When you were "identifying" as a transman, did you nonetheless recognize that you experienced oppression based on your female sex-class? I know that you've said that you never literally thought you were a man.

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Yes absolutely but I also felt like I had privilege compared to more feminine women (and at one point compared to some trans women after I read Whipping Girl) when perceived as a man which was basically never but otherwise I was penalized for being a female with the masculine personality that made me a trans man. But it didn't cancel out the sex based oppression even if it affected my overall oppression score.

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Did you know many other radfems in the TQ+ community, when you were in it? Or were you the odd one out?

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🔥 This is very interesting 🤔

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I'd have watched the rest of the interview, but I cannot stand Benjamin Boyce. Sorry, Exulansic... If you and Eva were to discuss the same topic without his presence, that would be great (not that you should do that only for my sake, though others may feel similar to me). Such are the deleterious effects of some social media platforms and their hosts.

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Same. He always failed the vibe check for me, and then at one point I saw several women on Twitter discussing him and linked quotes and audio excerpts of him being *really* sexist and creepy. He has contemplated the idea that he can use his (somewhat) deep male voice to illicit a visceral reaction from women via ASMR, and he apparently likes to think that he’s utilizing his voice for the purpose of subconsciously reminding women who the alpha male is, putting them in their place without directly confronting them. Something like that (I don’t have the best memory and this was a conversation I witnessed several years ago on Twitter, but it was enough for me to make the decision to unfollow his feed/channel and never to consider tuning into his interviews again).

Years ago he interviewed my favorite radfem, who used a pseudonym and basically left social media in 2019, and I couldn’t even bring myself to watch his interview of her because he makes me bristle that much. I later dm’d him over Twitter at one point to ask if he had her contact info and he said he didn’t even know who I was talking about. I linked him to his own YT interview of her and he basically dismissively replied that he didn’t ever have any contact with her except through her Twitter account (which she’d already deleted by then). Now he’s removed that interview entirely from his YT channel, although I suppose it’s possible she contacted him and requested that he do so.

None of that is “damning” evidence of anything particularly bad about him, of course. I just …can’t. The guy creeps me out even more than Matt Walsh because he reads to me like a misogynist who uses his male privilege to platform women’s voices and make a name for himself as a GC champion while actually, imo, contributing virtually nothing to the cause himself. And women are grateful that he [seems to] take them seriously, because so few men bother. Kind of like he’s a GC cuttlefish?

TLDR: I, too, would much prefer to just watch a dialogue between Exulansic and Eva K. sans Boyce.

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Ugh yes! I put up with his sexism for a while and even engaged repeatedly with him on Twitter and his YouTube channel over the whole blue dress guy situation…but he was so dismissive, insulting, and misogynistic. And worst of all: he just completely refused to engage with me- as he does with all feminists. So I unsubscribed from his YouTube channel and podcast. Plus watching the heavy breathing, sexualizing comments and negging of Eliza Mondegreen every time he’d invite her on sealed the deal for me.

He also is just not a good interviewer. He doesn’t ask insightful questions or run the interview well. He basically barely speaks at all. That’s not being a good interviewer. That’s being a podcast producer who sets up good interviews.

I agree women fawn over men that will even just let them speak. His comments in defense of blue dress man and “male sexuality” were so telling: he clearly revels in the idea of women feeling threatened by men acting out sexually bc it’s like he wants to claim HE’S being insulted for his “masculine sexuality.” Like, no bro. First off, you don’t give off masculine sexuality vibes, you give off pudgy heavy breathing incel vibes. Secondly, heterosexual women LOVE masculine sexual energy. What we don’t love are the creepy “nice guys” who rather than accept they’re not as attractive to women as they wish they were and try to become more confident in other ways, try to violate women’s boundaries to get around our “no’s.”

He’s a textbook MRA.

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Same, glad someone said it. I hate the fact that women often fawn over men in socmed "communities" as an authority, I hate it especially in feminist communities. He gives me " know it all holier than thou creep" which is the male feminist in a nutshell

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Aurem and Winter Babe, Thanks for chiming in! Yes to all observations, couldn't have said it better. No problem with TLDR, it was worth the read. I've come to see BB as an MRA (men's rights activist) in sheep's clothing (pardon the odd metaphor). Also the way he drools over James Lindsay (another MRA who doesn't try to hide it like Boyce does) is sickening but revealing of what lies beneath. Decent people probably resort to being interviewed by him to get wider exposure, but he's too toxic for it to be worth it (imo).

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It is a man’s world and I don’t blame feminists for doing interviews with sketchy men to increase exposure and get their voices heard. I hope that less sketchy men will pay attention and invite these brilliant women onto their own platforms to have meaningful conversations (Andrew Doyle, why haven’t you called Exulansic?!)

It’s slim pickings, really, in terms of GC men who regularly invite women guests to speak on their platforms.

It’s just not worth it to me personally to listen to Boyce, no matter what guests he talks to. That he specifically made comments indicating he believes he can force women to have involuntary physiological reactions to his voice (through ASMR response) is enough for me to Nope out of ever listening to him, even if to me he doesn’t sound in any way remarkable and garners little more involuntary reaction from me than the occasional eye roll or face scrunch of disgust.

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Love your content as always, but must say I'm hanging out for more Jazz!

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Fun talk with the three of you! I hope to meet Eva one day, too!

I envy Benjamin's camera....

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I saw part of the four hour stream having no idea who Eva was but assuming because she was getting so much attention she was someone big in GenSpec. WTF. That was insane. All because she took a photo with an "AGP"? Good for Eva for setting the record straight and speaking up for herself.

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Loved this interview/caaalmmm-versation and especially this bit.

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