Oh my God! Poor baby! Cannot say anything else...

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She chose ... poorly

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She desperately needs your voice coaching.

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Very creepy voice

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I think she sounds quite upset. A new Mom with everything she needs gets stressed out. This chick on an anabolic steroid seems pretty ready to pop. I hope there's someone else ie grandparents around for the baby.

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we live in the age where saying the 'offensive' thing is worse than harming one's health... the age of censorship and medical experiments

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Some countries jail you for protesting the bad thing, while the bad thing goes unpunished

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These women who think they are men need their own channel 'Sick Tock'

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These people are mentally ill, and they need to be told no, treated for their delusions, and sometimes put into mental hospitals if that is necessary.

Adults cannot do whatever they want. Adults should not be allowed to mutilate themselves and live a lie because it's "just individuals living their lives!"

It is never that. All of society is affected, and now this woman's child is going to be permanently damaged.

There is a group of children who are currently being harmed by their mothers who are taking testosterone due to the lie that is "gender identity," and everyone is going to act like they don't remember anything when the truth becomes clear and the lawsuits start.

It all needs to be stop. There is no other solution, and never let anyone try to say that there's a tiny percentage of REAL troons. There isn't.

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Don't know why the system won't let me "like" this post, but in the absence of that, just want to say that I agree with every word.

If you'd told us 15 years ago the extent of the sickness that would infest western society, we would have laughed you out of the room. Yet here we are.

Full respect and props to Exulansic and others who continue relentlessly to expose this poison.

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Perhaps she needs to learn a bit more about testosterone. It's a dangerous drug. That baby needs to be protected.


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They see it as hand sanitizer

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More like a hand sterilizer.

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Is there something wrong with her mentally? She slow and some slurred words, not much strength in her hands and arms. I'm glad she has been reported because she is doing untold damage to that child and the baby needs to get removed from her, and any further children also removed...will she be sterile soon?

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I could have swore she was using a SpongeBob voiceover

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Is she not???

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I legit thought she was.

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She must have been so disappointed to end up with that voice. Not very manly.

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Also, most feminine rant/roast ever. Can't stand these women posing as men, they make my skin crawl. Can't even imagine how seeing trans women make you sisters feel.

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She's a mother??!! Poor kid.

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I wanna watch this video, but i cant stand that mofo's voice!!

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That she thinks your hair shows your gender 🤦🏻‍♀️

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So horrifying! How many babies are being exposed to hormones like this? And how about the trans identifying men that try to feed babies! Another tragedy. Thanks for all you do, Exulansic!

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Someone is triggered

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