Stanning or standing? I never know with you, as your punning prowess is much, much greater than mine. ☮️❤️🐾

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"Stanning" is a popular term meaning an extreme type of obsessive fan. I think it originated from the Eminem song "Stan". Pretty sure that's what she's going for :)

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I prefer Lezghinka from those who reside in Dagestan(itz). I was not allowed to compete for a scholarship to Cal (my father's alma mater), otherwise, I could be considered on a par with those who are exulansic. PEACE LOVE & PAWS

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Deep retort to Jordi Savall. Viva Galicia!

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SO INFURIATING. I want to punch him in the face

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I’ll help!

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count me in

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This is a great video. I love the way you stitched together his infuriating b.s. with the actual horrifying realities. I’m so mad I’m spitting though.

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So satisfying, thank you for all you do! 🙏🏼

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Im so glad you are responding to this!! I didnt want to watch it alone, and I had only seen parts from Alix's livestream yesterday. Its so enfuriating

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. Thank you for your wonderful reaction to this misinformation. Another excellent reaction here: https://www.city-journal.org/john-olivers-misinformed-transgender-commentary. And there is a new declaration circulating here: http://www.beyondwpath.org/

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Thanks Jeri! I just signed the petition and the article is great too!❤️✊

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The biggest suckers in any Ponzi scheme are the ones at the beginning and the end. This is a last-ditch effort by Chase Strangio and the ACLU to keep the pediatric bubble inflated. As late recruits, they will bear the most shame.

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Thank you for being a touchstone. I genuinely feel like I am losing my mind. I was at the therapist's visit with my child, I know what happened. I know there was no pushback. I know she was instantly affirmed. I know she got a letter despite her father and I objecting. I know the therapist became shakingly angry with us despite my ex and I remaining calm and handing out stats, science, and facts. I know the state's health department recognised my issues with the therapist but wouldn't do anything because I wasn't the patient. Stewart and this asshat being allowed to blast these lies and people eating it up is making me hopeless.

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Love the hour long upload Ex. Awesome commentary as per usual

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Has scripted-by-commitee-to-within-an-inch-of-his-life John Oliver ever actually elicited spontaneous mirth from anyone?

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I used to find him funny but I also used to find trans ideology logical. Maybe I'm the one who changed. I'm sorry, John. I want a divorce.

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The Daily Show & John Stewart used to be praised to the skies on left leaning sites I frequented but it’s always left me cold. I imagine when Oliver goes for a piss he stops midway, smugly cocks his head to the side and waits for a laugh from the terrified intern he’s instructed to accompany him.

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The adult man essentially making fart noises over the video of Kai was pretty disturbing. Does anyone find this funny

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Dear god - how could he have delivered this in all seriousness. It’s desperate, he looks desperate at times - like a hostage video. Who has captured him?

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I don't know but those fish are guarding him

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It's getting really hard to keep believing we're going to get through this. It seems to me that all of this is timed to toss this midterm election to the Republicans. How much more can women take? How do we just keep putting up with this crap and voting blue? This is the choice we have? Batshit crazy Republicans who want to abolish any and all social safety nets and appoint a Dictator, or batshit crazy Democrats who seem to believe women just do not even need to exist as a legal class of human being.

It's not much of a choice, is it?

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The voters need to vote woman. Send the message that we know who the women are. But I fear men hate women too much and enough women are desperate to be picked.

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I feel the same way- but, for me too much is at stake for women! The very definition of who and what we are is being challenged! Yet I believe deeply in a woman’s choice- what do we do???

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Dear Kai, I have a son who did all the things you do when he was little! And, guess what? He still does some of them today in HIS healthy 25 year old MALE body! HE likes makeup, pink nail polish ( he would go with me and HIS 2 sisters for mani/pedi day fun), high heels (mine) and wrap his head in a towel after “tubby time” and make believe it was long flowing hair! HE loved playing with Barbie dolls (HE had lots of them) and cars.HE is a grown up now and has a wonderful boyfriend and they love each other very much. You can have a life like his someday too! HIS body is healthy and strong and HE loves his life ( most days!) HE was called a “fag” at school- not a lot but it did happen and it hurt his feelings but not enough to change who HE is! Once I asked him if he would rather put black or blue nail polish on and HE said “ mommy, if they don’t like my pink sparkly polish then they’re not my friends anyway”! I was and will always be proud of HIM!

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Poor Kai...so obviously a little gay boy, even when wearing a dress and makeup.

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I'm guessing that the man described in the 1970 profile wasn't doing anything actually at work that was inappropriate. It probably just meant that he was discovered to have gone to a gay bar on the weekend or had a male "roommate" which that meant he was a deviant who wasn't able to stay appropriately closeted and should be fired/evicted.

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I hate it when employers act like you're at work when you're not at work.

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Is John Oliver sponsored by the drug companies? Or a nonce, with an unhealthy interest in drugging children and preventing their bodies ever going through puberty? What a bizarre subject to rant about on a 'comedy' show.

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