Good googly moogly!

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On the other hand, I had for entire high school coeducational PE. Was it directly dangerous? Or it’s semi-pro level where things get dangerous

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Boysversuswomen.com. If PE meant boys in positions of launching projectiles at girls or colliding with girls, yes that was dangerous even in high school

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Definitely dangerous. Men firing sports objects and collision with other men are why brain injuries are so high in contact sports and even things like pitchers in baseball. From a logical standpoint, if the half of the species with a thicker skull is having these problems just playing with each other then it doesn't get better for the other half with the thinner skulls.

The youngest person known to be diagnosed with CTE, who also died from it, was a 17 year old boy playing high school sports. Once they hit puberty that's it. Children should probably never play organized contact sports, especially after puberty tbh. Football players, wrestlers, boxers, lacrosse, soccer, etc., a ton of head injuries. Like if anyone in the NFL makes it to 60 without dementia it's surprising imo.


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I really wonder how these people square transition with trying to conceive. Because accidental seahorse is simply lack of awareness about medical processes in the body and in contrast they’re doing it on purpose

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While Blair is clever in his staged photos to turn sideways, minimizing the width of his shoulders and posing in exactly all the ways cross-sex ideating men attempt, but fail, to "pass" there are tells making it easy for the likes of us. He's got a lot of sexual signaling going on, swaying his lower back to make his buttocks protrude in coy photos. But just look at those thunder thighs and you'll see the male anatomy clearly. Note that Megyn Kelly is going to expose the murderer Kamala Harris made sure has wigs and make-up in his women's prison term In CA today on her eponymous YT channel. I and Emma from Behind the Looking Glass will appear there next week, if we don't get bumped for some wise ass other circus of the election season.

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Be sure to post your YT appearance day & time for us, please.

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Thanks, you can find me at uteheggengrasswidow.wordpress.com and Youtube channel, Trans Widow Ute Heggen. So far, Tues and Wed midday are on the table.

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I'm so angry about this!

I live in Albuquerque and graduated from UNM. Earlier this week a bunch of us emailed UNM, emailed coaches, administration, and the players themselves and urged them to forfeit for the safety of and fairness to the women's volleyball team. Of course, they ignored us, choosing to put these young women in harm's way. I'm still looking for this woman's name so we can follow up on her.

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I will email the footage to the same people I urged to protect their players from the man on SJSU's team.

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One of my issues is why they insist on playing competitive sports. With all the things there are to undergo/lose, and potentially, they hope, gain, why does being in a competitive position in sports have to be a thing they won’t accept surrendering? There are physical activities to be done alone, against your own previous achievement, or in informal or mixed groups. But no, they have to join women’s teams and display their power over adversaries, in a peculiar residual display of masculine dominance. (Not that women can’t feel competitive, but still.)

I just think that in a big picture view, sports would be a small thing to have to forgo.

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I don't remember which gender-delusional male athlete it was, but when he started getting flak for being a trans woman on an all-women's team, he wailed that all he'd wanted was to be celebrated. So that's one motivating factor.

In the real world, what's going on is that a group of women have formed a team to play a sport they love and excel in, just as women have done for generations. In his mind, though, the women are just props to his starring role as a pioneering transwoman who is to be acclaimed for his accomplishments. It is understandable (though not acceptable), considering that many trans people are so used to being affirmed everywhere they go for everything they do.

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To be clear, it's not because he's "trans" that we have a problem, but the fact that he's male. If he was a "trans man" ie, a woman, it would not be an issue. It's the sex, not the "identity"

They always claim the "trans" label so they can look like victims 🙄

He's a man.

Man man man

Trying to force himself on women cuz he grew his hair and put on makeup 🙄

🙅‍♀️ nope

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I guess some trans-identified males also go to zumba classes, but it doesn’t make to the news.

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Is this another incident? I remember another one where Payton McNabb was injured in June 2023

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I discovered recently that there may be less public acceptance of men who identify as women in women's sports than I would have expected. What led to this conclusion was coming across a comment in a political substack that criticized the Republican presidential candidate's objection to men in women's sports. Based on the tenor of the comments, most of the commenters appear to be liberals or progressives.

Identifying myself as a gay man and a moderate Democrat who is a Harris voter, I said that even a a broken clock is right twice a day. (Trump is a very badly broken sort of clock.) I went on to say that It doesn't matter who says it, the fact is that it is unfair for men to compete against women. I won't go into detail here, but I made the usual arguments, ending by pointing out that it's impossible to change sex so trans women are just men who have no business in female-only spaces. For good measure I criticized progressives' intolerance of the sex realist point of view and explained why the so-called "LGBTQ community" is a political fiction.

Given the readership, I prepared myself for a flood of derisive and insulting responses. They're an opinionated lot. I was astonished when not a single person criticized the ideas or me. When I make the same points in the Washington Post's comment section they always attract critics. Furthermore, a number of people hit "Like." Is this representative of American public opinion? I wish it were, but it obviously is not. Still, it's a point-in-time sample of a population who would be expected to be all-in on trans all the time, including transwomen in sports. For some reason, encountering the opposing point of view did not trigger them.

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"Blaire" is a man.

It is a woman's team

It's not a "trans" issue

It's a man issue

And he doesn't care if he hurts a woman or makes women uncomfortable in the dressing room, etc.

It's narcissistic and abusive to do this to women.

It's a male supremacy movement pretending to be a civil right issue.

Women have rights too

Real women

Fuck these entitled assholes

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did not have to be a brain surgeon to see neurological damage at that point in time.

will she completely recover?

show deterioration later?

i dunno. it's THE reason males don't play physical activities against females.

physical advantages

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