
Phalloplasty Philes: The Hotdog with No Hallway (Ashton #3)

Tiktoker Ashton shares more of her gruesome nightmare on a bun


There are no photos but this is an especially gruesome solution her doctors devised for the problem of urethral cave-in. Watch until the end to find out their plan to turn her cheek into a urethra through the power of splitting the hot dog down the middle and leaving it open like a hot dog bun for 6 months. But it’ll all just be a small bump in the road someday. She regrets nothing.

Other Ashton Williams’ Phalloplasty Philes episodes:

Phalloplasty Philes: Pain Dulce

Phalloplasty Philes: No-Eyed Trouser Snake the Movie

TRANSCRIPT by Maggie: TRANSCRIPT hot dog with no hallway.docx - Google Docs