The blond / hat combo! ++++

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That dander identity flux was exactly what I needed to cheer me up after weeks of coughing up a lung.

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you look like a needlepoint pillow w/the background. Art !! eye candy

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I'm sorry to hear you weren't feeling well.

All better now?

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If this fad continues to spread, adult diaper stock might be a good investment.

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Yes! Especially since, along with these cases of iatrogenic incontinence, there are now "diaper spas" for fetishists!

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Good grief!

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Well gosh. I dress like a man---men's blue jeans (pockets), men's shirts (comfortable, plus pockets for modesty and a pen slot). Lesbian, out since '75. No surgery required.

And the day I start peeing in my car.......good grief girl, you have ruined yourself.

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And the car....

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besides the obviously insane urethra torture for a Oscar Meyer Weenie ... a hysterectomy can have same issue: incontinence. Our uterus supports the bladder. biology!

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All our parts fit together for a reason. Just like a well-built automobile. Ane we run on gas, not diesel.

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Finally a full length video!!

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Ahh i actually only meant to upload part 1, i haven't added anything to the second 2/3rds but enjoy. I'll put the rest up this weekend though.

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I got hooked on your content after your 2022 Triggernometry interview. I think it was you who first compared the trans mania to a religious cult, and that metaphor is really effective. Thanks, Ex, for exposing the insanity !

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I think Exulansic was probably the first to make that comparison. There are also several detransitioners who have applied cult expert Steve Hassan's characteristics of a cult to the trans community. Waffling Willow has a series of YouTube videos, and Prisha Mosely and Ritchie Herron have written articles.

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Testosterone causes ovarian cysts. The cysts then further screw up sex hormones. So yep, exacerbated by endogenous testosterone.

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she talks about hysterectomy like it's Juicy Fruit chewing gum. even post menopausal women have INTENSE side effects.

.. as a woman; joke trans women make me angry & ready to fight .. while trans men cut me COLD. apathy. IDGAF.

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Yep. The upbeat elevator music in the background makes it even more creepy.

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2) "running from sexual trauma.. they want to feel in control..." TOO MANY of us. TOO MANY! .. women have tried to regain their sexual control by many means but THIS is a man-made gaslighting LIE of "empowerment"

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"Pay no attention to the trans "man" behind the curtain"! (Just watched "The Wizard of Oz) Run, Toto, run!

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You are so clever!!

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I watch a LOT of movies. And read a LOT of books. And listen to a LOT of music. And pay a LOT of attention to the news. An unending source of pertinent quotations...

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Yah im running away from it too, but not by becoming unconscious and letting a man choo up my lady parts!!

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Brett Cooper posted a video a little bit ago about the issues with hormonal bc and the severe issues it can cause women. Women from all sides were actually coming together and trying to stand up against the medical gaslighting and some idiot publication still published a bs article basically saying "nothing to see here, you crazy bitches". Smh, of course they had a male doctor speaking on the non existent, totally rare or made up side effects of birth control that are just in our heads, ladies.

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Birth control saved me!! I was having stabbing menstrual cramps that were taking my breath away! I went to the ER 3 times in 3 months. The only thing that stopped that was the plastic hormonal Mirena IUD.

It upsets me that so many people are “anti birth control” because it has been a life saver for so many women. If birth control is causing you issues, then feel free to stop taking it! Don’t swear it off for all women though.

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It's not anti-birth control to want to be acknowledged when some women suffer severe side effects from the bc and are told they're exaggerating or whatever else. Asking questions shouldn't be considered anti anything. That was the point of the video I mentioned. I'm glad it helped you, though, but if it hadn't and it made matters worse, I would hope that you wouldn't be called "anti-bc" for addressing your concerns. I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm just trying to clarify my point

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Gender affirming menstrual suppression also helped my pain, but I deserved a real diagnosis and real education. I deserved to have this drug considered as a factor in other issues, not just dismissed as a factor because it's 'only birth control.'

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Exactly. As with every other drug out on the market there are side effects, both good and bad. However, it seems to be taboo to even discuss what the negative side effects of bc are without being looked at as some hysterical, overreacting woman. It's bad enough that doctors automatically think every ache or pain are just period cramps or whatever others dismissive bs. We women want to be acknowledged and heard. That's all

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I also love my birth control. By tricking my brain into thinking im pregnant, my body no longer craves the act that causes pregnany. Its a much calmer existance.

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I have been on many forms of birth control and definitely have had the least side effects with the Mirena IUD. Personally, I don't think it's as harmful as system-wide birth control like the combination pill, etc. There is a lot of misunderstandings about IUDs, and to this very day there are doctors who will not provide one to a patient who isn't married. Wish that was a joke.

With IUDs, the insertion is incredibly down played, and most women get them inserted with nothing more for their pain than Tylenol, which I think is incredibly barbaric and would never happen if it were a man's procedure.

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Also, the "personal preference" statement most trans people use to describe the "options" of these surgeries pisses me off more than it should. Like, we have to cut off your foot but you get a choice as to which foot we cut off and how rusty of a blade we use. Ya know? Personal preference and all. You have complete control here🙄🙄

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the Cosmetic Surgery craze really lets you pick & choose what nose, tits, buttocks, etc .. you want.

no different for these folks. it's cosmetic. the new organ cannot function like Natural one.

so some men get DD while women get Thic weenies.

transparent self obsessed assholes.

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Your videos are always such a treat!

Nobody else can give such in-depth commentary about the medical side of these surgeries! You are SO incredibly intelligent. I have to really listen to every word you say to understand. Thank you for educating the masses!

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Gosh, this person would have been SUCH a hot butch lesbian.

If only they hadn’t taken this path. 🥺 💔

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The only bottom surgery that anyone should ever get is the kind that remove hemorrhoids.

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Really masculine to sit in your piss as you drive

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We’ve missed you, Ex! Glad to see you’re on the mend.

Also, these bitches are crazy.

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The more I see people blocking hormones and dealing with long term impacts from things like birth control, I worry about my own cocktail of meds. Due to my PMDD and severe acne, I've been on BC, SSRIs, and spironolactone for over a decade and am starting to worry about what my doctors have me on.. Not sure if my concerns are warranted, though?

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Woman are first convinced that birth control "tricks your body into thinking it is pregnant" which is a ridiculous falsehood based on a paternalistic attitude towards women's capacity to understand these concepts. Then we're asked to believe drugs that are different from each other are all still groupable based only on the metric of whether they suppress ovulation. Yet no one calls testosterone birth control despite the fact that it can suppress ovulation, because the other effects are visible and can't be blamed on the woman, so they can't gaslight as effectively. I was afraid of going off the gender affirming menstrual suppression but it had been 15 years. I'm not the same person I was when I was put on the drug. You also aren't the same person you were 10 years ago. I don't know what's right for you.

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I really appreciate your thoughtful response. Thank you. <3

Love the videos!!

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It's November, and I've officially been off birth control and spiro for about 4 months now! I feel better than ever. Strangely, my PMDD seems to have completely evaporated, despite being told that it'd get worse if I ceased taking BC.

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