Oh god the fatality risks get more and more exposed, and doctors know this and are still willing to follow the bloodstained dollars shame on them

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Only a bigot would deny me the affirmation of stroke and heart failure

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isaac uncooked has put out a video this morning on a detransitioned woman, and i thought i had heard it all and couldn’t be shocked anymore, but i was wrong: this woman asked her doctor if her high triglycerides could be caused by T, and her doctor told her no, no way, there’s no possibility that T is messing up your bloodwork. but 3 months after stopping T, her levels were normal again. doctors are lying, relentlessly, to trans people. it is hardcore medical abuse.

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Blood clots (https://openvaers.com/covid-data/thrombocytopenia) and heart issues like myo/pericarditis (https://openvaers.com/covid-data/myo-pericarditis) are also a well known risk factor in covid vaccinated individuals. Here's a link to the CDC's VAERS reports showing adverse reactions through the clinical trials of all covid vaccines. https://openvaers.com/covid-data. Could there be a connection? Could vaccinated trans individuals be getting a double-dose of problematic injections contributing to these outcomes. There's a reason why tens of thousands of medical professionals would rather lose their jobs and careers than take the covid injection. 😪 Sadly trans people are the Guinea pigs for more than just the trans pharma billionaires.

My heart goes out to you as you share the stories of these people suffering with so many completely avoidable health complications. From my perspective, every day is heartbreaking watching people suffer and die needlessly. Thank you Exulansic for your courage, tenacity and love for vulnerable people.

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Wait til you hear how the disease affects the vascular system.

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This is why I used the term 'could' so I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm offering the possibility that the vaccines may be a factor in the issues these trans individuals are experience. Clearly, we can't rule it out completely given the mountain of evidence in VAERS. You've been such a thorough and scientific investigator that I thought it worth mentioning. We all have 'blind spots' and biases. It's part of being human and why we need dialog and debate to search for the truth. I respect you so much, Exulansic. You are fiercely passionate about getting to the truth and sharing it when you find it. 🙂

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Very good point about all the info coming out about the MRNA vaccines causing heart problems, and if the vaccines may be causing more health problems for trans people. Every day here on KCBS radio in the SF Bay Area, they play ads saying if you are experiencing certain heart complications, these could be pericarditis or myocarditis, talk to your doctor at once..."Brought to you by Pfizer and Biointech." You have to laugh.

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Do you actually think the vaccine causes heart problems but the virus doesn't

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I think it's very possible that both the vaccines and the virus cause heart problems -- there is some interesting evidence that the vaccines do cause heart problems, especially in younger men -- I'll have to get some links if you're interested. I'm trying to find out what's going on; it does indeed sound like the MRNA vaccines have some unexpected side effects, which may be rare, time will tell. I hope there are studies going on to find out exactly what is causing all these "sudden adult death" incidents, because it sounds like it could be either the virus or the vaccines. You've heard of all those healthy young athletes (male and female, mostly male) who have dropped dead suddenly from heart attacks in the past 2 years? We really need to find out if it's from the virus, or the vaccines, or what, because this is new and very disturbing.

I've been following an excellent person for good covid information, I found him in Jan 2019. This is Dr John Campbell; he (like myself) has gone from being totally pro-vaccine and pro-lockdown to skepticism, and now to outright doubt and distress at all the lies and fabrications we have heard from the medical industry all through this pandemic. Here's a link to one of his latest videos, on that Boston lab gain of function research; I thought this was fake, just hysteria...unfortunately, it's true: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WTZo9ieBKY

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There's no way to rule out asymptomatic COVID in patients who separately received the vaccine. If they think that the MRNA production of the spike protein is damaging but the actual virus replicating inside their cells is not damaging, they are genuinely deeply confused about everything and how it works. Absolutely any vaccine can cause death. Look no further than Guillian-Barre syndrome, an autoimmune response. But having personally sat down and done the math for flu vaccine versus flu virus, I am confident that vaccines prevent more deaths than they cause, just looking at GB and ignoring all the deaths from the disease that aren't due to GB syndrome. Hence my support of population-wide vaccination. If someone can show me both the math and the logic of fearing the vaccine more than the virus, I am a reasonable person and can be persuaded. But so far, all I see are people who clearly just learned that vaccines are not intrinsically safe, just safer, and who feel betrayed and expect me to share the sentiment. I don't.

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I was wondering if there is some way to at least tally the people who had a vaccine and died of heart attacks, vs. people who had covid and no vaccine but died of heart attacks? I imagine this is a daunting task, but with the young athletes who dropped dead it would be interesting to know if they had been vaccinated, if they had any covid symptoms or were asymptomatic, or had no sign of having covid at all. If the heart attacks are from the virus, so be it. If they are from the vaccines, we need to know that. I think part of my doubt here comes from the MRNA vaccines; this is not like any of the traditional vaccines humanity has used, and the way we have all been lied to about these vaccines makes people doubt. I would like to see more research on what exactly the MRNA vaccines are doing in the body; you hear all kinds of things, but I honestly don't believe any of it until I hear some kind of actual clinical trials or some sort of genuine testing has been done. This is very new tech, we really don't know much about it or what long-term effects it may have. I hope to hear more as time goes on. I also think at this time, it has become clear that the covid virus has now evolved into a very mild form, it is not a killer for most people. It has become another annual cold or flu that we live with. It will kill some vulnerable people, but not what we all thought at first. (In the beginning of the pandemic, I thought it might well kill 40% of humanity! Thank goodness I was wrong!) At this point, since the MRNA vaccines are pretty much an unknown, and there do seem to be some bad effects from them for some people, it makes more sense NOT to get an MRNA vaccination unless you are in poor health and vulnerable to severe effects from the flu.

I would love to see more math and more careful studies of things like the sudden heart attacks, and find some way to at least find out how many of those who died were vaccinated with an MRNA vaccine. Then look at other factors, heart problems in their genetics, etc. I have plenty of questions, and I am always open to hear more facts. I have been wrong about things in my life, and I can change my mind. Thanks for the interesting discussion!

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What the mrna vaccines do: tell your cell to make the spike protein so the immune system learns what it looks like and how to build antibodies to attack entities expressing the spike protein.

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I watched Dr. Campbell regularly earlier in the pandemic and learned a lot from him. I'm glad that he's calling out the fact that these insane doctors engineered an 80% KO virus. Are you telling me he's anti-vaccination? I have a hard time believing that. Does this video mention that?

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No, he's not anti-vaccine. Nor am I. Vaccines are amazing, they have saved so many lives! It's more that Dr Campbell has been following the evidence and seeing all the lies and fabrications he has begun to question everything that comes out of the medical industry regarding the pandemic. I too am pro-vaccine, but I really doubt everything I hear these days regarding the MRNA vaccines; I suspect with Campbell too it's all about these MRNA vaccines. Clearly they are new tech, they were not tested sufficiently before release, we have been lied to over and over about how effective they are and what precisely it is they do. Big Pharma has done everything it can to enhance profits without any other consideration. It's been amazing to me to run into the whole trans medical industry, after realizing how corrupt Big Pharma has been concerning the pandemic. This is a huge evil, absolutely vast.

That doesn't mean that I think all medicine is evil. I specifically doubt and will continue to question the current medical industry with it's push for profit above anything else. Also, the MRNA vaccines have been fine for a lot of people. It's not easy sorting through this, but I believe we have to try.

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I have to stop thinking "It can't get any worse" about these trans medical issues. It can get worse, it does get worse, I can't even imagine what else will be revealed about these criminal medical abusers.

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