times longer than usual medical studies. The Europeans are cranking this out, based on anonymous medical and insurance records. A Finnish study on how often the "trans" post surgical subjects required in-patient psych hospital stays compared to Finns of both sexes had control groups in the thousands, and found that in-patient hospital stays (in Finland this means very serious suicidal issues) were significantly higher than the control group, matched both with same biological sex and age as well as "ideated" sex. (my term, they say "cis" all over the place) The Finnish researcher, name something like Kailtiala, is by no means a terf, was shocked at the findings. These studies are hard to interpret because of the captured language. The Dutch study (deVries, et al, 2014) of the famous "Dutch Protocols" not only hides the fact that a subject in a very small study (70 subjects suddenly diminished to 55 and 2 died, so 53 and then only 32 or 33 completed the verkackte survey at the end) died of sepsis days after a "vaginoplasty" but a subject (sex not listed) committed suicide after a "sex reassignment" surgery. When a joint study trying to replicate the Dutch study was conducted by that Chicago hospital and the Boston Children's Hospital, they had some teen suicides and had to abandon the study. DeVries and colleagues now say "gender incongruity" and claim these damaged subjects were basically mixed up anyway. Go figure. Thanks Ex. I would really appreciate a list of these young people who died after the "affirmative care" both by suicide and of sepsis, organ failure and the like. I'm going to send it to the alphabet soup centers anonymously. They have notice, they could be sued by families. Let's do it! Also, Ex, great haircut!

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It's clearly complex and multivariate as you mention in the video, but has anyone done clear studies on just the variable of prior sexual abuse? That seems unbelievably common, and it's a sensible partial explanation for someone wanting to de-sex themself. It also undermines the born-this-way mantra that 'gender identity' is simply innate...

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This is a rough series, Ex, but I think compassionately done, succinct, and very much needed.

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I wish I had gotten one minute to tell her it's OK to be a girl and like Slipknot.

EDITING: This is a link to "Psychosocial" by Slipknot. I know what it is like to be the metal outcast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVUJFS0s6jo

These are the lyrics to the first stanza of "Psychosocial." I can see why she would have identified with this band and these lyrics.

I did my time, and I want out

So effusive fade, it doesn't cut

The soul is not so vibrant

The reckoning, the sickening

Packaging subversion

Pseudo-sacrosanct perversion

Go drill your deserts

Go dig your graves

Then fill your mouth with all the money you will save

Sinking in, getting smaller again

I'm done, it has begun

I'm not the only one

And the rain will kill us all

Throw ourselves against the wall

But no one else can see

The preservation of the martyr in me







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I'm sorry but it seems pretty arrogant to imagine this would have made any difference. Did you listen to the full story? Far more serious things going on here than having a narrow idea of acceptable womanhood.

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Quite familiar with the story thanks, don't need your help mourning properly

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Well did you listen to the video properly? Bc it didn’t sound like this was a just an issue of liking male-stereotyped interests. Her father raped her. So your comment comes across flippant, although I’m sure that isn’t your intention.

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She was "attacked" in the school bathroom because her peer group wore rock and roll clothes. She was pictured in a Slipknot hoodie at school. Excuse me please while I grieve a metal kid my own way and not the way appointed by you or anyone else

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Hey. I’m a black female metalhead with a history of abuse. I know to you this might seem arrogant to you but I understand where he’s coming from. Growing up, not fitting into the narrow idea of acceptable womanhood, not being the ‚stereotypical’ black woman and having a terrible environment at home, metal was my escape. It was only in my later teens when I found at least two friends who had the same interests as me. You feel like an outsider, mind you I acted out with androgyny and partying way to young. I was lucky to be diagnosed bi polar and have access to proper treatment. As a teen girl, I did need someone to identify with and that’s what I think he’s saying. My heart goes out to her because had I been born a generation later, this could have been me or anyone of my friends.

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This is gut wrenching. I’m shocked to learn about her dad— a rapist, AND from the mugshot, a fetishistic crossdresser? Or else maybe trying to get into a women’s prison to rape more women and girls? Disgusting. Have you given the ladies at Reduxx this info so they can research the father more (if they haven’t already)? No wonder she didn’t want to be a girl. Everyone failed her!! I wish someone could have given her the help she needed to heal and make peace with her body. I hope the therapists or school counselors, or whoever facilitated and enabled this child’s maladaptive behaviors/suffering instead of helping her, get held criminally responsible. That’s the worst part of this gender identity bs: that it traps kids in their avoidant behaviors, rather than helping them heal and grow and become empowered. I’m so heartsick hearing all this.

What a better world we could have if men who sexually abuse women and girls were held properly responsible: serious prison sentences. The feminist take on the gender issue always reveals its relevance in the end: it is, in the end, all about misogyny.

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One question I have was where was the mother in all this? Could yet add another layer of tragedy.

And the grandma, she sounds so nonchalant during the 911 call, WTF! That is a negligent caregiver right there.

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This is ENRAGING! Poor innocent girl.

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dude this shit is the darkest shit i ever heard in my life

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dude she killed herself because she was raped by her dad and literally no one cared about it

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Thank you for following up on this case.

Poor innocent baby.

Failed by so many and primed to be a pray to the trans movement that waves away ANY kind therapy that is actually useful.

It’s like the trans movement is a conveyor belt that takes damaged people to an early grave but a slow death (in most cases) that will make some people very rich but cause society untold harm.

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Its edpecislly sad when a kid waits until early 20s to tramsition or seek hout "care."

This care is often set and even paid for by the elder train who got to be a real kid and young adult frèe...

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