How ghastly. Why aren't they or their parents suing!? Horror aside, another great term!

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Fun fact, a malpractice insurer will drive the bus on any litigation and all their incentives will point towards settlements and NDAs for everyone

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I would also question why no one is checking on parents that allow these horrors in their underage children.

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Because the parents are told "do this or your kid will kill themselves" and not enough people know how to research. Fear is a powerful tactic.

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May this individual find peace :( so sad what was done

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So sad! It looks painful!

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at 12, i still had 40 lbs and 7 inches to reach my full adult size. i was also putting my loved ones through frequent emotional outbursts and bouts of insomnia and extreme anxiety. i was afraid of getting my period and i was secretly terror-stricken at the possibility that i might be gay. thank merciful god that it was 2005 and the trans movement was still latent. i fell under the sway of the ideology at 21, but i discovered critical thinking before i was able to permanently damage myself. how defenseless are these “trans kids”. the lost girls, a whole generation butchered and damned. these “gender specialists” won’t stop until they are stopped.

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May I ask what it was about menstruation that bothered you?

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the possibility of being raped and impregnated frightened me. it’s not exactly something a 12 year old is equipped to deal with rationally but i had to.

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Oh wow, I'm sorry you were dealing with fears like that!

That's intense. (I hope they were only fears.)

When I was12 grown men began leering at me. I was so creeped out by it 😱 It was a feeling of just wanting to jump out of my skin.

Because are barely out of early childhood when we begin to sexually mature, we are not prepared emotionally or psychologically for everything sexuality entails. It's rough. So many girls today don't stand a chance against this ideology.

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that’s why teen girls have always needed wise, level-headed adult women to bring them back down to earth. that’s why it breaks my heart that the “protect trans kids!!” crowd is largely mothers (and i have my theories as to why that is). that’s also why i’m grateful to my own mother: maybe she has a touch of attention deficit, but nothing i did ever really seemed to much faze her. for her own reasons, she just thought of me as her unusual daughter, and seemed never to want to medicalize or pathologize me.. thank god!

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So sad. I've often had the thought, when I hear about very young girls getting their breasts removed "have their breasts even finished growing yet??" I recall that girls stop growing about 1 year after their periods start, so I would think that 1-year mark is the earliest anyone could have this done. I bet it doesn't even cross the surgeon's mind. Though I also imagine puberty blockers complicate things as far as growth, too...ugh...what a mess, all around.

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These jackals are blocking puberty at dry manner II but menstruation typically starts around stage IV

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Yikes, and did I also mention, ugh.

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Are you not censoring her face so that we can see her body horror reaction?

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No, that's a good point. I have seen this photo a lot of places already online, and it's in vogue for doctors to post similar photos with their patients, but that's not a reason to not crop out enough to de-identify her.

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So difficult and heartbreaking to look at. How can ANYONE who is not a psychopath think this is acceptable ? Beggars belief. 💔💔💔👎👎👎

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Like something out of frankenstein

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I've got scars over 30 years old, and they still irritate, and cause discomfort.

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Check out Miki Ratsula on Instagram - possibly the worst scarring I have ever seen. She was post puberty, I think having very white skin seems to correlate with worse hypertrophic/keloid scarring. F*cking awful.

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The look on her face tells us how she feels. 💔😪

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Horrors never cease!

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