Jan 26, 2023Liked by Exulansic

Fascinating, as usual. The parallels between breeding dogs and what we now see happening to children and young adults is horrifying and makes perfect sense. I do think that all doctors have a God complex to varying degrees but playing God will have very serious and ugly consequences.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Exulansic

Great work as usual. Shame on the medical profession for the harm they are knowingly doing to healthy children

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Exulansic

1/ " mature the gonad that puberty blockers leave stunted and neutered." what you are telling me is that these children don't ever go through puberty, actually???? ever. they are instead castrated, then drugged. are big castrated children.

2/ "it is likely that for a gender dysphoric patient, a neuroendocrine behavioral disorder will be blamed on “dysphoria” or “depression,” when in fact it is the direct result of leutinizing hormone deficiency". i agree this will never be identified. it's very hard to diagnose even much simpler things. 'dysphoria' has no definition. 'depression' is used as a cultural category with no real definition. endo is an incredibly complicated specialty and many girls and women are badly served in it and never correctly treated.

3/ sexual development and function in women is already very poorly researched due to right wing religious politicians blocking grant funding. so the right wing have ensured the doctors don't know what they are doing. ironically, a lot of wannabe trans-identifying women come from conservative subcultures/families who dont accept gender nonconforming or lesbian behaviors. if the right wing does succeed in preventing trans-ing children, they will have to face the real issue, which partly is gay and lesbian and gender nonconforming children who need to grow up normally and want to live sexually nonconformist lives.

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023Liked by Exulansic

Great piece, Ex … esp. complaints regarding ethics to professional boards.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Exulansic

And the "chinstrap beardo" says that you cite no references and haven't finished HS. Another unarmed opponent in the Battle of Wits. Somebody really needs to do a GoT parody...

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Exulansic

OMG, do these doctors literally tell the kids on cross-hormones that they are going through PUBERTY? In those words, not "similar to puberty"? Do they know the definition of the word "puberty"??!! (the process of physical changes through which a child's body matures into an adult body capable of sexual reproduction). I know about the informed consent thing but can't this be used as a basis for lawsuits - being told you are going through puberty when nothing of a kind is actually happening or can happen?

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Ah, yes, the science of torturing the weird kids with experimental chemicals. Thanks, Phallocracy!

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Exulansic

If the GenderWoo industry claimed to be scientific, they would be running exacting and long-term detailed studies on every child exposed to these "experimental" treatments, to learn what the actual effects and outcomes will be, and to investigate the mechanisms behind them. Informed consent hinges on detailing all of the known side effects and likely outcomes, so they can claim ignorance if the studies are not done at all. Is that the strategy?

Thank you for highlighting the actual and real biologic effects of "puberty blockers" for all to see. The makers of Lupron have been sued in the past, but all of that information is suppressed today. The unintended consequences of this vast experiment on children is not going to bode well for the future.

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Large jury awards will change things right quick

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Exulansic

It's "luteinizing"

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I can't believe that this is being allowed, supported and protected - the chemical butchery of the bodies, minds, fertility and futures of healthy children.

WHEN will they be held accountable - in a decade - when the evidence of their abuse can't be hidden?

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