deletedJul 6, 2023Liked by Exulansic
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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Exulansic

Same. This wasn't on anyone's mind when I was a kid. We're so lucky.

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You were that kid weren't you?

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Exulansic

?? All I know all I know is that as a kid this is not what I expected from the future

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Being an insomniac does have perks.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Exulansic

Is this a titless manic pixie nightmare?

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No, that's me from the other timeline. Back again!

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"your child's pronouns may change on a daily basis" .. your child is floundering & doesn't have a sense of self/identity. You have failed as a parent. A child's identity: sense of where they belong in Family, Community, Society is Given by the parents. Children are sponges. Parents input data & Love. both are necessary.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Exulansic

Calpico tastes soo good!

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The best Japanese soda and I met it on my first day there

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Why is it SO IMPORTANT for her to TRANS ALL THE KÏDS??? She is SELLING IT so hard! Something is up with this. She seems trained.

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She needs to be institutionalized for no less than 80 years. Heavily medicated and regular lobotomies.

I have absolutely no sympathy when these demons get caught

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People call you the pronoun they see you as, that’s how pronouns work!!! These people are delusional, programmed narcissists. You cannot control how people see you

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Exulansic

She wants to be a subject matter expert in something no matter how idiotic she sounds

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She wants to keep her frontal cortex spinning fast enough so that it never has enough quiet time to slow down and take stock of what she's just done to herself.

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Perfect way to explain it

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Exulansic

There's always "no rules to gender" coupled with endless rules.

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I was in a cult once too. Forty years later I'm still dealing with the effects.

Thanks be to the non existant gods that obeisance didn't require removing body parts back then.

It annoys me that this arrogant snooty supercilious little twat will one day in the future be running around blaming everybody else for her mutilation and demanding to be financially compensated.

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023

I have been against the trans agenda since 2016. I've lost friends over my convictions regarding this. That said, I am becoming increasingly disquieted by the gleeful cruelty, the seeming pleasure taken in hateful and dehumanizing language used against these people. They get these surgeries because they HATE THEMSELVES. The young women were likely bullied relentlessly as children. Someone either up or down thread said that this young woman clearly enjoys being an expert in some form of subject matter regardless of the topic. Shouldn't that clue you in that this woman has probably never been made to feel by her family like she mattered, like her thoughts matter, like her ideas matter. We'll never deprogram people from this cult as long as their looks, speech patterns, and personalities are ripped apart on Twitter in front of an audience of thousands by acolytes of useful idiot Matt Walsh and CIA asset Chris Rufo on Twitter. This woman's repetition of "be taken seriously" at the end of the video shows that this is what her parents never did.

I like Ex bc of her vast wealth of knowledge regarding the precise neurochemical and biological mechanisms of harm from the "trans medicine" farce. I also like her explicit breakdowns of the illogic behind this belief system.

What I am noticing more and more is a lack of compassion for young women in the comments here on substack and on Twitter. And by the way, before anyone says that I have compassion only bc things have been easy for me, I work 7 days a week and care for my disabled sister. I live with an alcoholic bc I cannot afford to move and I live close to my sister. I am constantly told in little ways how ugly I am, how unfuckable (my drunken housemate, remembering how I said I was going to get a haircut, gleefully told me to make sure I didn't end up looking like tweedle dum from Alice in wonderland bc I have ugly and coarse facial features.) I've been told since I was a kid that I was ugly, which is why I relate so much to these young people. In my 20's I could have been convinced to transition, if I was promised that it would make me human to people instead of subhuman due to my visage. I can't join the pile on here. The woman doesn't "need to fart" she likely is affecting a speech pattern unconsciously that she believes will make people like and accept her. By the way, many people who fall to the trans cult were raised in the cult of evangelical Christianity, where they are told they are worthless unless they procreate and are discouraged from pursuing any passions save for marriage. The trans cult and non binitarian cult becomes attractive to them as it offers escape from prior confines into other confines.

Ex, my final thought here is that if you are against compelled religious beliefs, it is probably not a good idea to pal around with republican orgs. I am not a Democrat, but rep and dem are two wings of the same fascist bird.

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So?...is your rant intended to shame me for not having more compassion for a person I judge as a misguided individual? I would not deny that the individual woman in the video isn't a person deserving of pity, understanding or respect in idealistic sense, its just what she is selling with the confident entusiasm of a snake oil salesman that I believe is appalling. I have no idea how old she is, but I would guess maybe early 20s. Old enough in my opinion to be an adult and as she is a person promoting her harmful beliefs on a public platform in the hope of getting followers and influencing what other people think and do, I feel no qualms in negatively reflecting on her behaviour.

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023

My "rant"* was intended to express concern for those who gleefully pile on. This woman is likely under 25 and perhaps has a developmental delay or perhaps has been subjected to severe bullying and abuse that has retarded her social pragmatic skills in some way. I'm sorry you felt that I was attempting to shame you. You'll notice that I used no pejoratives in my initial response to you, about you, yet you felt comfortable using them to me, about me. My response was not just to you but in response to many of the comments I've seen on here. You seemed to take it quite personally but you also seem to enjoy demeaning and insulting people so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. I hope you can find some control and validation in your offline life so you aren't tormented by the need to demean others online, if you indeed are.

* not sure why your post qualifies as a comment but mine apparently must be downgraded by you to a separate category when I am merely engaging in the commenting feature as the site encourages, it almost seems like you are actually attempting to shame me but in a more subtle way by using a pejorative descriptive noun to describe my comment.

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I think being kind has got us where we are today, porn being taught to kids, drugs, mutilation, language, abuse of babies for fetish, removal of woman as a binary category, government subversion along with corporate abuse, sports, refuges, law, healthcare all subverted by this cult. The time for kind is gone, its time tomcall this dangerous cult out for what if is. You have it tough in life, im not sure these people have it as tough as you think.

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023

All I know is, if people had been kinder to me as a child I wouldn't have abused myself bc I thought it was what I deserved. You can be kind & firm at the same time..don't you see? Don't you see that the engineers of this madness WANT people to be cruel to each other? They want division and hate. Then they can justify their true fascism in the name of safety, once people are killing each other in the street (and not just in my neighborhood where it is ignored)

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Cait, are you able to see that your long passion-driven posts are the same kind of emotional blackmail attempts that the trans cult kiddies and AGPs pull on women all the time? Blaming us for not being "kind" enough, Eternal Giving Mommy enough, to save everybody from themselves and all the Bad Things in the world? Go visit terfisaslur.com and spend about an hour there so you have some better idea of how to scale "not nice" when you talk to people.

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Totally agree 💯

Kindness was taken for granted in every way

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Its a reaction, not so much a comment.

I am capable of being unkind, judgemental and even nasty while simultaneously being mature enough to understand her fundamental humanity. I too, am an imperfect human with a cognitive disability (ASD) which is part of why I was easily seduced into cult thinking. While I didn't divest a healthy body part I literally gave my newborn baby to members of the cult to raise, such was the depth of my committment. I can reflect all sorts of other trauma might have contributed to my mental fragility, such as sexual abuse by a pedophile grandfather from infancy (involviing being raped by dogs) but where do we draw the line about when young adults need to take responsibility for their actions? Our societies have deemed the age of adult responsibility to be 18, obviously not all kids are going to be truly mature by then. A lot of humans will be fundamentally incapable of appropriate reflection on their beliefs and behaviour over their whole lives.

However, negative and critical feedback from outsiders is a powerful way of causing people to examine and introspect on their behaviours and I don' take a moral high ground position that I shouldn't demean a person I see proselytising ignorant and vulnerable others into doing harm to themselves.

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Yes, I too read your rant, nothing wrong with ranting, so if saying "rant" was what you saw as deameaning, you are over-reacting imo. Maybe you need to evaluate your own attitudes. I too think that young woman is toxic, obnoxious and a narcissist. How she got that way is anyone's guess, and you know as little about that as the rest of us. But narcissists who push their beliefs onto more vulnerable people, especially children, are open to criticism. Your labeling of other commenters' criticism as "gleeful" seems off base.

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I would encourage you to read some work by the anonymous blogger The Last Psychiatrist on Narcissim. It isn't what most think it is, and attention seeking, like this woman does, has little to do with it.

I figured it out! If I write a long comment and someone agrees with it, it's a comment, but if someone disagrees with said long comment, it is relegated to "rant" status.

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I don't need to read work by the anonymous blogger. I can recognize narcissists for myself, and there are varying degrees of narcissism, as well as different outward manifestations of narcissism, which is pathological self-centeredness, and attention-seeking can be one of them. I grew up around narcissists and have done lots of reading on my own. I also think you're being hypersensitive, defensive, and a bit self-centered in your reaction to other peoples's comments and rants. I rant plenty myself, here and elsewhere, and don't consider ranting to be a negative thing. It's often a good and honest way to express feelings and opinions. But you're as entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.

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Pearl Red Moon, you're absolutely right 💯

"What she (they) is(are) selling with the confidence of a snake oil salesmen"

That Sums up the entire trans movement‼️

And to add to this, these grifters have absolutely no human compassion as to how it hurts others.

I now better understand that this is a cult .

This is NOT associated to being "WOKE", this is full throttle Jim Jones were everyone is forced to drink Kool Aid laced with high levels of cyanide.

I just don't understand why so many people are buying into this❓

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@Cait - you have so many good insights here. Your comments remind me of the importance of routinely engaging in an ethical gut check as I feel myself getting increasingly upset about the harm that gender ideology is doing to young people and to women. My North Star is this fact: gender ideology is a totally different thing from the people who identify as transgender. Given how pervasive this ideology has become, backed and enforced by so many institutions, it is impossible for me to believe that the tiny percentage of people who identify as transgender are the prime movers. Non-trans people comprise most of the foot soldiers defending gender ideology. Another way I like to keep myself on the ethical balance beam is by listening to trans people who are critical of gender ideology. Doing this really drives home the distinction between being trans and supporting gender ideology. My go-to person is Buck Angel, who understands and speaks out against the harms of gender ideology to young people and to women. Thanks for your comments. They have helped me.

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My content is for everyone. They paid me to travel and give an hour long talk about these issues. I don't mesh with groups generally, outside a didactic context, but I'm not sure how refusing to educate certain people will cause them to stop being what you say they currently are.

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A comment on Exulansic's last post (People Meat) has stayed with me. I'm so out of patience, tolerance, compassion for the T+ cult members. I just don't care. I couldn't care less. "I want to be clear about this: I do not care about these people. I have zero compassion for them. I am not even slightly moved or concerned about their self-removal statistics. When I hear threats of suicide, my only thought is that I know those are idle threats and I wish someone would publicize that fact. And I will say this too, even though some will hate me for it; if their public suicidal ideation were true, I would be just fine with that, provided they just did it instead of yelling about it all day every day and forcing us to listen."

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And I am telling you, and anyone else with ears to hear, that THIS, if there are indeed architects and engineers behind the agenda, is their goal. To have us hate and despise our fellow human beings, to cheer on their suicides, to dehumanize them and in that, to dehumanize ourselves. Every time you take pleasure and joy in another's suffering, because make no mistake, most of the people sucked into the trans agenda are suffering, they are autistic, they are developmentally delayed, they are mentally ill, and every time, every time you gleefully cheer on their death and dehumanization whether it be by supporting their "gender journey" via paying for their mutilations or by taking pleasure in their suicides and mocking them for the very things that probably made them believe they were trans, butch and thickset little girls called ugly and worthless so much that they believe they must be men, must be because if they are subhuman as women, then well, they must be men, right? I am imploring people to understand-- when you cheer the death and pain of someone who you view to be your enemy, you are giving those who have orchestrated this madness exactly and precisely what they want. When the jabbed cheered the unjabbed dying from covid, evil won. When the unjabbed mocked the jabbed dying from "suddenly" or turbo cancer, evil won. When antifa hurled projectiles at women speaking truth to biological reality, evil won. When Matt Walsh posts about how women's sports are worthless and mocks the masculinity of African American female athletes, evil wins. When gay children are "trans'd" by the internet, evil wins. When little girls are told they are nothing more than "helpmeets" for the men in their lives, evil wins. Don't let evil win. Don't let hatred consume your heart. Don't let it, for this is what those who have brought us to this point are counting on.

And if anyone wants to say something nasty to me for posting passionately and from the heart, or to call me arrogant, that's fine. I can take it, because getting this out is important. These people are human. They are human. They are.

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Bravo Cait!

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JHC! (I don't know why I'm receiving a notice on Sept 24 about July 7th comment). There is a wide bridge between "gleefully cheering on" [people's] suffering and deaths; no one said such a thing except you, and being out of patience tolerance, and compassion with a group's obnoxious, ignorant, entitled demands to deluxe special treatments at others' cost. I understand how people can find themselves "out of patience, tolerance, compassion for the T+ cult members…and not care…not care less.]"

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I should feel bad for saying this but I don't:

If they want to rid the world of themselves let them.

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I feel exactly the same way

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There are many people in this world that have it tough. Some tougher than others. You don't know my pain and I don't know yours. How you react is up to you. She is reacting in a way that will hurt others. That's how I judge her.

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I have absolutely NO sympathy, empathy or tolerance for her. None whatsoever.

And in this situation I wouldn't blame the parents for this arrogant female's so-called lack of parental compassion because we can't prove that.

IMO, she's the Rachel Levine of promoting delusions and harm to young people and all of mankind.

NOPE I unapologetically don't condone her and her evil ways.

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Jeez lady, unclench. She's exhausting.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Exulansic

She missed out on a career as an auctioneer.

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A great informative commentary by Exulansic. I can't help but wonder what this mentally disturbed girls life will be like years from now. How will she cope with the usual skin aging and normal issues that come with maturation of the body. There is enough to contend with in the world , why oh why do these folks want to store up trouble for their future! Very sad. She will probably cave in ,under the pressure to be interesting and relevant .

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Well don’t worry I’m sure her booby creams will be available forever and she’ll always have the time to paste them on every day of her life…

I have a friend who stretched her earlobe as a teen but only to a certain mm (I can’t remember the exact width) that she was promised would shrink back to regular ear piercing hole if she decided not to have them anymore. Cut to only 10-13 years later and she has a massive obvious hole in her earlobe that is definitely not getting any smaller. This doesn’t bother her and has almost no knock-on effects for her life, I can’t imagine how misled these teens and 20-somethings are being by people like the lady in this video promising similar impossible reversing abilities of the body.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Exulansic

i saw her minimize this. women are taught to minimize. plastic surgery should be better.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Exulansic

This one registers to me as a female equivalent to Dylan Mulvaney. Same type of narcissism. Some narcissists are dangerous because they’re subtle, charming, charismatic, and hard to clock, but this variety strikes me as absurdly bad at feigning any degree of empathy or regard for others. She has the same types of creepy facial expressions as he does, where they both have the tendency to sort of mug for the camera, yet I get the sense that they’re so far removed from being able to conceptualize that other people exist, that they’re basically just mugging for themselves. Remember the alien cockroach that kills a farmer and wears his body as an “Edgar suit” in Men In Black? That’s the association that this person brings to my mind.

I’m also struck by the infomercial quality of these butchered cosmetic clients advertising revision surgeries. “But wait! There’s more!”

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Exulansic

The parallel with Dylan Mulvaney is absolutely spot on. She is the female Dylan.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Exulansic

100%. The overacting is nauseating.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Exulansic

Surely the nip nops are holes. Surely there are secretions even if we don't notice. Surely this impacts hormone and lymph secretion. Surely blocking this hole must be highly detrimental. Surely she needs mental health investigation.

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No nipnops are NOT holes

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Exulansic

Holy crap. Buy chest binders for a growing child?

Why are they sexualizing kids SO much? All buying "tucking underwear" or a chest binder does is tell the kid that their genitals are what make them "them." That's a great thing to teach a young kid! Their entire value to their parents, and the way to get attention and things bought special for them at a store is to talk about their genitals.

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If that’s the price to pay so that the mom (and it’s always a single or LGBTQIA mom) can virtue signal and be seen as a hip, cool, and empathic person, so be it.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Exulansic

I watched Chloe Cole do a YouTube video. She said she wore a binder for several months, then she had "top surgery" (a double mastectomy). At first, she had medical dressings etc. to help her body recover. When she was able to take off her own dressings she realized her chest was concave (her sternum was deeper inside her chest), she also saw that her ribs were bending outward toward her right and left arm. She did not realize that you can cause your bones to become malformed - it is similar to how China used cloth to bind a woman's feet to make them smaller and when doctors exhumed their dead bodies centuries later, and x-rayed their feet, they found that the actual bones had become permanently malformed. The rib bones are attached to the sternum with cartilage - gee, I wonder if the cartilage was bending for the binder.

The other thing no one talks about is how a binder also damages fatty tissues and mammary glands. People also forget that Corsettes caused fractures to rib bones as well as broken bones. The Corsettes also occasionally caused women to suffocate to death.

I honestly think this would make an EXCELLENT YouTube video and also a video at this substack by Exulansic - she is soooooo entertaining - and makes medical things easier to understand - I really - really - like the videos here and on YouTube! Exulansic you do an EXCELLENT job - I love your videos!

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Wow! That's really informative. I really can't imagine doing that to myself. I cant deal if an unlined, no wire, bra is even a tiny bit too tight.

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While it is very plausible that binding could lead to ribcage and spinal deformities, it's also good to remember that this can be a symptom of an underlying condition such as Marfan Syndrome. I don't know definitively what caused it for Chloe and I hope she gets further evaluation to exclude other causes.

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