this young woman is a fool.

she'll never be accepted by males.

she's Handmaiden +++

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She has been fooled indeed!

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para viver a minha vida verdadeira

tirei os meus dentes todos !

instead of cutting my body

i removed my teeth

you CAN beat even the most painful destructive impulses .. get creative!

no tattoos, no body modifications, no cults!

Writing, Artwork, Exulansic, Dance, Cleaner, etc.

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Now we have the Cass report, dont we know how much more this social evil has to be challenged without a grain of mercy; full on to the distant high echelons of the big Pharma creators--- bring them down-----

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The floral dander identity makes you truly who you are.

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Ahhh Saturday morning Metoidioplasty moments, the adult equivalent of Saturday morning cartoons. Thank you kindly.

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Oh my, I didn't catch that she was having "top surgery" at the same time! Is that right?

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She had a double mastectomy on 8/23 and she had her radical hysterectomy and metoidioplasty procedure on 1/24.

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What you do is so important and valuable. Thank you.

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I'm sure we all get and appreciate the reference to the rock band. Anybody catch the "Borat" pronounciation?

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She lives in her head like a child with all her made up fantasies. She truly hates her body as a woman. When she was having her double mastectomy, she had liposuction of her abdomen and thighs. This tells me, at minimum, there was sexually harassed in her past or worse. In one of her video, she states, I was a man hating, raging lesbian.

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As a gardener, now in deep weeding, planting, mulching and all things butterfly forward, I love what you are wearing. What you are highlighting and revealing is the opposite! Oof! I would like to know the story of the roses up there above your noggin, though. Also, speaking of pulmonary embolism, are you aware of the Ray Williams detransitioner channel? He had to stop the "trans" BS because of PE, and is now working thru what led him down the rabbit hole. Best wishes to you, Ex!

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So extremely self destructive…

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