What a treat!!! Part 2 already!

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This lady has no idea what's going on and is a bad historian. She seems to be trying so hard to be manly that having a few beers while she still is supposed to take meds sounded ok until she was scared it might be a problem. Well, it is technically your fault, since you go the surgery, but the docs sure as shit didn't help

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It may also be that she's dissociating a lot. Those long pauses, and the gaps in her understanding. She may only be taking in a very small amount of what her healthcare providers are telling her.

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Yeah, she’s bizarrely anxious to assure her audience that she does in fact possess the strength to lift a gallon of milk. Her “masculinity” is about as authentic as a polyester Halloween costume.

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The, “how can I get a UTI if I no longer have a uterus” just broke my brain.

Side note, you know how elderly people often don’t have much to talk about except their medical issues? That’s what this person sounds like. Healthy, normal body put on the disassembly line and oh look, there’s kids involved, too.

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Maybe she thinks the UT in UTI stands for UTerus...?

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Reality so seldom lives up to the fantasy. If only people could stay with the fantasy and the unicorns and rainbows. How quickly they're replaced with infections, fistulas, and chunks in your pee.

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i can't imagine anything she's talking about.

it sounds like enlarged clitoris "penis" then a gaping wound then i dunno then numb-land.

the pain, burning, itching crotch 24/7 would drive me batty.

wtf are Docs doing to people?!

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And remember, she now has a man-made hole running through the center of her clitoris. She has to have it in order for her to pee through "the tip." I wince just thinking about it.

Sounds to me like something they would do to apostate women during the Spanish Inquisition. Just really imaginative torture.

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Does the surgeon have a punch card program? Like at the drive thru coffee huts?

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She tries so hard to seem broad-chested. The pimp watch is an especially fine touch

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This poor mislead woman. She was sold a bill of goods as far as her turning into a man. I have so many questions about the people in her life. Did she birth her kids? Is her girlfriend straight or gay? How long is the girlfriend gonna hand around? Three more surgeries, Flynn will be off work and untouchable literally.

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Her partner birthed her kids. They appear to have used IVF so it may have been her egg.

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if her partner birthed her kids then why are the kids just visiting? How did they lose custody? And to whom?

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Based on Tiktok posts, she seems to have split with the kids' mom in the last year or two and is now involved with another woman, Neena (who is tasked with taking care of her in this relatively new relationship - fun!). I think there are two kids and the split must have happened very soon after the birth of the second.

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So they're not her kids.

Hardly surprising actually. These women are all total attention whores. It's like the dull girls got off the leash and found a way to divert people's attention from anything or anyone doing anything that was actually worthwhile or interesting and now they're feasting on it.

I have zero compassion left for these people. I want them to stop spending my tax money, and stay out of my space, that's it. That's all.

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I guess it buys her ex some cool-girl cred points to keep up the relationship with this narcissist. Lord knows it isn't doing the kids any good.

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How could the gf possibly be straight? She's in a same-sex relationship!

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The poor woman 100% still looks like a very pretty butch lesbian. A lesbian with a hairy upper lip and now she’s gaining weight too. At what point will she admit she made the wrong choice. And her poor girlfriend/ wife must be wrestling with love and loyalty.

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Yeah she had decent looks. Shame about the raging narcissism

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Just what everyone wants, floaties in your pee!! Sounds awesome, sign me up!!! Lol no not really.

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That voice! I want to run away. Fast.

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I feel sorry for her, but wonder exactly what information she was given by the doctors/ surgeons before having herself mutilated? The drs/surgeon should be in jail for what they are doing. Maybe this is a bit insensitive of me but she reminds me of a butch lesbian and not a male because she still has all the female movements and actions, and putting a huge watch over her small wrists does not disguise her femininity at all. She's talking herself out of her legitimate worries and is near crying at times in pain and sadness. Why, in the name of God, would you do this to yourself. The standing to pee euphoria is not enough, imo, to justify putting yourself in the hands of people who are destroying your body. This is just sad

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All this pain and misery for a 2 inch micro-psuedo-penis. 🙄

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The phallus worship in parts of the FtM community is crazy. It's a complete obsession. Everything from wanting to pee standing up, get visible erections, be able to get off by "tugging" or "stroking", have a noticeable underwear bulge...

It's so pathetic!

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Yeah, I kinda feel sorry for her, too, but the attitude is just too much. I feel bad for her family and the kids

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If she didn't understand that UTI stands for urinary tract infection, and obviously she didn't, then she wasn't in a position to consent to any of this.

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It is my firm belief that people can not consent to abuse. This is medical abuse. It should never have happened

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agree. overwhelming majority have no idea of biology. it's all FEELINGS

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What in the blueberry muffin fuck is wrong with this chick? She has no idea what surgery she even had, refuses to follow instructions from the doctor, and has absolutely no idea about her anatomy or anything else for that matter

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And she's got a 2 year old

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I get THE WORST VIBES from this person!! It’s this douche energy mixed with insecurity and narcissism. I can’t stand it! I feel so bad for the poor wife and kids dragged through this person’s miserable attitude and this surgery which I’m sure makes things even worse!

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She has such a flat affect. No real emotion is being displayed. "Ummmm... and then it looks like after this latest complication.... um.... I'll need another one..... ummm... or two...more surgeries...... and whatnot."

The "and whatnot" kills me. These life altering events are not "whatnot"!!!

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Has anyone told her that real men don’t go on social media to brag about their injuries or medical problems ad nauseam they learn early on as boys to not do this by other males, it makes them look weak, so maybe she should man up & stop broadcasting her pain & suffering, and graphic details of oozing fistulas sticking to gauze she brought on herself, watching people beg for sympathy like this is just gross. Time to go stealth please. She wants to be a man so she should try it out.

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Nothing she can do will make her a male because human beings are not clown fish ans can not change sex

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Well since she wants to LARP as a man she should do what men do & shut up about all her medical problems, otherwise she is just acting like another woman & people are getting very sick of hearing her & those like her, they wanted "manhood" so they got it they can go suffer in silence like most men do with their physical issues.

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