So happy to see you back! I hope you're feeling better!

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3:08 .. THAT doctor guy. oh! hell! no!

1)man. 2) forehead anomaly 3) hair bun.

i wouldn't take his recos for a Water Filter seriously

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2) "being topless & not ashamed" .. many southern EU beaches are Topless.

I've played Bocci w/topless Grandmas.

WHY do these young adults think they're New, Special, Different ??

These ideas & fantasies are more prevalent, for sure, but there's a Natural reason why few people could successfully switch Genders.

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I was thinking the same thing when she rejoiced at "her first summer topless"-- if only her doctors would have explained that she could spend the summer topless in Europe without all the surgery--and probably could have saved her chest muscles for the rowing she (used to) love to do, as well.

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"sex" and "gender" are not the same kettles of fish. That too many -- on both sides -- think they are is a large part of the whole problem. See this editorial in the British Medical Journal (BMJ):

BMJ: "Sex and gender are not synonymous. Sex, unless otherwise specified, relates to biology: the gametes, chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs. Gender relates to societal roles, behaviours, and expectations that vary with time and place, historically and geographically. ...."


"gender" is hardly more than different personalities and behaviours -- changing them is as easy as some dude putting on a dress. "sex" is, at least by standard biological definitions, no more than the ability to produce either sperm or ova -- no transwoman is EVER going to replace his testicles with ovaries of his own.

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Gender is absolutely tied to sex. those "societal roles" are the product of reproductive functions.

to protect gestating females, offspring, to "provide" .. males are usually bigger & stronger.

some species lavish the females with bright colors, dances, songs & some simply dominate .. but it's still the norm that males flex & females choose.

How would you describe "Gender" without referring to a sex ?

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Sure, "gender is tied to sex", but it is NOT the same thing as "sex". The same way we might be "tied" to our spouses, but we're clearly not the same as them. 🙂

You might take a gander at the standard biological definitions published in reputable biological journals and even regular ones:




ALL that "female" and "male" mean is basically the ability to produce ova or sperm. "gender" is just a bunch of psychological and behavioural traits that are typically more common among one sex or the other while not being unique to either.

Which is why many people talk about "gender non-conforming", about masculine women or feminine men. That some some women might be more masculine than most other women doesn't mean that they're males. Or "born in the wrong body" -- which is the "Big Lie" that many gender ideologues and transactivists are peddling.

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May 2Edited

You can cite all the bad literature you wish, but if sex and gender aren't intricately the same, then why do we call a sex "reassignment" surgery the same thing as "gender confirmation" surgery. You have been fooled sweetheart. Sex is immutable-- down to literally every single cell within your body, down to the size of your arteries and vein structure, down to how your brain grows and neurons fire. There is no wrong way to be a man or a women-- your interests and abilities are just traits, they don't make or break you; and you are just playing word games with the "but gender is diFferENt!," argument. No its not. Youre talking about societal expectations, amd misnomering those expectations as some mysetious "gender that has nothing to do with your sex." Again, this is just word games; at which point I will point you back to the, "there's absolutely NO wrong way to be a man or a women," fact. I don't say this to mean. I say this so you can stop parroting bad "science", take a large step backwards, and look at things a bit more closely.

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🙄 That some people say that "sex 'reassignment' surgery is "the same thing as 'gender confirmation' surgery" doesn't mean it makes sense to do so. You might just as well say that you agree with someone saying that 2+2=5.

As for your "Sex is immutable-- down to literally every single cell within your body", you clearly haven't a flaming clue about the standard biological definitions for the sexes or what they mean. Try reading these examples:

https://academic.oup.com/molehr/article/20/12/1161/1062990 (see the Glossary)




https://twitter.com/pwkilleen/status/1039879009407037441 (Oxford Dictionary of Biology)

From the second source in particular:

SpringerLink: "Female gametes are larger than male gametes. This is not an empirical observation, but a definition: in a system with two markedly different gamete sizes, we define females to be the sex that produces the larger gametes and vice-versa for males (Parker et al. 1972) ..."

ALL that "male" and "female" MEAN to reputable biologists is "produces small gametes" and "produces large gametes". Period. Cells can't do so and therefor don't have a sex, only bodies do. And if some organism can't produce either gamete then, by those definitions, it is neither male nor female, it is sexless. Some transwoman cutting his nuts off doesn't change him from "male" to "female' but only to "sexless" -- hardly "immutable".

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Sigh. You are dumber than you know. Poor thang.

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Wonder how long the little wifey will tolerate incontinence? Hope they have laundry equipment. And a lot of extra sheets. For the extra sh-ts.

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if wifey is waiting for some sort of thic dick passion .. oof .. she will be disappointed.

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She is a lesbian. She is not interested in thic dick.

She's probably mad as Hell, but societal pressures tell her to be supportive or she's bad. She's getting betrayed on multiple levels.

I hope she leaves and finds a healthy partner.

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3) & final .. "now they're in a new HELLSCAPE .." this is where we see their realization that they can't go back.

After the males cut off their penis, after females slice their breasts & rip out their guts (meta & physical) .. NO Going Back.

Most will double down & plow thru dark, muddy Troon path & some have enough Natural Survival Spirit left to De Trans = like YOU X formerly known as Lilith.

your punishment is superficial

your Spirit shines thru.

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During my 52 years I have dated 18 year-olds, 28 year-olds, and 38 year-olds. You're absolutely right that our relationships change. There's a reason we call it "puppy love" when teenagers fall for each other.

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How will this woman stand to be with another woman, her girlfriend, who still has her shameful, embarrassing breasts, when while she is enjoying being topless in the summer? Does she think all women should have double mastectomies so that they can enjoy being topless?

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The longer someone is under general anaesthesia, the greater the risk of a serious adverse incident, including stroke and death. A 14 hour surgery is really dangerous for that reason alone.

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A serious, open heart surgery takes eight hours and costs $250,000. This jackass is having an elective surgery that takes nearly twice as long and involved surgeons from two different specialties.

Can you even imagine how much this is costing? Money for medical services is a finite resource. Medical expertise is a finite, and scarce, resource. This selfish idiot is blithely taking these resources away from the collective pool, so she can feel some kind of way.

She knows she's going to need even more resources as a result of this lunacy. She thinks that's fine. What's worse is she seems to be aware that government policies could change in such as way as to make these resources even more scarce and she's still willing to put her whims above the needs of others.

It's the selfishness that gets to me about these people. They are greedy, self-absorbed, selfish assholes and I they make me hate myself for the fact that I know I wouldn't be callous enough to deny them treatment to alleviate the suffering their own actions are causing now and in the future. They don't deserve our compassion. They'll get it anyway. And once again, their narcissism will be fed by that compassion and twisted into something that feeds their neurosis.

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I would have no problem denying someone sterilization.

"Git!", I'd say. Bring me that pregnant woman instead.

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Precisely 💜 I am on state medical care for 3 years now. I have used it ZERO times. Because I know it is a precious resource and not to be thrown away except for necessities. Yet all the while there are people getting elective mutilations…while most others have to second guess going to the doctor - “is it bad enough that I can afford to spend the money?”. Horrible in so many ways

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May 2Edited

That being said, you are a conscientious citizen. Use it if you need to do so. I rage against the intentionally wasteful-- these elective surgeries, people who don't work and pop out baby after baby with no intention of becoming a functional member of society, the illegals who are already committing a crime being rewarded by draining even more of our tax dollars-- but unless you fit in one of those overtly offensive categories, making sure that you (as a normally tax paying citizen of this nation) can access Healthcare if you need it, is just not the same thing.

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when does she work?

does she have a career? Any other goals that are not transchausen?

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More brilliant content as ever.

Just a note on the video tech side, with most of your videos I have technical issues where if I pause, the video often sticks and freezes while the audio continues. The only cure is to refresh the webpage and start the whole video again. Sometimes this happens spontaneously, without me pausing. It's rather frustrating x

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I wonder if her girlfriend met her as a lesbian or as a 'transman'

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They met when she was a lesbian. They were married as a lesbian couple.

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Thanks! Hopefully she'll cut her losses like Ellen Page's wife

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Fortunately, Ellen's wife divorced her before the double mastectomy or the T shots. Some of these women stay with these mentally unstable women for all the wrong reasons. Sort of like, saviors or mommies, as they feel they are the stable force in the relationship.

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I think there are some cases (like Scott Newgent) where the partner encourages it so they can be in a 'heterosexual' relationship & others will be coming from a transhausen perspective, similar to parents getting reflected glitter shine & super liberal kudos

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I’m sure there are tons of skilled, experienced, ethical, addiction-free surgeons who specialize in the devastating, often deadly intersection of oncology and gynecology, so it probably wasn’t a big deal that a surgeon with this specialty spent many lucrative hours removing a delusional woman’s vagina. There is certainly no reason to prioritize women with real cancer over those with feelings cancer, which we all know can be terminal. We can only assume there isn’t a woman—and a family—on a waiting list or a later surgery date because Miss Metoidio absolutely HAD to be Jack-O-Lanterned.

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ouch. and yes. as we all saw during C19.. they got their surgeries while others waited - like my mom & uncle who ended up up dying - physical diseases & pain taking a backseat to FEELINGS!

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I’m so sorry about your mom and uncle 💜💜💜

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At least we had Ex and Rupert. 🥲

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Your insights on how mature meaningful relationships and a small window of opportunity is spot on.The self indulgent narrow minds these shallow people have is why society today is in the shape it is Also she is/was a really beautiful woman she can NEVER rewrite history

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I thought about this for a few hours after Ex said it.

I think it depends on the people, really.

I met my husband at 40, after 2 divorces; one in my 20s the other at 39. I lost everything financially both times because I chose to walk without fighting for property.

Yet I was unbelievably optimistic about finding my "happily ever after"

By 40 I was very honest about what I wanted in a man. No games. And I was nice and pleasant to be around.

I understood where I had gone wrong in my past relationships.

We've been happily married for 22 years.

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Her wife (they married as a lesbian couple), I don't think is onboard. In an earlier video, Kacey (the girl who pretends to be boy) discusses how people around her and her wife have a hard time with pronouns. The wife was calling her, her. I think the wife is one of those people, who thinks, she is the stable force in this relationship, mentally and financially. The wife is a nurse and I thought think Kacey has a job at this point. I also think, if the wife left her, she would end it. The wife is the most stable person in the relationship, which is sad for the wife. How long will it wear on her to live with a mentally unstable and needy woman.

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