"The Birthing Person Card:" Where the Rubber Meets the Road in a T4T Marriage
AGP Man Insists He's a Mother
Meet Freya Laurent, also known as Duane Danielson.
Freya inseminated his female partner, Liam Johns, leading to pregnancy and birth of a shared child. When their relationship disintegrated, they landed in family court. According to Duane’s Facebook, Liam “played the birthing person card” for the judge, suggesting it should matter that Liam was the one who carried and gave birth to the child, and likely was their primary caregiver. “Freya” was freyurious that Liam would suggest she's “extra special” for the reproductive labor and trauma of pregnancy and birth, “even though” Duane considered himself “the mother” and she was “the father.”
This is what “gender equality” means in practice. This is why they are trying to erase the reality that only one of the two sexes becomes pregnant and gives birth to babies. That's not fair! That's gender inequality. So the gender communists are seeking to redistribute the credit for children to men, erasing the “extra special” status women have for having this biologically required extra burden and taking on extra childcare responsibilities. They want the label because they want the credit - in some cases, to weaponize gender ideology against the mothers of their children in family court.
Women are oppressed by manipulation of the inherent limitations and functions of our differing female biology. In some cultures, such as Egypt, divorce automatically results in fathers having sole custody, with men having more of a right to seek divorce than women. This traps women on the basis of our biological circumstance that places us in a particular social circumstance. But the reality is that men are men, and women are women.
Duane will never understand what pregnancy does to a woman. Duane had no problem with being the fathe, either, until he began to rage at not being the center of attention. This led to the disintegration of his marriag, as he prioritized his paraphilia, and ultimately, it seems, this resulted in separation and divorce. Aren't those kids lucky to have such a fantastic “mom.” All of this happened while Liam, the ACTUAL mother, struggled to care for her premature infants and cope with her own kidney failure and dialysis. She had to put up with this idiot LARPing to psychologically abuse her and be an attention-seeking black hole.
Reminder also that because of trans ideology, Liam chose to remove the organs that would have produced breastmilk for her child, requiring her to fly out of state and beg on the internet to obtain breastmilk.
Her daughter Sequoia paid the price for her mother's gender affirmation. Somehow, her father Duane was not able to breastfeed, but was it for lack of trying? We may never know. But the person most affected by these cosmetic, surgical and drug induced modifications to Liam’s sex traits, was also the person with the least capacity to consent.
Liam’s other child, Cypress, was born premature, possibly due to her mother’s use of testosterone, which damages the uterus so much that many trans identifying women only have 3-5 years on testosterone before they need a hysterectomy. It causes atrophy, hypertrophy, and other cellular changes associated with precancer, per a histological study I read reacted to, in the Literature Review playlist. *
Liam learned too late that the pretense of fatherhood enables men to deny what makes women special and important on a biological level: our capacity to be pregnant and give birth.
Liam traded her birthright for a bowl of soup, in order to experience the euphoria of surgeries, drugs, and pretense. Now her children are motherless.
Duane the AGP transitioned in response to jealousy of the attention his pregnant wife and then his children received. This is what drives many men who decide they want to be women: rage that the actual mother of their children is being treated like they're somehow special, and wanting to appropriate that by wearing a costume. They're not like us.
Men can't be mothers. Men who prioritize paraphilia over parenthood are predictably godawful to their wives and children, yet have an intense sense of entitlement to be seen as something they're not, regardless of the impact on their family. What's horrifying to me is that Cypress and Sequoia are now stuck with this delusional, psychologically abusive and controlling it’s-ma’am.
Shame on you, Duane. Absolute clown show.
Can you imagine being in court and listening to these fools? Yeah, CPS should take both children away.
Imagine learning that your mother cared more about having a flat chest than she did about giving you the best start in life by breastfeeding. Especially considering that led her onto a path that caused her to die early and abandon you.