Testosterone, SRY and Parkinson's
We have absolutely no right to be experimenting on girls and women
I had a thought this evening that made me jump. We know from the pancreas and diabetes research that, despite the extreme similarity in both structure and function of the male versus the female pancreas, the organ is in fact, sexually dimorphic. It’s critically important to understand that mere similarity in form and function does NOT mean the organs are the same.
We know that men and boys have naturally high levels of testosterone, and that this causes dramatic cosmetic differences between men and women. So we should expect that an internal organ would also look different based on whether it has been exposed to testosterone, just like a face exposed to testosterone looks different from a face that has not been exposed to testosterone. Yet, we don’t see that, and the reason is that male genetics - a second irreconcileable difference between male and female - creates a convergence. The result? The male pancreas functions better with testosterone, which evolution expected to be there. The female pancreas? Not so much. Testosterone makes it function worse. That’s at the same dose after controlling for things like overall body size. Male and female are not equivalent.
We know the brain is full of androgen receptors. We know androgens, such as testosterone, have effects of shape, size, and stretchiness. We know these effects are permanent. Therefore, we should expect a brain that has been exposed chronically to significantly higher levels of testosterone to look different than brains that have not been similarly exposed. So when all these studies conclude, over and over again, that the male and female brain are so similar in size, shape and function, that’s not an indication that there are no differences. That’s a sign there are at least two differences, creating convergence.
Here’s where it gets a bit hairy. The male sex organ, testicles, are created by the action of the SRY gene (in the vast majority of cases). This gene is also active in the brain. Where in the brain? Specifically, dopaminergic neuronal structures. What is the effect of upregulation of this gene? It has a neuroprotective effect. It may prevent neuronal death of dopaminergic neurons following injury to the region. What is implicated in Parkinson’s disease? Degeneration of the substantia nigra of the basal ganglia’s dopaminergic neurons. Who gets Parkinson’s disease more, though? Men. You would expect that having genetics that protect dopaminergic neurons from degeneration after injury would make men less, not more, at risk of Parkinson’s disease. So what could be going on here? My theory is that testosterone and the lack of estrogen is neurodegenerative to these neurons. Therefore, in order to enable reproduction, evolution has found a patch for that.
My prediction - mark my words - is that one of the many long-term effects of ‘gender-affirming’ sex lobotomy will be an increased rate of Parkinson’s disease in the female patients whose brains did not evolve to genetically expect high doses of testosterone, and therefore do not have neuroprotective genetics of SRY, to counteract that flow. At the same time, I predict we will also see increased rates of Parkinson’s in men who have been on testosterone suppression. Testosterone is known to improve function of males with Parkinson’s, and testosterone deficiency is often found in PD patients.
The male and female brain exist. The male brain needs higher testosterone to function correctly, because of evolution. The male brain has male genetics because of evolution. This is unrelated to gender, sense of gender identity, or social gender behavior. This is strictly neurophysiology. Having worked with Parkinson’s patients professionally, having seen the struggle and the pain and the depression that took Robin Williams from us firsthand, I am so angry I could scream. We have no right to be doing this to healthy children.
Oh but we do, Ex. We do have the right. We humans have been sacrificing our children to the gods for a long time. Here in America, we let people get away with letting children die because they believe in their gods instead of medicine. This is just medicine playing god by the same set of rules. Rights. Americans using their rights on children. Like people do. Like we humans always do. I'm as mad about it as you are and equally frustrated.
“We” aren’t experimenting on girls and women. Scurrilous medical businesspeople are experimenting on them, just like they’ve done since the inception of their industry. Application of technology doesn’t equal science or healthcare, and I certainly don’t trust those incompetent and/or abusive medical practitioners for little else but trauma care, which they actually excel in (credit where it’s due). I’m a survivor of religious abuse in childhood, yet am still greatly sympathetic towards parents who care for their children’s health at home, instead of sending them to butchers who profit monetarily. Beware of unscientific groupthink, as it is rampant in this industry and will continue to maim and kill due to its narcissistic death cult nature. I will never be able to figure out just how victims were convinced to clamor for garbage doctor dope, instead of the good stuff that actually works! They do actually have some, but synthetic hormones? I sure didn’t see this one coming.