So, help me understand- she didn’t want to be a he? She just wanted to get rid of her vagina? And I thought I was fucked up?😂😱

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So...is this an outie or an innie pit? Or does waste come out of her “pit” on its way to the anus? 🫢🤔😳

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I’ll go try to find it on Reddit...

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A rape victim had her genitals mutilated by a predatory surgeon. And all she can do now is express her pain on peddit where men in dresses are getting off from her post. We failed this woman so badly.

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Surgeons like this guy have completely abandoned medical ethics.

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"Doc I want zero buttholes anymore, I don't think of myself as a person who poops"

Doctor: (Presents colostomy bag) Please allow me to affirm your identity

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Speaking as an ostomate with an ileostomy, if you are alive, you most certainly *do* continue to poop even without a conventional anal orifice. It's not the pooping that stops. If it did you'd be dead. It's just a rerouting.

Man, you'd think that all the *known* complications that frequently happen with other surgeries affecting that region of the body and those bodily functions, such as mine, would make everybody pause, or something. The gastroenterologists/surgeons I've had, operated because I was very ill and there was no other recourse at the time. They removed a diseased organ that was never gonna do the job anymore. The more I learn about this, the more I wonder. The medical profession knows that even today these areas are where they should not tread lightly.

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There should be a reality TV series about botched trans surgeries. "Butched"? Think TLC would run it? Right after "I Am Jazz."

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And darling Dr. Gallagher can be the star in this new show! She loves the limelight- have you seen her ticktock or is it Instagram commercials? Big smiles while she poses with kids she’s butchered and then her phone number pops up🤢🤮👿She should do an Irish jig while she’s at it!

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Yeah she's one of the worst!!

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That is an awesome idea for a show! Too bad hollywood would never ok it. All of the TRA's would be out protesting that they felt violence just hearing about it. Maybe one day!!

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The sheer level of gaslighting from these 'doctors' is unbelievable - some people have two buttholes?! At that point, she should have been refused any surgery on the basis of "some people have vaginas - nothing can be done to improve it". That, at least, would be factually accurate - goodness knows this isn't an improvement!

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Also why the hell does she not regret the surgery? How bad does the outcome have to be before you stop defending the people who mutilated you?

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This is obscene. These surgeons should be in prison. Do we even know how many people they have butchered like this in the United States?

As Exulansic has said before, there is no mentally healthy reason to want to amputate and mutilate your body: the mere fact that you want to have it done should preclude you on severe mental illness grounds (hence it should never be done), but jesus christ this person's reasons are like a triple lock of nope.

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Some people have two buttholes? Sure, like some people are born in the wrong body and some men give birth...

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The depth of self-loathing in this poor person is shocking. If you're a doctor, confronted with someone who feels this kind of sick disgust for their own body, wouldn't you immediately recommend a good talk therapist? No decent doctor would suggest radical experimental surgeries to cure a mental illness --"decent" being the key here. I wonder how much information these nightmare surgeons give to their patients before the surgeries? Do they tell them the truth of what the surgeries consist of, and what possible bad results could occur? I doubt they tell them anything like that. And the patients are so self-hating and brainwashed they believe radical cutting of their genitals will "fix" them, and they probably don't ask for details. They just want the loathsome organ gone, then everything will be fine. It's insane -- a lobotomy would likely be a better cure for mental problems then these grotesque genital surgeries.

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These posts remind me of my relative in the medical profession telling me, when I was considering a surgical procedure to correct a congenital malformation, that surgeons just want to operate any chance they get, so I should be sure I really really actually needed the surgery before proceeding. (I did go ahead with it, and the surgery did work and improve my quality of life, fortunately).

This also tracks with a scene I remember from the show Nurse Jackie - the nurse had a surgeon friend who contrasted their mindsets like this: "You became a nurse because you wanted to help people, I became a surgeon because I liked to cut up rabbits to see how they worked." (paraphrasing...I can't find the exact clip right now but I remember the sentiment).

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Loved that show!

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Another victim perpetually obsessed with her genitals, probably not able to think of anything else by now. The negligence of the therapist/psychiatrist missing potential red flags of abuse and still sending this vulnerable woman to the slaughterhouse is criminal. On a separate note, assuming we are not actually discussing a medical procedure which, in itself, is criminal - if I went to a plastic surgeon to have a nose job and I ended up with some odd number of nostrils, wouldn't it be malpractice?

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Yes, generally if you want body modification away from normalcy you are not allowed to use things like anesthesiologists to help you get there. But with nonbinary identities, there's no railing anymore. No metric to say the doctor should have independently hit the brakes.

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Not outside of the circus, doc.

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