My Excommunication from the Femboro Baptist Church
"All angles of gender movement" includes any political Cronenberg monsters opposing it.
I’ve been having quite a time on Twitter these last couple months as a group of people, some sincere and some malingering, expressed their objections to my decision to post a photo of myself with a man purporting to have AGP in a dress at Genspect, as part of a set of a lot of photos posted with a lot of people I did not know that well.
I say malingering because it is becoming increasingly apparent that at least some of the people driving this are motivated more by a deeper radicalization that seeks to suppress the sexual freedoms of a lot more people than men with AGP. There is a severe strain of homophobia, as personified most dramatically recently by the figure of Jennifer Thomas, a leading “American TERF” (her branding) who has been on Tucker Carlson to represent this Howl’s Moving Castle of a movement. A few months back in October, shortly before she went on her crusade against AGPs in November, Jennifer hosted a space on X which I missed at the time but which someone sent to me because of Jennifer’s behavior towards me.
Jennifer had decided that the most feminist way to respond to the disagreement she had with me was to go around and try to get mutual associates to, in her words shun me.
She subsequently tried to walk that back and suggest I had put the word “shun” in her mouth.
She did this even though we had an established relationship that included sufficient trust I was offered to stay at her home alone at one point, and also accepted a ride from her. Rather than directly notifying me that our relationship had changed, that I should no longer see her as someone on my side or a reliable co-maintainer of trust, she chose to begin to work against me. Lacking the courage of her own convictions, she did not shun me herself when she thought it was appropriate. She needed to feel like she had a posse.
Well, this gay menocide space was borderline criminal in its open attempt to justify and incite homophobic violence by heterosexual men against homosexual men. She went into great detail about the supposed societal benefits of rampant gaybashing, getting her Ugandan minister on by going into great depth on the subject of buttsex and her theories about what gay men get up to when they predictably do not invite her to the party.
JENNIFER THOMAS: "I was thinking about the kill all men thing, and I was like, well, you know, gay men are an easy target. They're weak. You know, they're weak. And we could deflect a lot of the bad attention going to women to the gay guys. And I know this sounds homophobic or whatever, but…”
JENNIFER THOMAS: “We are gonna be seeing, you know, gay men getting their @$$ kicked in these videos on twitter. We’re gonna be seeing it soon. Because you can’t not have this much participation with LBGLLGBTQRS [SIC] or whatever.”
JENNIFER THOMAS: “Before women supported gay men, they were getting their ass kicked for their perverted shit. And then we were like, “Don’t hurt ‘em!” And then they went and, you know, rented a fucking moving truck and went in the back of the trailer in the dark and like f***ed 40 men without even seeing each other. Like that is their sexual lifestyle that goes to that. It goes to this weird free glory hole shit.And that is not good for our society.”
[She seems to be merging lesbian U-Haul stereotypes with glory hole stereotypes here]
Now that we’ve seen the dirt, let’s see the distractions. Elizabeth Magill mode, ACTIVATE! Why was it okay for a feminist to openly defend the social benefits of the gay menocide?
It’s their fault for listening!
There's context that makes it OK!
How can she be a homophobe when she does not have as many followers as other homophobes have?
ADHD is to blame.
She didn’t say kill all gays, actually. She said kill all men. You misheard her, stupid. Also Ex is a human with feelings which somehow refutes her words.
All I am saying is that if it walks like a cult, quacks like a cult, calls for actual violent death-producing genocide of protected minority groups like a cult, if it shuns dissident members like a cult, it’s probably not feminism. You do not want to ignore obvious signs of violent radicalization simply because the person who has been radicalized is female. I am using radicalized in the sense of extremism as well as the direction being a radical reordering of society. Not all radicals are extremists, but generally the meaning of radicalized implies extremism, and in this case that implication is very intentional.
This person very clearly is not looking to “kill all men.” This person wants some men to kill other men while she watches and enjoys the fact that we are entering a halcyon future free of those dastardly homosexuals and the societal problems they cause with their conspiracies and their orgies and their cross-dressing. And she’s not content to stop at men. If you are a woman who stands up to her, you can expect to be treated to the kind of terroristic threats I have come to expect from radicalized homophobic cultists:
Ma’am, I do not mean this as a threat of unlawful behavior. I know my rights. If you come at me, I will defend myself to the fullest extent of what is legally justifiable.
Clearly, a man in a dress is not the most inappropriate way a person can behave in public, and further, it is obvious that the people suggesting otherwise and targeting a series of lesbians for the fact that we are “trans adjacent” - often bringing up the damn acronym like I had something to do with that - have deeper objections to us than our social affiliations.
Your work is so important but I don’t understand why you continue to engage on a personal level with this drama, it dilutes the impact of your work
I just think Phil Illy is a creep. Acted like one there, and really revealed his asinine arrogance on Boyce the week after. As a trans widow, I see our ex-husbands typified by Illy. That is completely outside of making judgements on same sex attracted persons. He's a groomer. In my book.