Good to know that they’re rolling their own a lot over there, instead of smoking American garbage tobacco. I smoked Marlboro Reds from November 1984 - June 2005, then switched to additive-free pouch rolling tobacco. Yum! Hacked out a bunch of black stuff from my lungs after about a month, too. Don’t know why I didn’t do that sooner.

The only Japanese eel reference I previously knew of was eel in a cave, but it doesn’t refer to food. Funny essay! Sorry to hear you got sick. It seems common after air travel, which is physically stressful. Take good care, and thanks for posting! ☮️❤️🐾

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Toilet flushing mechanisms are also interesting in the UK.

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Yea there's the wide, easy to press button for people like King Charles and then the narrow button if you're feeling up for a little uncertainty.

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I love your snarky travel blog. Much appreciated. I hope the 'rona treats you as nicely as possible. I love Britain but I could never live there, likely because I'm German and ve haf not figured out the art of subtlety. I can sort of pick up on their hints, but I feel like their autistic cousin with a brain injury and they tend to eye me nervously, like a badly potty trained and potentially bitey dog. Their ale, pub food, national parks and book shops are good though. (not the chocolate! Ask the Swiss how to do it properly, Brits)

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Ha, only you could take us to task in such a charming way hehehe. Well, as an Englishman I can say that we do everything right in this country, except driving, which we do left. Left, apparently, leads to fewer accidents. (You may hear my fellow countrymen say 'less accidents', but that is more to do with lack of education than Englishness, so please do not notch that one up as a minus!). I don't have any close friends - or acquaintances - that smoke, apart from two or three renegades - and the roll-up lot are definitely a leftover from Seventies neo-hippydom. As for shower doors, I can only surmise that you have been put up in a hotel that doubles, out of season, as a home for waifs and strays: did you find it online or was it suggested to you? If you found it online, then I blame the duplicitous photographs; if it was suggested to you, I'd be careful around the person who suggested it. Jus saying! I see in other news that you have contracted Covid while in the UK. This is our way of saying, 'You belong here." So don't take it to heart. And don't isolate. None of us ever have isolated while 'suffering' from Covid, which goes some part of the way to explaining, most likely, why you have contracted it at all! Now, if you are one of 'those Americans' who comes here and sees only London, I beg you not to form your opinions of us based on that experience. Everyone who is anyone knows that there are no real English people in London, and that it is largely a vast transit bay for international travellers and property developers. Half of London is owned by Russia; the other half by Saudi Arabia. If you want to visit 'real England', you need to come north of York into the erstwhile kingdom of Northumbria, which today comprises the three counties of Cumbria, Durham and Northumberland. If you want true beauty, that is where you will find it: we have mountains, tarns (Google it), rivers, lakes, castles and poor people in abundance, so it is there that you will find the beating heart of old England. (People from other parts of the country, such as Devon and Cornwall, or even Kent (!!), will tell you the same things about their parts of the country. They are liars: believe nothing they say. And check your hand when you've shaken theirs because you may well be missing a finger or two).

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I haven't been to Britain in ages. Love unagi but I am afraid of eel pies. That's a fact. Thanks for the chuckle, hope it's as much fun to experience as it is to read! Good luck with the plague.

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I heard this phone number is not his mother's. It's a random TERF's number that he wants everyone to call up to harass. This shows that:

He intends to behave in a way that could lead to arrest.

He intends to behave in a way that will lead to outrage if he is caught on camera.

He assumes (mostly wrongly) that TERFs will actually phone up and shout abuse at someone they don't know on account of his bad behaviour.

There is a distinction between his mum and his dad.

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