Waait wait. Back the truck up to 7mins55sec ...did she self-censor when she was about to say "without my consent"? I felt like she was about to accidentally admit she hadn't agreed to what happened and caught herself before she did a heresy.

Also it is very difficult to watch these and keep my head between my knees. This is horror. This is unspeakable predatory behaviour from the surgeon. This should be illegal.

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Yea she was about to say something was done without her consent and had a trauma response and edited it to create the possibility that maybe she just hadn't been clear enough.

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I'm noticing consistent patterns emerging of two behaviours across a lot of these poor outcomes that indicate sub-par decision making skills/immaturity/poor emotional state for making irreversible decisions. Others may name them differently or assess them differently:

1. An inability to delay gratification/rushing headlong into wish-fulfilment without fully checking all outcomes, risks, worst-case scenarios, side-effects, & reviews.

2. A lack of boundaries with self, with surgeon, etc.

Surely they're seeing each others' outcomes...yet still they rush on.

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Good judgment requires emotional stability. They are seeking the rush of having made a big decision to placate their unstable emotions, as well as seeking to please the doctor, who can temporarily stabilize them much like a therapist.

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Absolutely. Of course if a therapist said all that instead of affirming, hot dog sales would decline. The longer this goes on, the more the connections to making a profit become visible to bystanders.

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desire to please doctor. why. what is the root of this psychologically. this is why we do psychotherapy. i cannot begin to describe my decades of watching patients, mostly women, develop fantasy emotional relationships with their doctors, mostly male. one-way obsessions and in some cases, projections based in narcissism [i'm different from his other patients, i'm special]. doctors in my experience tend to be a less than emotionally self aware group, and surgeons in particular on average are not likely to become deeply involved with the patient. they are basically mechanics, and in some cases like plastic surgeons, real artists. but they are poorly prepared to deal with the intense emotional needs and projections of distressed patients. the doctor does not even know that the patient has all this projection, desire to please, suppression of fear/anxiety/rage so as to avoid being rejected by the doctor--they're oblivious.

a dermatologist i spoke with told me that at age fifty, she was leaving aesthetic dermatology to focus exclusively on skin cancer because she said, 'there is so much body dysmorphia out there and it can't be satiated with more and more treatments.' she didn't want anymore to be involved with this dynamic.

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I know I'm "crossing streams" here - but when I was watching Ashton's (hotdog/hallway star) Tiktoks, there was one where she was having a ring tattoo removed b/c she had married young, apparently impulsively, and had the ring tattooed rather than wearing a jewelry that could be taken off. The marriage did not last and the ring had to go. And that was exactly my impression: "ah, so you have a history of making rash decisions. cool cool cool."

I would have to go back and look, but I think I first became aware of Vampirespeyder b/c I had looked at Ashton's tiktok after one of Ex's previous videos about her and VS had commented "I'm having this done soon too" or similar. They are seeing each other, but I think all they're hearing is "I don't regret it."

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I know multiple people with huge tats who spent more time making sure they were going to be happy with the decision than these women who are rushing into decisions over putting their genitals in a meat grinder. It really is a visible pattern of rash decisions, and watching the gender machine (Big Gender?) deliberately disable the gatekeeping is getting more and more horrifying.

And they keep saying "It's all going to be worth it" and "I don't regret it" like a mantra, but I never see a significant group of people reaching a fully functioning end stage of completeness that was "worth it". Maybe I'm not searching hard enough.

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well, i know that i probably don't see a balanced sample of these people, i just see troubled ones, but even those who claim to be happy seem so massively self-involved. i can think of a couple of exceptions, who do not dress in exaggerated female stereotype outfits. but there is also the fact that--well, i just read an article that suggested that a good percentage of t-identified people with surgeries do not find sex partners. so how can that make it worth it.

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I'm going to say something cruel here...I'm thinking that some of these people, pre-"transition", have a hard time finding partners anyway. Who would want to be involved with them? Total liabilities.

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It's youthful naivety ("I'm not going to be the 1%/10%/50% that gets (real bad) complications") and latching onto what in their eyes is a silver bullet solution for all of their problems in life ("I struggle to connect with my peers, it must be because I'm trans and have not transitioned yet"; "I struggle to find sexual connections, it must be because I'm trans and have not transitioned yet"; "I'm perpetually depressed and suffer from anxiety, it must be because I'm trans and have not transitioned yet") not realising that it's just a game of whack a 'dysphoria'. As soon as they've started transition, they'll blame failure in life on not passing (yet), on not being accepted by family/school/work/sexual interests, on not having had top surgery yet, on not having bottom surgery yet, and then they get to the end of what is physically possible to do, and then they will finally realise that the real problem was in their heads all along and that although transition and every "milestone" seemed to help for a while, they have to acknowledge those were all just distractions from the real problems/procrastination from facing and tackling the real problems, which lie in mental health issues, emotional issues, psychiatric issues, homophobia, body image issues, trauma, neurodivergence etc. And that transition didn't help with any of that in the long run. Can you imagine putting all your eggs in one basket, making unreasonable demands of everyone around you, taking tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands out of your own money and/or insurance, losing family and friends, reducing your romantic prospects to literally <1% of what you otherwise may have had success with, undergoing hormone "treatments" (which are no joke), cutting your breasts off, cutting your penis off/vagina out, losing years of your life in costs, lost earnings, missed education, losing fertility, and then realise it was all for nothing and you're actually worse off now and you can't fully go back, ever?! Who wouldn't seriously contemplate 41%ing?

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Wow! I appreciate you bringing this to light.

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Horror is exactly the right word. I’m speechless that this is happening and at all considered okay. Even when I try to create a response, I am simply without words.

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Another great pun. Sadly, the joke's on this ruin of a woman.

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It seems impossible that this kind of surgery could ever go right? Is it just because I'm watching so many of your videos or does anyone ever get a good outcome?

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Even if a surgery seems to go as good as possible in the short term, I wonder what happens 10 or 20 years down the road? These people are the lab rats for this experiment.

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Complication rates are estimated to be anywhere from 25--75%.

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I must say, I love the names of the various series you are doing.

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"Praise be. The sign of the umbrella". I am laughing so hard! Sending love for all you do from Scotland.

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Wth kinda butcher did she go to? This is malpractice surely? I would not let that set of mengele doctors near a set of bugs. This is absolutely disgraceful.

How can she think the surgeon is not to blame? When they gave insufficient information and then continue to offer surgery. Those surgeons should be in jail

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“In the long run we are all dead.” John Maynard Keynes

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Is it one of their religious rules that after you have "top surgery" you can never wear a shirt again?

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They're paying thousands for these surgeries, maybe they just want to get their money's worth. Or maybe they can no longer afford shirts? Either way, these bodies are not the enticing visions of man-meat they apparently think they are.

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Like I said when I referenced her on the Ashton/hotdog video, I'm concerned she went through with the additional surgery and didn't make it, because the last thing she says is "update soon" and that was on 11/2 and, aside from a post about an event a few days later, it's been radio silence.

I'd also be interested in your speech therapist take on her, too: "vag-ectomy," "surgeont," "meta-plasty," etc...

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I'm thinking she's a good standard deviation south of normal.

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Phallocratic medicine at it's authoritarian, sadistic best!

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When I tell you I watched this with my legs crossed SO tightly because I couldn't help but imagine what that poor woman must be feeling. This is straight up evil, no one deserves this, what the hell is wrong with those doctors. It's unbelievable that a lot of these experiences are public on the internet for all to see and yet STILL these operations remain legal and way too many people think we're the evil people for saying "Ayo this shit ain't ok."

Praise be indeed. This woman's gonna need a lot more umbrellas to get through this nightmare.

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i sincerely believe those surgeons just wanted to hurt her and hope she dies. thats why they gave to after care.

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The Mengele Surgeons Guild strikes again!!

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This mentally unstable women is lying in a hospital bed that is not available for someone who really needs surgery. The term "elective surgery" has just become clear...

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To be fair, most elective surgeries are things like hip replacements. I'm pretty sure there are places where these mutilations are considered necessary. At least, that's what the trans medical lobby would have us believe.

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there is a difference between planned medically necessary surgery, which is often called elective, and medically unnecessary plastic surgery.

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that is objectively and scientifically true. It's also obviously true to anyone who has the capacity to reason, however limited that capacity might be. The point I'm trying to make is that it is no longer true in law in all states and that, increasingly, it is not true within the medical establishment.

These completely frivolous mutilations are what people are calling "trans health care." They are being called life-saving and being demanded as a human right.

Not only will this destroy thousands of young lives, it is building a tsunami of medical expenses that are already being blamed on "an aging population."

Ask yourself, when was the last time you heard of a septugenarian demanding butt implants or a breast lift, or any surgery that wasn't absolutely necessary to stay alive? Nevertheless, in Canada, MAID is now being extended to those who wish to end their life for reasons of mental or emotional pain. The insurance companies are going to figure out how to rig this whole situation to their benefit. It won't be the trans population who suffer for that.

We are in a pitched battle for our lives here, and collectively, we don't even seem to notice.

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I just wanted to leave a comment to say how much I am appreciating these recent reaction and informational videos you've been doing, and particularly how frequently you have been updating on the substack. I've followed your content for quite a while, from platform to platform, but I'm one of those types of introverts that is a rare commenter. However, I contribute where I can in other ways. I've suddenly had to face a health situation which has made my life much... "smaller" is probably the best way of putting it, and I always look forward to content of yours when I see something new, so I just wanted to express my gratitude for that on a personal level, thank you.

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One thing I miss from your YouTube channel is the subtitles / closed captions.

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