This nonsense is about as authentic as this guy's braids.

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It continually amazes me how these ideas are clearly not well thought out. There’s no internal logic. What would really be helpful for primary schoolers is to begin learning critical thinking skills at school. I have memories of my dad demonstrating it to me at age four, which I responded to with awe, and I don’t think it’s ever too early to start encouraging it. Modeling it can also be effective, but these woke “educators” are more like cultist brainwashers or religious people. Thanks for spotlighting this kooky bullsh*t in the intelligent, sensitive, and respectful way that you do. ❤️

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This guy speaks Smarmy perfectly! I believe Smarmy is the language introduced by the "woke" culture, used when attempting to infiltrate and influence adults and children who are still viewing the world through the lens of 'western mentality'.

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PS Love the scarf today, absolutely gorgeous!

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Exulansic, you’ve outdone yourself on this one! “Queer washing” history is a new one for me! Thanks again for walking us through the bullshit with your clear and brilliant thoughts.❤️

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