Something about this is profoundly sad. The testosterone makes her voice sound like she has the flu. That shit is permanent. Tragic.

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The fundamental problem here is the corruption of the medical industry.

This woman is clearly mentally unstable. Mentally unstable people ask for crazy things from doctors all the time. Doctors can and do say "no" to requests frequently.

When she went to the doctor's office and said "I'm a man so give me testosterone!" the answer should have been NO. That is the only solution to this problem. There is no tiny percentage of real trannies who are actually delusional and should have their delusions "affirmed."

This whole thing is a scandal. What are the long-term consequences of giving a menopausal woman a flood of testosterone? On her heart? Lungs? Liver? When these people start dropping, everyone is going to pretend they don't remember a thing.

It's an approaching trainwreck.

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They're generally not good at cosmetic doses

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LOL these are all cosmetic doses, essentially

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"Trainwreck", indeed ..

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This is insanity. WHY don't these people get some psychological help for their self-absorbed addictive behaviour in ruining their otherwise healthy bodies to force their mental inner image on their physical selves. This is NOT normal human behaviour. This is a mental illness in which mostly young women are destroying their physical selves.

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The narcissism makes them believe they don’t have a problem.

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You re right so why are so many teen and young adult women so narcissistic? No self awareness of their deeper reasons at all.

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Throughout history there have been many narcissistic people. Nowadays it seems like there are more because they have social media. Social media attracts narcissists like moths to a flame.

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I wonder if social media not only attracts narcissists, but in fact creates them? It seems like it does, with the overwhelming rise in narcissism since the wide use of social media, and scrolling through even a minute of TikTok tends to affirm this theory!

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Classic case of the chicken or the egg. 🤔

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Yikes! Mad scientist??!

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Testosterone intoxication is real.

This woman is deranged.

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I was on it briefly for my menopause/weight. The first 2 days were like waking from a dream. About day 7 I was getting so easily annoyed I felt my job might be threatened. I quit. Maybe it took me two weeks-dont recall exactly. But I was getting super impatient and more reckless

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I quit the T, not the job!

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ok. good. i thought you were living in your car now 😆

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👍🙂 Takes a "Real Man ™" to deal with high levels of testosterone ... 😉🙂

Though one might say the same about estrogen and women. 🙂

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You'd get no argument from me on that


Men in dresses are just as drunk on estrogen as this woman is on testosterone, it's just a woozier kind of drunk. Rowan's kind of drunk is belligerent.

As someone who has lived with estrogen levels that are far too high most of the time, I can tell you, it's like being in the bottom of a bowl of soup. You know there's air up there somewhere but it's warm and comfortable and you have know idea how to swim to the surface.

Menopause helps, sometimes. But doctors know so little about anything to do with women's bodies and hormones that they can't seem to figure out how to help me fix anything even in menopause. So I still surf those waves.

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And it is like living the stereotype. There are many things about my physical body that are marked by estrogen and give me a stereotypical appearance and demeanor. Waist to hip ratio, absence of body hair, how I sound, how I hold on to fat, how I smell. All of it signals to other mammals all the time, even when I wish it didn't.

These hormones and their impact on your personality and physiology are real. We fuck with them at our peril.

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Amen to all of that and to your later comment. ICYMI, Andrew Sullivan in old NYTimes post (share linked below) on testosterone, "The He Hormone":

Sullivan: "My own encounter with testosterone came about for a simple medical reason. I am H.I.V.-positive, and two years ago, after a period of extreme fatigue and weight loss, I had my testosterone levels checked. It turned out that my body was producing far less testosterone than it should have been at my age. No one quite knows why, but this is common among men with long-term H.I.V. The usual treatment is regular injection of artificial testosterone, which is when I experienced my first manhood supplement. ....

As more people use testosterone medically, as more use testosterone-based steroids in sports and recreation and as more research explores the behavioral effects of this chemical, the clearer the power of that biology is. It affects every aspect of our society, from high divorce rates and adolescent male violence to the exploding cults of bodybuilding and professional wrestling. It helps explain, perhaps better than any other single factor, why inequalities between men and women remain so frustratingly resilient in public and private life. This summer, when an easy-to-apply testosterone gel hits the market, and when more people experience the power of this chemical in their own bodies, its social importance, once merely implicit, may get even harder to ignore. ....

Then there's anger. I have always tended to bury or redirect my rage. I once thought this an inescapable part of my personality. It turns out I was wrong. Late last year, mere hours after a T shot, my dog ran off the leash to forage for a chicken bone left in my local park. ... It wasn't until half an hour later that I realized I had been a complete jerk and had nearly gotten into the first public brawl of my life. I vowed to inject my testosterone at night in the future. ..."


"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."

Here endth the lesson ... 😉🙂

I can kinda sympathize with teenagers in general, particularly the dysphoric -- all of those hormones can really mess with a person's head, regardless of age. Kinda think that there might be, should be some synthetic hormones that they, and we might take to blunt the worst effects of them while not precluding their beneficial ones.

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Not possible to alter the intricate waves of hormonal pulsing without disrupting proper maturation

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Aftermarket replacements are often not as good as the original equipment. So to speak ... 🙂

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At this point game over

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Barbecue? Break something?

These are the usual feminist sitcom stereotypes of male behavior. Is that all she can come up with? How about "Earn money, provide for a family, build a house, repair a car"?

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Calm tf down. Men can't take a joke. Dish it out all day, the moment you guys get a taste of your own medicine, you collapse into a puddle of self-pity.

Male rapists are in women's jails. This mentally ill woman made a mild joke. Get over yourself.

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lol men are never not the victims. Funny I've met men who have barbedued and broken things, but never in my dang life have I encountered one who provided for a family or built a house. Those are fantasies you tell yourselves about yourselves while watching porn.

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Misangry isn't cute, sis. Sorry you've never had a father, brother, spouse, son, or male friend that wasn't a total dick to you. How sad. Hope that changes.

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Lol misandry doesnt exist but I like "misangry". Try not to tell women who see the way men are that they are sad. I'm very secure in the notion that it's men whobare sad, I talk to them every day and i have a social media account where I "booly" them by publicizing their own words about women. This isn't about me but thanks for your troll concern

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That's sad -- never to have met any men who are decent, kind, loving, hard-working, providing for family, building a house, fixing cars, fixing broken plumbing...I've met some male assholes in my life, to be sure, but most men I know are fine people. So many women are bitchy, self-centered, cruel, demanding...assholes are not confined to one gender, nor are good, kind, hard-working people. I'm sorry you never once had any decent men in your life -- good men are fabulous to be around!

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Lol that was funny that you did the "I'm sad" thing, not men are sad, I'm sad. 🤣Lmao these women came to a feminist website to whine at me about "misandry" and how sAd I am for seeing the way men are, irl and mostly on the internet. They have fantasies of being providers, then ACTUALLY admit they would rather not get married and seek ways to hide their assets. They're not special little protectors and providers like this whiny commenter said. And here you are talking about "misandry" and how sad feminists are for boolying a poor little man who was very insulted that meany weany women had something remotely unflattering to say about men. I feel sad for you. The victim playing game on behalf of men isn't cute.

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You really do have a problem with men. I wasn't whining about misandry at all, just pointing out that there are good men and bad men, as well as good women and bad women. If you blame every bad thing in your life on men...well, again, that's sad. You do you, absolutely, but I'm glad I've found some good men and women in my life.

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that sounds a lot like what misogynistic men say, why don't you call me bitter. Yes, lady, I have a problem with men, and I'm a feminist, and all I can say about your spiel about how we are all equal and the same is "cringe"

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You must not get out much, I but I’m 72 and live in a rural area and I guess I don’t get out much either because I see it all the time.

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What a bizarre response. If anyone needs to calm down, it's apparently you. Chip on your shoulder much? Yikes.

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She has constructed a narrative in which she is playing a game and there is only one competitor in it, herself, and she is competing against--I'm not sure what, except possibly her own womanhood.

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Way past "weird is wonderful". Puir wee lass. Jumped off the deep end a while back and no idea how to swim. I can understand wishing you were the opposite sex. Wishing impossible things is normal, but pretending they are possible is nuts. I can't imagine being happy with that voice.

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I was trying to think of something witty to say about Stella spilling the beans about AAP women catching SOME SORT of unmentionable buzz off of dressing up in Daddy's Clothes. And the name escaped me, but I thought, Who's that FRED FLINTSTONE -looking woman? A dyke's nightmare of a dyke? You're not going to tell me SHE'S not catching a buzz off of what she does, in tandem with guzzling the T like it was BOURBON-NO-ROCKS? Then I saw this piece of yours, and remembered -- AH YES! -- RJK.

I will now try, violently, to pretend that I never saw or heard of RJK, who is, like SHUPE being a ten on the SHUPE scale of mother-imago possession, herself a TEN on the KNOX scale (1-10) of Father-Imago possession. I am WAY TOO CLOSE to somebody's DADDY, when I see/hear her. ;(

Shoot, Ex, YOU'RE supposed to be the clever girl in this horror movie. YOU solve the puzzle-box and send the Tranobites back to their Hell Dimension!

Here are my AAP anagrams:, the conceit being that Lesbians are autandrophiles who get a buzz from mens' clothing. Certainly it's no business of mine whether this involves them actually playing the ADULT HAIR PIANO or not. I think Stella broke some sort of NICE CROSS-DRESSING WOMEN DON'T TALK ABOUT IT rule in the interview with Travis, but yes, the dirty little secret of AAP is now GOOD AND OUT. Every woman not dressed in an appropriately LADYLIKE manner, all ready for a 19th C ball, will be treated like a Phil Illey, a potential pervert and rapist. Or something. I'll be hiding in the Mens' Room at the next Genspect, and all putative "men" WILL be checked for correct genitalia before entry. I'm not having the boys shocked by the likes of Rowan Jette Knox barging into OUR bathroom! Rowan is on /Team Venus/, and you can have her.


Naiad Hop Ritual (A young lady going Up and Down, Up and Down, on one foot.)

Aha, Puritan Idol! (Good daddy! Dirty daddy!)

Loud Anti-Pariah (Phil Illey may be banned everywhere else, but he SHAN'T come to our gender-conference!)

HA, Proud Italian! (PRO PUDOR, DIDO!)

Adult Hair Piano (Sounds like a song on a CAPTAIN BEEFHEART album!)

Audit A Lap Rhino! (You'd be happy too, if you had 50cc's throbbing away between your legs!)


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This post is both sad and alarming. It’s clear her voice has suffered due to the testosterone. The amount of testosterone in her body doesn’t change who she is biologically. She does not need a barbecue. She should get therapy.

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It took me several tries to watch the whole thing, as my stomach and spirit were in a state of revolt. Finally, it came to me. Her diction, her energy, her affect.

She's become one of those guys on GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS. She's both SELLING her own dream of masculinity . . . and BUYING it. She's thrilled because she got a good deal on a beautiful piece of land, cheap. She's thrilled because she sold some poor schlub a piece of Florida swamp.

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I think you have it! Ty!

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New verb: Knox-maxing on T.

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"Judgment" has never once been involved, here

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She looks like a female Christopher Walken at his most sinister. Even her voice...

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Her fake voice ... ! 😂

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