Sorry, I couldn't watch it all. I got to fantasizing about ripping those bull rings out of noses....

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Wow. The smugness is incredible.

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Such cruelty.

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I imagine this is how they feel about themselves and what we've just witnessed is a lot of projection.

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I don’t know that to be the case…as I’ve gotten older and have had more experiences, I’ve lost some of the automatic empathy I used to have.

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It's a herd of Regina Georges. Complete with hand gestures and eye rolls.

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Every one of them looks miserable to me. Surely their vitriol is a projection of the dissatisfaction and self-loathing they feel towards themselves? Easier to pile on the defector than face the truth that they, too, have been swindled, with lifelong appearance and health consequences that probably 100% of them will come to regret.

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Again with the hate against WHITE WOMEN. If ww are so fucking pathetic, then why do all the trans identified men want to be one?!?

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I tried figuring out a minute ago why they hate women who look like me. It's programming, like everything else.

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If you swallowed the trans kool-aid, then you probably bought the whole Woke agenda, CRT and all.

No doubt when their health starts failing and they're demanding top notch medical care it will all be the fault of white supremacy that made them do it...

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And wanting Social Security Disability benefits…

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I doubt they'll get it. It's very difficult to qualify for physical disability benefits. I had a relative with multiple spine Injuries/surgeries and multiple heart surgeries/issues, and those were just the big things. She couldn't qualify and she truly deserved it-and she'd earned it. She'd worked her whole life paying into the system.

I was speaking to a psychologist a couple days ago who used to do consulting work for the government. He reviewed people's medical records who were applying for Pysch Disability. He said it's always been difficult to qualify for Pysch Disability, and the govt officials would often argue with his determinations. He said now it's virtually impossible to get Psych Disability. He said he became so disgusted with the unethical, immoral behavior of The State that he stopped working for them.

This man used to be an expert witness in criminal cases. He said no one did their due diligence, like looking into the accused person's childhood, etc. He said the prosecution would often just accept what the defense and the accused said and leave it at that.

He also said he didn't think people realized the danger they put themselves in by claiming temporary insanity in order to get out of paying for their crime. He said you definitely do not want The State to be able to lock you up in Atascadero and forcefully "treat" your mental illness.

I love talking to seniors. I recommend striking up a conversation with a senior the next time you are in a coffee house or wine bar.

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I’m a senior and I hope you’re right.

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Also, why would detransitioners (which I don’t believe the person being attacked here is but…) not be able to have any say in the trans community? It’s really is like a cult religion; once you leave, you can never talk about your experience lest you be put on blast.

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What a kind, loving and empathetic community!!! 🤢😱

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It's your fault because you don't believe hard enough, or should have known better. Like a cult. Because it's a cult.

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Terms and conditions is legal-speak, not the risks and benefits that is medical-speak.

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It's likely ALL of them will eventually go bald, it doesn't matter about genes, because women shouldn't be on testosterone. If you have elevated androgen levels as a woman you will just lose your hair, the degree to which it happens is what is genetically determined. They talk about informed consent but they're going to get female pattern baldness without the male baldness genes which will be incredibly sparse hair across the top of the scalp and none of them apparently realize that. They will look like circus clowns straight away instead of the male deep widow's peak.

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These "trans" people piling on those who've realized they got caught in the claws of a vicious, dangerous cult and are trying to get their lives back, are so obviously mentally ill. They most likely have Cluster B disorders, one or all of them. They cannot be cured, but in therapy it's possible to provide people with some insight into their lunacy. Unfortunately, the medical profession has succumbed to lunacy as well, so the outlook for them is not good.

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and people with that many facial piercings? I guess they don't know these trends pass and none of that crap is going to age well.

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Same with the tattoos. You eventually end up just looking dirty.

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The lack of empathy is so sick. I'm sure all of these people want empathy though.

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This has nothing to do with white supremacy. They use that as a kind of socially bullet-proof vest. No one can criticize people who are pointing out racism. It's a sacred cow. If I were a vindictive person, I might think about following all of these late-teen/early 20's trans trenders to see when the effects really come home to roost.

Karma hits these sorts of people pretty hard. At least, that's what my life experience has taught me.

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These people are as ugly inside as out. Who on Earth do they think would ever hire them?

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Two decades ago when I was in my teens, I worked at Tower Records. None of the hundreds of employees who cycled through that store were as messed up as the trans-identified youth of today. I worked with punks, goths, drug addicts, and oddballs but they all used music and art and literature to find their niche social circles and create a sense of identity and connections. They were thoughtful, clever, and independent-minded. And they had the ability to outgrow their fads and go in a different direction as they got older and struck off in search of better work, education, or to start families. I’m disgusted with the Gender Ideologists, but I also see that they truly were let down by adults who were supposed to safeguard them. I honestly believe that Putin intentionally flooded the internet with “hypno sissy porn” beginning about a decade ago for the explicit aim of hijacking young men’s minds and turning them into AGPs. And then patriarchy took care of the rest. These wretched, lonely, ill-adjusted young people are the victims of malevolent forces who corrupted their developing minds and entrapped them. I keep thinking about the “Paradise Island” donkey scenes in Pinocchio. I once read that Michael Jackson used that movie sequence to groom the boys he molested.

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TF is "hypno sissy porn"?!

A couple weeks ago 3 clicks took me look me to some disturbing hardcore porn but core porn involving what looked like non consensual teenage torture "bondage". 3 clicks t ook me there. I will never get over what I saw. How on Earth do people watch porn? I often wonder if this is why little girl's transition... They say the average age a child sees hardcore porn is 9 years old. If I saw what I saw a couple weeks ago when I was 9 years old, I would decide I didn't want to be a girl anymore, too.

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Do not google.

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Beautifully written comment! I’ll point out, surprisingly, that the socialist health care symptom of Great Britain is fully on board. Here I can point to profit motives of creating permanent patients. It’s completely free to be homosexual, no surgery or pharmaceuticals required. I think trans ideology is the most potent, pure form of misogyny ever implemented. Which is worse, being an Isis bride or a de-trans 25 year old bald woman? Both are rooted in the hatred of women. Germaine Greer is correct, it’s simply pure misogyny.

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It's also the difference for people who choose an identity vs who just like things. I qualify as a goth, that's been true for like 25 years now. I just like a lot of the music, the clothes, horror, the art. I chose my piercings after years of thought on all of them and I keep them as long as work allows. Also black is convenient if you're clumsy because I'm not visibly covered in coffee stains. But it's not a fucking ethos. It's like thinking designer labels define your value and ability as a person. Anyone who takes physical appearance CHOICES that seriously is mentally ill.

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Oct 19, 2022
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People shouldn't be making any medical decisions on vanity alone but here we are. Arguably my piercings and tattoo are stupid, they're risky even under the best circumstances. Even ear piercing is stupid, it's stabbing a perfectly good body part for decoration. It's sensible that other people would think it's stupid, but I was also a legal if not competent adult for all of them and I would never RECOMMEND them to anyone let alone that people let their kids get them.

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This is so toxic, violent, and horrible I feel contaminated watching it for as long as I did. This is what happens when you leave the church of trans. Fucking hell.

I'm going to go take a shower now.

Yuck, seriously, I felt that.

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arrogant, over privileged little poops. I'd love to catch up every couple of years to measure the levels of cockiness.

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Yes. After their parents stop supporting them and they can't find a real job.

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Just plain scary. We better just hope that the following generation sees these psychos for who they are and shuts it all down...

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