wow. a doctor actually advanced this approach. wonder if there is a literature of similar cases treated with a med, or therapy plus a med. see if you can search the lit and see if this article is cited by anyone.

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Another excellent review. Something going on in this patient’s nervous system, with those seizures when he was little. Viral encephalopathy or something maybe caused a neurological insult? While the taking of a neuroleptic drug is not as drastic as extreme body modification (such as SRS), surely the treatment is less damaging, at least in the short term? Glad this physician decided to publish his clinical observation. ☮️❤️🐾

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Thank you so much, Exulansic. This is fascinating. One wonders why this sort of treatment did not become the norm.

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Probably not a lot of money in it

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I had heard of this paper but never seen it, thanks

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Hmmm. Here's the problem, my dear Ex: How will Drs. Gallagher and Bowers and Ping et.al. pay for their BMWs if gender dysphoria can be treated with a pill?

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It's interesting how whenever i see the interactions between very stressed Trans individuals (usually used as fodder for YouTube video commentary) it would seem that most of them are mtfs and they seem insane, though the people who have to deal with them aren't allowed to name their behavior as insane or inappropriate. I'm using insane here as mentally ill, which is what all of these men are yet we're unable to name it anymore. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but the propaganda to silence the rest of us has been quite effective. Scares me silly.

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